
Oh, so one of my most nostalgic place on the internet for me is shutting down soon. A site called or I had a lot of memories there.. it was my first social network on the internet. Speaking of memories, I decided to look through my dayviews account and oh the things I found. 
For example, I found a post about when I discovered Merlin, I kept talking about how awesome I thought that show was. It was clear that I was hooked from the beginning.
I found a list where I was going to fill in what I thought about different bands/artists and found that I apparently had never heard of Muse by this time (2008). Later, in 2009, there's a post about me discovering Muse on VMA and how epic I thought they were. 
I also found out that I had originally thought about studying media at "high school"..and I said that "I'm sure" that that was what I was going for. Oh how wrong I was. 
I absolutely hated my brown hair by the time I dyed my hair black.. well.. now I'm brown again. 
Also found my post about Avenged Sevenfold's drummer's death. Aww.. 

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