Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action

I don't understand how I could miss that one of my favourite bands had a new album. But I was casually listening to spotify one day and then all of the sudden a commercial came on playing a song I've never heard but I recognized the singer and the style so much and I got so surprised that I rushed to their site to listen to the entire album.
The album I'm speaking of is of course Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action by Franz Ferdinand. I fell in love with the album at the first song and loved it all the way through. The only song I didn't particulary love but thought was ok was Bullet but the rest of the songs were golden! Two favourites being Evil Eye and Goodbye Lovers and Friends and I have them on repeat as much as possible! x)
I love it when you know that you can trust a band to make music you like.. even if they change their style a little like Muse did with The 2nd Law, I still know that I will love it, and I did!