Gender roles bothers me in any kind
“When you grow up as a girl, the world tells you the things that you are supposed to be: emotional, loving, beautiful, wanted. And then when you are those things, the world tells you they are inferior: illogical, weak, vain, empty. The world teaches you that the way you exist in it is disgusting — you watch boys cringe backward in your dorm room when you talk about your period, blue water pretending to be blood in a maxi pad commercial. It is little things, and it is constant. In a food court in a mall, after you go to the gynecologist for the first time, you and your friend talk about how much it hurts, and over her shoulder you watch two boys your age turn to look at you and wrinkle their noses: the reality of your life is impolite to talk about. The world says that you don’t have a right to the space you occupy, any place with men in it is not yours, you and your body exist only as far as what men want to do with it. At fifteen, you find fifteen-year-old boys you have never met somehow believe you should bend your body to their will. At almost thirty, you find fifteen-year-old boys you have never met still somehow believe you should bend your body to their will. They are children. They are children.”
- Stevie Nicks'
When I read stuff like this, about how it is like living in this world as a girl, I always feel like a different species or some kind of alien, because I never went through these kind of things. I've never experienced that the world expect me to be emotional and beautiful, in my life I've always rather been challenge to stand up for myself and to fight back, stay strong. To not let them get to you. I've never felt like people find me weak because of this or illogical nor vain, because even as a girl I'd like to think that I've proven myself not to be those things. And that people believe that I'm not has nothing to do with the fact that my genitals grow in and not out.
Of course people cringe at people talking about their period (people, not boys) ofc they can't show blood on a tv comercial. The comercial is after all supposed to show something positive, and we don't associate blood as something positive. And period is disgusting, just as "we girls" find morning boners and ballsweat disgusting.
I think that a lot of these things has more to do with how you behave rather than what gender you have, and I feel like stuff like this judge us to be exactly the same. Just as much as the "boys" have a certain view upon a gender, so does those who stand against it, like Stevie Nicks. Which is just as wrong in my opinion.