Star Trek: Into Darkness

So I've recently fallen for what seems to be a series of films called Star Trek. The new version from 2009 of course. I decided to see it because of my new found love for Chris Pine after watching ROTG and a comedy film called This means war and since I've heard many great things about the film.. and guess what? It was amazing! Therefor, I've now gotten into an entire new fandom, the Star Trek one. 
So yesterday I went with my dad to see the sequel. I went with my dad because he himself is a Star Trek nerd (the old series) and I thought it would be funnier to go with someone who knows about it rather then someone who's not really involved. Also.. my dad's amazing so.. why wouldn't I want to go with him? 
Anyways.. This movie was just as awesome as the first one, It was funny and beautiful to watch and of course we also got the wonderful soundtrack with it! Though.. unfortunately there were more things that disturbed me in this movie than in the first one and one major one was all the bloody sexual scenes between Kirk and some other woman.. they were unneccessary and so painfully cliché I cringed everytime. I didn't even like them in the first movie and there it only happened like.. once. Here we even had one scene between a supposebly smart woman and him talking about their next move and all of the sudden they have to make it sexual with her having to change in front of him. 
Another thing that I didn't even like in the first film comes with a name.. Nyota Uhura.. I'm sorry.. but she annoyed the crap out of me the first time and in this movie.. specially in the scene when she gets upset over the fact that Spock "didn't even think about us when you were about to die" as if that would be the most logical thing to think about when you're about to die... Ugh.. she just.. annoyed me... 
But other than that.. I will forever love Kirk and Spock's bromance and they had some very lovely scenes in this. And hey major spoiler but.. I was actually a bit dissapointed about them managing to revive Kirk after he died. Don't get me wrong.. I didn't want him to die when it happened.. but it's just.. they always do this.. The main character dies and then all of the sudden they don't.. and it would just be a nice twist if sometime they just you know.. stay dead. xD I am really looking forward to a new one though.. and I did like Benedict as Khan even though I towards the end started thinking "Just die already". Sorry. 
It was still a pretty damn good film and Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto is a lovely combination. 8/10 

So awful!

I swear I'm not a horrible person. But I will admit that I am one of those people who will laugh when something so unlikely and awful happens in a movie. Like the ending of The Mist (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD!) when the dad gives up on everything and kills off his entire family and his son so that they wouldn't have to live in that awful world. And then when he's so destroyed and is about to kill himself off as well, help arrives. How awfully great isn't that? How awfully ironic and horrible isn't that? I LOVE IT! 
So I was watching The Quick and the Dead with my dad after Eurovision. A 90's western movie with a female cowboy and a tournament of duals. She has come for revenge on the mayor and this clip will show you why. (AGAIN SPOILERS!)
This is one of those rare moments in films that I described and that I love. (And that I laugh at hysterically). It's just.. brilliant! 

Favourites. (I'm Sorry)

  1. Movie: Watchmen (Rotg and Yellow Submarine)
  2. TV Show: Merlin
  3. Song: Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles
  4. Animal: Horse
  5. Color: Green, since black is not a colour
  6. Word: Splendid
  7. OTP: At the moment, Jarida.. Overall it's probably McLennon though.
  8. Candy: Ahlgrens' Bilar 
  9. Thing to Do: Draw, Listen to music, Discuss random stuff, Play Video Games etc..etc..
  10. Quote: "Bad sound kills good music"
  11. Magazine: None
  12. Holiday: Christmas or Halloween, but since I'm to old to have fun on halloween (apperently) i'll say Christmas
  13. Accent: Scouser x) Or any Northern English accent really. 
  14. Number: 4
  15. Clothing Store: No one in particular.. Second hand, my fathers wardrobe. 
  16. Season: Winter
  17. Book: Paul is Undead by Alan Goldsher (Or The Outsiders)
  18. Actress: Hard one... Zoey Deschanel, Emma Stone or Helena Bonham Carter
  19. Actor: Johnny Depp,
  20. Food: Meat, like a steak.
  21. Drink: I love Ice Tea and Tropical Juice.. 
  22. Letter: K, no Idk xD 
  23. Cereal: Cheerios
  24. Fruit: Banana 
  25. Band: The Beatles or Muse
  26. Sound: Slurping
  27. Smell: Popcorn, though I don't particulary like popcorn, just the smell
  28. Country: England, or Sweden
  29. Person from history: Hitler, no jk, Mozart maybe.. idk
  30. Artist: Musical artist or like painter? Heck, I'm gonna pick painter and say Salvador Dali. 

Two very disturbing videos

Today I'm going to share two videos with you. Videos found on tumblr, Videos half hilarious/half horrifyingly disturbing. 
The first one is a commercial about a school. Starts of all witty and nice, but it takes a kind of odd turn..
Yeah, I bet you didn't expect that did you? Me neither! 
The next one.. Well.. the next one it about Teddy, he's sick and he needs an operation and it just kind of grossed me out.
I hoped you liked the videos and are now scarred for life! 
Have a nice day! :)


Oh, so one of my most nostalgic place on the internet for me is shutting down soon. A site called or I had a lot of memories there.. it was my first social network on the internet. Speaking of memories, I decided to look through my dayviews account and oh the things I found. 
For example, I found a post about when I discovered Merlin, I kept talking about how awesome I thought that show was. It was clear that I was hooked from the beginning.
I found a list where I was going to fill in what I thought about different bands/artists and found that I apparently had never heard of Muse by this time (2008). Later, in 2009, there's a post about me discovering Muse on VMA and how epic I thought they were. 
I also found out that I had originally thought about studying media at "high school"..and I said that "I'm sure" that that was what I was going for. Oh how wrong I was. 
I absolutely hated my brown hair by the time I dyed my hair black.. well.. now I'm brown again. 
Also found my post about Avenged Sevenfold's drummer's death. Aww.. 

Panic Station - Muse (Odd odd odd)

I really have no idea about what happened here... But you know.. Strange song, strange video. Makes sense.. xD 
Also, apparently Kate Hudson was in this video (she has a kid with bellamy after all) but I don't know which one she is, I have a guess but I'm not sure.