
I've always liked tattoos. Well, some of them anyways. And I think subconciously I've always wanted one. But the desire has never been as strong as it is now. 
I know one of the ideas I've had is
  • having an eye on each wrist, which is something I still want.
  • Another Idea is having something I've drawn myself, one of my monsters or something like that.
  • And I think I would like to have something by Salvador Dali, seeing he's my favourite painter! 
  • I'd also like something about the Beatles, And I think something from Yellow Submarine would me most likely for me to get. I don't want something typical like "All you need is love" written on the inside of my arm or something awfully cheesy like that. Maybe I should make The Glove.. or just for fun Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D, even though I kind of dislike him xD Or the kinky boot beasts ;) Really.. the charactars in that movie have the best names! 
Also, If I could tattoo sounds I would tattoo the sound of the Chief blue meanie's laugh. Easily! 

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