The constant battle between opinions and convenience
You know what’s annoying?
Whenever I see someone put up a story from a person who’s not vaccinated it’s always a negative story. It’s always about how sick this person is, because that’s convenient to their opinion about anti-vaccination. Because in contrast, no one bats an eye when a fully vaccinated person gets major desease after major desease. Some people are just unlucky, with and without vaccine, believe it or not.
I don’t have a fully formed opinion on wether or not I am against vaccine. i’m still learning about it and since I don’t have any kids it doesn’t matter much now anyways. But the fact still stands that I am a 20 year old who is not vaccinated, and believe it or not, I am perfectly healthy.
I have not lived a healthy life, I have awful rutines and I don’t exercise. But I almost never get sick, and whenever I do get sick.. it’s just a common freaking cold. That passes within the week.
I had a friend, who was fully vaccinated. (well.. all of my friends are x)). But she and I had to have the appendix removed when we were preeteens (hers two years before mine). Our experiences were very different. For example, while hers didn’t burst until they got to the hospital, she got very sick and they almost lost her. After the surgery her wound got infected more than once and her scar is now very visable because of this.
Mine went a bit differently. My appendix most likely burst when I was still at home, because my dad went to work because I was feeling better (which is dangerous when it’s the appendix, however we didn’t know it was). When we got to the hospital we also had to wait for an hour. However when I got in there it was still no rush, they took it calmly and since I wasn’t in that bad of a shape they made two extra holes during the operation just to make sure it was actually what they think. The appendix hadn’t harmed anything else. When i recovered everything healed perfectly and I only have one of three scars visable.
Now, I’m not saying that the whole vaccination part has anything to do with it. I actually don’t believe that it did at all. My point is that some people are more prone to illness than others, with or without vaccines. But people are so eager to blame the anti-vaxxers because they happened to get sick. And it annoys the crap out of me that people refuse to investigate further into something so popular. Not vaccinating is not new.. just look at me.. it’s at least 20 years old x)
Dream: not so much natural selection
So, it actually started with me in a show called "Under the same roof" that we have here in Sweden and me and a girl called Jerina was going to pick something up or something. I remember her driving because I don't have a license. Then I don't remember much else from that part.
Then, we were at a subway, trying to hide from the government, who had come up with a plan on how to solve every world problem, by eliminating all the dumb people.
After a lot of struggling and hiding, a group of us make it to the subway, where I deal with a traitor who tries to kill us for them. I remember us spending the night there.
During the night they find us. I'm there with my dad and are the only two left when they come up to us. They make my dad take an intelligence test, which he of course passes. (I don't understand what kind of intelligence test it was because it was mostly about the Internet). I remember being so damn nervous and asking what would happen if I didn't pass the test, in which they answered that I would have to give up my life. Luckily, it seems like I passed.
A while later I was with my mum and my little brother trying to fix my xbox and noticing that my regular place didn't have enough people anymore so they couldn't fix it because the mechanic was out, and the other one that used to be there was no longer suitable for the job, I met him there. But I dont remember why he wasn't suitable anymore.
We were all tiptoeing around trying not to act dumb and risk getting killed, and that's where I woke up.
I kind of like this dream tbh.
Some The day after tomorrow shit here
In my dream I was with a group of people, some friends, some just aquaintances. And we were going somewhere. My boyfriend was on a mission through work and could not be contacted, although he kept showing up to help us everything went wrong. And boy did it go wrong.
The first catastrophy I don't remember that well. The only part I really remember was that my boyfriend and his team got to help us in a plane. I also remember him talking about a woman he wanted us to eat lunch with sometime and then handed me a note with her email adress and said that I could use that to contact him. Which I was of course extremely happy about. I also remember some friend of him being with us on the trip and he mentioned that my bf had some "lame" place where he wanted people to leave him stuff to get when he got home again. I think it had to do with drawings. I remember finding it a little odd, but smiling about it.
The only one I really remember was the one most like the movie "The day after tomorrow". We were driving a bus over a bridge made of ice and I remember thinking that that was a bad idea because of what happened in the movie the second before the bus fell through. We now had to drive as fast as we could to escape falling ice blocks from the colapsing bridge. When we were suddenly out of that danger, it got either too cold or something else happened that made the gastank explode. We were also wearing protective overalls that has gaspockets in them to keep us warm that we all had to quickly remove before they all exploded. The rest of the day was spent keeping warm in the cold weather without our clothes. I woke up shortly after it was safe again to keep moving.
Stuff that happened to me in 2014
I saw another blog who did a list on stuff that happened the year 2014. It's sort of a new years kind of post but that was only 17 days ago so I think it's fine if I do it now.
- I spent New Years with someone else other than my family for the first time.
- Went to Norway to go skiing (still not for me)
- I went to Malmö (Sweden's third biggest city) for the first time.
- I fell in love, with someone who turned out to be just the right amount of weird to really make everything inside me let go of a happy sigh. It's my first real and serious relationship.
- This also meant that I got a whole group of new friends.
- I went to two Sci-fi conventions
- My step sister had a baby, which means I got to be a step aunt
- Went to Geek Pride dressed as Dean Winchester
- Then I also went to Pride in Gothenburg and walked in a hugeass parade.
