Currently bored again
But.. so that this won't just be one of those boring lists again.. I'm going to add a picture that I have recently drawn.. You're welcome.

- 1: If you were a tv producer and you had to choose 5 band members to live together for a reality show, who would you choose?
I'm guessing they have to be living.. Well.. and.. do they have to come from different bands or can I.. you know, pick two from one? Oh well.. Matthew Bellamy and Dominic Howard from Muse (They're always fun), Miles Kane from The Last Shadow Puppets, Dave Grohl from Them Crooked Vultures.. because.. I think he's fun and would probably have fun with Matt and Dom.. And then the lovely Paul McCartney, because he and Dave Grohl are adorable together xD - 2: If you had to get lyrics tattooed on your body, which lyrics would they be?
A lot of different ones come to my head at the same time.. Maybe something from Tomorrow Never Knows.. like "So play the game existence to the end, of the beginning" or "Lay down your thoughts surrender to the void" oooor "Turn off your mind relax and float downstream".. The most annoying thing about tattoos and songs are that.. you can't actually tattoo the music part of it..To me, lyrics are meaningless without the music. If not from that song (which is my favourite beatles song, probably ever.. there's something special about it) I would probably take something from "I'm only sleeping" because.. well.. that song IS me.. "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy, I don't mind, I think they're crazy. Running everywhere at such a speed, till they find there's no need". I guess I'd end up with Muse of John Lennon lyrics.. cus those are the ones I like the most - 3: Older music or newer music?
There are some good older music, and there are some good newer music.. But.. popular music then or now? Definitely then. - 4: What would you do if you worked at a restaurant and your favorite band showed up?
I'd try my hardest not to freak out or get too nervous or something like that. I really wish I had social skills worth millions sometimes. - 5: Have you ever written a letter or given a gift to a band member?
I haven't actually.. I was never one to find out where to send the stuff xD - 6: What 3 songs make you ridiculously happy?
Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles, Panic Station - Muse and.. well.. Supremacy - Muse.. I suppose xD - 7: If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?
Well.. I play guitar at the moment.. but if I got to choose.. well.. I'd probably sing.. or play bass.. or guitar.. xD I like them all. - 8: Favorite band member of all time?
John Lennon, I would say.. - 9: Have you ever gotten a tweet from your favorite band?
I'm not on twitter really, so no. xD - 10: How do you feel about mosh pits?
Fun to look at, not so fun to be in. - 11: Have you met your favorite band yet?
Half of my favourite band are dead, and the other favourite band I have always cancel there shows here...I have seen Tokio Hotel though.. but neve actually met them. - 12: Name three bands you can't stand other than Blood On the Dancefloor or Brokencyde
One Direction (I tried to accept them.. I really did), Dead by April and.. I don't know xD Any other screamo band.. - 13: Did you go through an embarrassing scene or emo phase?
Sort of... I had the black hair and liked skulls and such (I still like that though but not the kind I liked then).. but the style was the only thing I took after.. not the attitude, not the music. Well.. unless you count Tokio Hotel, but I liked them before I went through my "emo" phase.. And I'm not really embarrassed about it.. I really liked my black hair. - 14: How do you feel about bands that never change their sound?
I don't mind that. Specially not if it's their sound I fell in love with. I mean.. Muse kind of try to change their sound but they still have these elements that you recognize in them and I appreciate that a lot with them.. because it's those elements that made me love them in the first place. And then we have the opposite, The Beatles.. who changed their sound all the time.. and that worked too.. so.. Yeah No opinion really. - 15: How do you feel about bands who have gone in a completely different direction with their sound?
Well.. as I said.. it might work, it might not work either way.. it depends.. xD - 16: have you ever had a bad concert experience?
I've only went to one concert, and it wasn't at all bad so.. no. - 17: Mark Hoppus or Pete Wentz?
Pardon, but I don't know who Mark Hoppus is.. so Pete Wentz.. - 18: How many songs do you have on your ipod/phone/whatever right now?
Approximentaly 700 songs.. On my spotify I have over 1000 songs. - 19: What was the first song from your favorite band that you've ever heard?
I don't know the first song of the Beatles cus they've excisted for so long in my life without me recognizing them so I don't know.. and with Muse.. Well I know that Felix showed me some song before I got into them.. but I can't remember which.. Possibly Feeling Good.. possibly something else. The one that got me hooked though was Uprising. - 20: Have you ever been stereotyped because of the type of music you listen to?
Actually.. no. I think people have a hard time tying me to one specific style of music so I haven't actually been treated after it.. Although.. a classmate of mine accidentaly described me when he was talking about what a Hipster was.. xD But he wasn't really stereotyping me personally. (I'm also not hipster <.<) - 21: Have you ever lost respect for a band member/band for somethign they said or did?
Never anyone I've liked so far... but I did lose what little respect I had for Justin Bieber because he said something stupid.. xD I mean.. the closest to a member I would've lost respect for would be John Lennon.. but despite sometimes being the biggest dick on the planet, he's really smart and had some really good opinions so.. no. - 22: Would you rather be a roadie or a band member?
Band Member.. possibly xP I wouldn't mind being a roadie either though. - 23: Have you ever listened to a few seconds of a song and just thought "fuck no." and turned it off?
Hahahaha, oh yes.. many times! xD - 24: Are you good at songwriting?
I would have to say no. I would like to be good at it.. but I wouldn't consider myself good.. and Lyrics are never to be spoken off. If I would write music.. it would be instrumentals..Like Panzerballett. - 25: Guitar or Bass?
They're both really fun to play.. but... bass.. I love the sound!