8. Show? Merlin and Skins and now Neverland, but it's a miniseries x)
9. Movie? Watchmen, probably I have a lot of favourites though.
10. Song? Couldn't possibly pick one.. but Being for the benefit of mr.kite/I want you from the Love album (The Beatles) possibly. I don't really know.
11. Tumblr? Outgayedmyself probably, funny chap!
12. Singer/Band? The Beatles and Muse
13. Memory? I don't know really, I have a lot of happy small memories, like spending the night playing Halo 3 with Felix, but not like superhuge ones that I remember specifically.
14. Book? Could be The Outsiders.. or something. I don't know.
This or that:
15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Ability to fly, I'd expect.. I'm guessing if you can't control your invisibility it can get kind of annoying to become invisible when you want to be noticed.
16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook (but Tumblr most)
18. Movies or Books? Movies, I'm an art person inside out, movies appeal to me more.
19. Coke or Sprite? Coke
20. Blind or Deaf? I've thought about this several times but I really can't choose, they're both equally terrifying for me.
21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
What's your:
22. Age? 18, 19 in November
23. Sign? Scorpion
24. Height? 1.70m or 5'6"
25. Sexual orientation? Undecided.
26. Shoe size? 39/40
27. Religion? Atheist, so none.
28. Longest relationship? I have no idea.
Opinion on:
29. Gay rights? I think that it's no discussion, ofc they should have rights.. same rights any other bloody human being has. Goddamnit!
30. Second chances? Yes, people always make mistakes, you can't expect people not to do something wrong once in a while.
31. Long distance relationships? It could work, but I suppose that it could get boring if you never meet.
32. Abortion? It's their body, their decision, in some cases there would be more damage actually giving birth and trying to raise the baby than get an abortion. They pity the orphans but I suppose not being allowed to have an abortion is one of the reasons they exist in the first place.
33. The death penalty? I don't think that's the way to go at all. I don't think it solves anything with more violence.
34. Marijuana? I don't like drugs, but whatever people want to do and if it's not harmfull to those using it or the people around them, I suppose it could as well be legal.
35. Love? I'm not sure what opinion I should have on love.. xD It exists..?
Do you:
36. Believe in ghost? Not until I see them.
37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Both. I don't stand still in the shower, I turn around.
38. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed. I want some privacy when I sleep. So no doors open.
39. Love someone? I love a lot of people. I don't think anyone doesn't have at least someone to love.
40. Still watch cartoons? Absolutely.
41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not at the moment, or any other moment for that matter :)
42. Like yourself? Bitch please, I ADORE myself :)