- I spent midsummer (swedish holliday) away from my family for the first time. And swam in a house-pool for the first time
- I started
taking my drivers license
- I survived the hottest summer I've ever experienced, and actually felt comfortable walking around in shorts.
- I drank beer in a park for no other reason than just hanging out with a few friends. (also something I've never done before)
- I went out with my sister, also for the first time.
- I danced at a nightclub that time, also for the first time.
- I saw Kansas live.
- I went to Hjulafton with my mum, which we haven't done in a long time but used to do when I was a kid.
- I sculpted something out of clay.
- I applied to a university in Skövde but got waitlisted.
- I voted for the first time.
- And got Xbox Live for the first time
- I turned 20 and bought alcohol from a store for the first time.
- I went to Västerås and stayed at a hotel
with my boyfriend and his friends.. and danced at a nightclub for the second time.
- Willys opened up right next to my house
- Me and my mum set the record for biggest amount of home-made christmas candy.
- I worked for the first time. As a nightlife photographer, taking pictures of drunk people.
- It snowed on Christmas Eve, and I tried to drink the most disgusting beer I've ever tasted. It tasted like burnt bread.
- I got too drunk for my own good on New Years, but thankfully.. I had people who could take me home safetly.
Media Highlights of the year aka. stuff that came out or that I just started watching now and really loved
- Kansas
- Supernatural
- Attack on Titan
- How to train your dragon 2
- Interstellar
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Orange is the new Black
- Gravity
- Halo 4 and 2
- Burnout Paradise
- GTA 5
- and some other stuff...
Onwards to 2015
Zombie dream
So.. I read an idea of a game yesterday about a zombie apocalypse that only affected men, so the women were let to fight for the world. It also played out in the 50s and it sounded awesome.
This night I had a dream about that, kind of. It wasn't in the 50s but there was zombies and most people I met along the way were female. Except for one dude, but he worked for a female. I stayed at these two for a while and I think we were making up a plan on how we should move on. I just know that the most of the dream was played out there.
Either way.. once again my dream is telling me to love girls, because in this dream I have a crush on a girl who actually exists IRL. Her name is Jerina and it's someone who I've been following on facebook and other sites because her style is awesome. In this dream she lived by herself but also in our building apparently because the one guy in the dream tells me to call her and ask her out. Which I do at the end of the movie, and she says yes, although she doesn't seem too happy to talk to me towards the end of our conversation, probably because I found it very hard to talk for some reason.
A bunch of other stuff happen too but sadly I waited too long to write it down so now I've forgotten about it.
Either way, I kind of enjoyed this dream.
Awful dream
Ugh.. I had a really awful dream. Not really a nighmare, except that it would be if it ever happened IRL.
I was with my boyfriend at some sort of party, I don't know what kind of party it was or why we had it but a lot of different people were there, even people with kids. His friends were there and my former best friend Josefin was there as well. There were also a bunch of other people that I've never seen before. Most of them looked like typical assholes, specially the girls.
Here comes the worst part. But before I say it, I'd like you all to know that my boyfriend is one of the kindest and sweetest people I've ever met and according to his friends, I'm his first real girlfriend, so he doesn't have any ex's.
However this one girl in this dream must've been out to hurt me for some reason because she told me to look out for him and that he had asked her previously, on that same day, if she wanted to have sex with him. I'm obviously hurt, because I never would've believed that he would do someting like that. But, being me, I decide not to believe it until I can talk to him about it. So I drag him out somewhere, I know that we went to different places trying to find a spot were we could be alone and that I kept shooing people away.
I confront him (we talked about other stuff before but I can't remember what they were) and he doesn't deny it, which obviously makes me mad. But I'm also very attached to this guy so I don't really want to leave him. He managed to reason with me (also a conversation I don't remember how it goes) into hating the girl instead of him and we all, his friends and my friend decides to get some revenge on her. It's when we put this plan into action that I wake up.
Dreaming stuff like this is awful.. specially if it's about someone you think you know pretty well. I guess it's a sort of fear of mine, but he has never shown anything that would suggest that he is anything like that. However my very shortterm boyfriend that I had before did. He even keeps saying that he thinks he's in love with more than one person at the time.. so maybe.. I'm accidentally combining them in my dreams. I don't want to do that.. I'm extremely happy with the one I've got now... D:
OTP Challenge, because fun!
Yo! I wanted to do this because I've gotten a new ship.. and because I'm currently quite bored.. Sure I'm watching Achievement Hunter in the background but I also felt like doing something else at the same time ;) So yes... OTP challenge. For those of you who don't know what OTP is it stands for One True Pairing.. of course it's referring to the couples in TV/Books/Movies/Games that you think should be together or whose relationship you really support. Even though it says ONE true pairing a lot of people have several, including me.
Day 1: Your very first OTP
My Very first OTP was actually the Kaulitz-twins from Tokio Hotel. They where the first ones that I read fanfiction about and even though I didn't start up shipping them at all, one particular fic changed that. It was a fanfiction about them being threatened by someone, I don't remember entirely but I still have it saved. It's in Swedish though.
