Most dreamful night of my life part 2

The second dream I'm gonna tell you about was in fact the first one I dreamt (or not really I dreamt about being in different sets of my bedroom and trying to wake up in the right one before this)
I am being chased, I know this quite early in the dream. Possibly by some kind of maffia people or other criminals but I don't remember why. I also don't remember much of the chase atm other than some of the people that helped me (my classmate Emil and his girlfriend were two of them). Oh, I remember taking someone hostage, a very short guy who we turned out treating like a kid, but he escaped at a coffee shop and that's when we fled to the farm.
But I remember arriving with these people at a farm in pretty much the middle of nowhere, and my mum's family was there, I think it was my aunts place, and there are ponies running around everywhere (I remember because later I ride on one and it talks to me, and it knows cool tricks). 
Anyways, it was some kind of a party, or it seemed like it, and I was always being nervous about them finding me or shooting me through a window or something like that, I could sense that they were there, more or less. And Emil told me to relax all the time because "there was no way they could find us out here". 
The next thing I remember is being inside, with a few people from my family (the group of people I arrived with being outside). And outside I see a bar carried by two hospital people and a girl (that I def know) laying with her face practically burnt and cut right open and I look over to where the group of people I knew was and there was a huge fire, some people was lying down possibly hurt and the rest ran around panicked trying to figure out what to do. And I couldn't believe how I didn't notice anything before this. And I felt so guilty for putting them through this (specially the girl with the completely destroyed face) but at the same time being too scared for my own sake to let them go. 
That fire did seem to be more or less the end to it though, because I don't seem to have seen them again. (or wait, maybe I did right before I "woke up" in the other dream, I think so, because I felt relieved when I notice the other people and somewhat knew that they weren't there anymore). But when the horse wanted me to ride him at the end I remember still being worried but thinking that "this horse is too quick, it'll be hard for them to shoot me know". What scared me in this dream was first and foremost how real it felt, I felt all the worry and everything throughout this and once again I had that terrifying feeling of not being able to escape. The second thing that scared me was how unaware everyone seemed to be about the situation, even after the fire and the cutting Emil seemed calm like fuck and acted towards me like he didn't understand what I was fuzzing about. 
Ugh.. I hope I never experience these kind of dreams again, I hate it. I actually really drew a long sigh of relief when I eventually woke up from the second dream because that was just really unpleasant. (would probably make a good sci-fi novel though, I know I'd read it)

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