OTP Challenge, because fun!

Yo! I wanted to do this because I've gotten a new ship.. and because I'm currently quite bored.. Sure I'm watching Achievement Hunter in the background but I also felt like doing something else at the same time ;) So yes... OTP challenge. For those of you who don't know what OTP is it stands for One True Pairing.. of course it's referring to the couples in TV/Books/Movies/Games that you think should be together or whose relationship you really support. Even though it says ONE true pairing a lot of people have several, including me. 
Day 1: Your very first OTP 
My Very first OTP was actually the Kaulitz-twins from Tokio Hotel. They where the first ones that I read fanfiction about and even though I didn't start up shipping them at all, one particular fic changed that. It was a fanfiction about them being threatened by someone, I don't remember entirely but I still have it saved. It's in Swedish though. 

Day 2: Your OTP’s best moments
Oh.. I don't know.. let's break down all of them. 
Levihan: So far, every interaction they have is precious to me. But I guess I'll have to say that the latest interactions that they've had in the manga are particularly awesome. They're both starting to become more dark than usual but they're doing it with eachother's support. 
Merthur: Well... since I didn't start shipping them until the absolute last episode of the series, I'll have to say that the entire last moments between them are awesome! Specifically the "Just.. just.. hold me" part that Arthur says to him in his dying moments.. Geez <3 
McLennon: Actually.. whenever they talk about eachother my heart melts. Even though I don't believe them to be secret lovers or whatever their friendship is just so damn beautiful and it makes me want to cry. 
Jarida doesn't have any real interactions so I'm not gonna mention them here.. xD

Day 3: Your favorite quote/s from your OTP.
Hmm... This one is hard... because I'm absolutely horrible at remembering quotes. I did mention Merthur's best quote though, so there's that. 
With Levihan.. well in the anime I love the little joke Levi tells Hanji about her being abnormal. I thought that was cute x) Specially with the hairgrab and the deadpan look on his face. 

Day 4: Your OTP since the pilot EPISODE
I... don't think I've had an OTP from the first episode of anything actually. My ships have always been kind of slowbuilding. BrOTP's though.. there there's a clear winner, obviously it's Sam and Dean Winchester.

Day 5: Your OTP that broke your heart 
McLennon and Merthur has so far been the worst! 

Day 6: Your OTP that didn’t HAPPEN 
Well so far... all of them xD I have never shipped a canon couple.. well I sort of have but not as an OTP. Or well.. nevermind I have.. I shipped Gray Ghost from Danny Phantom but they didn't last... because Amethyst Ocean had to happen.. apparently... 

Day 7: Your OTP that needs to happen now 
I think that Levihan is the only one I'm currently rooting for! It's also the only one that has a chance of happening xD 

Day 8: Your OTP that you WISH will happen 

Day 9: Your OTP that didn’t disappoint you 
Well Merthur didn't disappoint me at all.. Neither did McLennon ;) 

Day 10: Your OTP forever
That's quite hard... I always change.. but they're all also still there.. xD 

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