Favourites. (I'm Sorry)

  1. Movie: Watchmen (Rotg and Yellow Submarine)
  2. TV Show: Merlin
  3. Song: Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles
  4. Animal: Horse
  5. Color: Green, since black is not a colour
  6. Word: Splendid
  7. OTP: At the moment, Jarida.. Overall it's probably McLennon though.
  8. Candy: Ahlgrens' Bilar 
  9. Thing to Do: Draw, Listen to music, Discuss random stuff, Play Video Games etc..etc..
  10. Quote: "Bad sound kills good music"
  11. Magazine: None
  12. Holiday: Christmas or Halloween, but since I'm to old to have fun on halloween (apperently) i'll say Christmas
  13. Accent: Scouser x) Or any Northern English accent really. 
  14. Number: 4
  15. Clothing Store: No one in particular.. Second hand, my fathers wardrobe. 
  16. Season: Winter
  17. Book: Paul is Undead by Alan Goldsher (Or The Outsiders)
  18. Actress: Hard one... Zoey Deschanel, Emma Stone or Helena Bonham Carter
  19. Actor: Johnny Depp,
  20. Food: Meat, like a steak.
  21. Drink: I love Ice Tea and Tropical Juice.. 
  22. Letter: K, no Idk xD 
  23. Cereal: Cheerios
  24. Fruit: Banana 
  25. Band: The Beatles or Muse
  26. Sound: Slurping
  27. Smell: Popcorn, though I don't particulary like popcorn, just the smell
  28. Country: England, or Sweden
  29. Person from history: Hitler, no jk, Mozart maybe.. idk
  30. Artist: Musical artist or like painter? Heck, I'm gonna pick painter and say Salvador Dali. 

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