
I'm getting so tired of people flauting their depression like it's as big of a problem as world hunger. What people seem to forget is that most people today are depressed at some point of their life, or most times of their lives, but it's common as fuck and it's normal to say the least.
With all the stuff we know today, there's no wonder we are a depressed species, because we can be depressed. The way our brain is developed gives us a curse of being able to be depressed, but it's a natural cause of event, it's what we do just as well as we can see the fun and pleasure in sex while some other species only have sex to reproduce. However, considering that the way we live today is a hundered times better than just a few decades ago we shouldn't have that much to be depressed about. 
I'm getting tired of people, specially teenagers, constantly having a competition about who's having it worse, instead of trying to make the best of the situation they're in. Just as there's a way of getting depressed, there's a way of getting out of it. But some people seem to forget about it because they like the attention they get when they flaunt their depression.. and it sickens me. 
Depression, among those who flaunt it, has become too common. More and more people talk about suicide and the fact that they want to die, when I believe that if they only took a step back, looked at themselves and what they're actually doing they'd realize that they actually don't want to die. And for some people, they've already done the deed before they took the time to realize this. I think that the fact that depression has almost become a popularity thing makes more people do those kind of stuff. They trick themselves into believing that they actually want to die, that the life actually suck so much that it's worth dying for. They get so caught in the bad that they fail to see what life really is.
While they get away from all the bad in the world through suicide, they get away from all the good aswell.. they can't feel better through it, fact is they can't feel anything.. and why would that be something to aim for? And even if there is an afterlife where you are able to feel, and everything's happy all the time, after a while, it's not all that happy anymore. You'd get bored of being happy, because it becomes common and after a while you want something different. 
For me, that's a main reason to why I welcome being depressed or sad once in a while. Because then it increases the feeling of being happy. 

Du är ju så jävla bra så jag tänker citera dig.

Svar: Vet att du redan gjort det nu, men okej! xD Tack!

2012-10-15 | 16:47:14

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