Day 2: Your OTP’s best moments
Oh.. I don't know.. let's break down all of them.
Levihan: So far, every interaction they have is precious to me. But I guess I'll have to say that the latest interactions that they've had in the manga are particularly awesome. They're both starting to become more dark than usual but they're doing it with eachother's support.
Merthur: Well... since I didn't start shipping them until the absolute last episode of the series, I'll have to say that the entire last moments between them are awesome! Specifically the "Just.. just.. hold me" part that Arthur says to him in his dying moments.. Geez <3
McLennon: Actually.. whenever they talk about eachother my heart melts. Even though I don't believe them to be secret lovers or whatever their friendship is just so damn beautiful and it makes me want to cry.
Jarida doesn't have any real interactions so I'm not gonna mention them here.. xD
Day 3: Your favorite quote/s from your OTP.
Hmm... This one is hard... because I'm absolutely horrible at remembering quotes. I did mention Merthur's best quote though, so there's that.
With Levihan.. well in the anime I love the little joke Levi tells Hanji about her being abnormal. I thought that was cute x) Specially with the hairgrab and the deadpan look on his face.
Day 4: Your OTP since the pilot EPISODE.
I... don't think I've had an OTP from the first episode of anything actually. My ships have always been kind of slowbuilding. BrOTP's though.. there there's a clear winner, obviously it's Sam and Dean Winchester.
Day 5: Your OTP that broke your heart
McLennon and Merthur has so far been the worst!
Day 6: Your OTP that didn’t HAPPEN
Well so far... all of them xD I have never shipped a canon couple.. well I sort of have but not as an OTP. Or well.. nevermind I have.. I shipped Gray Ghost from Danny Phantom but they didn't last... because Amethyst Ocean had to happen.. apparently...
Day 7: Your OTP that needs to happen now
I think that Levihan is the only one I'm currently rooting for! It's also the only one that has a chance of happening xD
Day 8: Your OTP that you WISH will happen
Day 9: Your OTP that didn’t disappoint you
Well Merthur didn't disappoint me at all.. Neither did McLennon ;)
Day 10: Your OTP forever
That's quite hard... I always change.. but they're all also still there.. xD
Which characters share your personality?
I found this on Tumblr and just really wanted to do it because, well in case someone I love share my personality type x)
(If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here)
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag at least five friends and let them know you tagged them!
I have taken this test before and has landed in the middle of Judging and Percieving and have therefor both been ISTP and ISTJ, so I will list both of them.
ISTJ (Inspector)
ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals who value loyalty and dependability above all else. They would rather work with facts than SPECULATION, and they will put a great deal of energy into reaching a goal - as long as it makes sense to them. They prefer to work alone, but can be good team players when the situation calls for it.
- Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
- Hermes Conrad (Futurama)
- John -117 (The Master Chief) (Halo Series) - You don't understand how happy this made me! I freaking adore that man!
- Hermoine Granger and Argus Filch (Harry Potter)
- Sergeant Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz)
- Inspector Javert (Les Miserables) - Haha yes!
- Dr. Kelso (Scrubs) - That's fun x)
- Spock (Star Trek) - Nice!
- Darth Vader (Star Wars) - Hahaha why not
- John Winchester (Supernatural)
- Eeyore (Winnie The Poh) - I don't like Winnie the Poh actually, but I just had to add this because between me and my best friend when I was younger, my nickname was Eeyore because she thought I reminded her of him xD I'm not as unhappy and depressed though.
ISTP (Crafter)
ISTPs are structurally oriented and very good at understanding how things work. Quiet, analytical and private, they nonetheless gravitate towards Xtreme Sportz and other high-speed, high-risk hobbies.
- Annie Leonhardt (Attack on Titan)
- Alex (A Clockwork Orange) - Well that's awful xD
- The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) - No wonder I liked him so much, it's the only full season I've watched and yes, I could relate to him a lot actually.
- Gamora and Drax the detroyer (Guardians of the Galaxy) - I didn't like Gamora, but I loved Drax so that's nice! xD
- Victor Krum (Harry Potter)
- Robin Scherbatsky (How I met your mother)
- Aragorn (The Lord of the Ring)
- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Marvel)
- Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) - HOLY CRAP YES! It's funny since I made a post about how much I related to him once.. xD Now I know why
- The Janitor (Scrubs)
- Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
- Kenny (South Park)
- Hikaru Sulu (Star Trek)
- Han Solo (Star Wars)
- Steven Hyde (That 70s Show)
- Roschach/Walter Kovacs (Watchmen) - OH FUCK YES!
Levi Ackerman: A Choice With No Regrets
As I start to get more into the show I started realizing how much of it that I had missed. Thanks to a blog that I found, however, I have now managed to catch up both on the special side episodes and the Chibi series, both of which I loved.
I also managed to find out that Levi had his own special chapter in the manga about his backstory. Of course, since Levi is one of my favourite characters, I was pretty damn excited to find that out. So yesterday I ordered the first part of the book called "Attack on Titan: No regrets" which is just that and today this little trailer came out!
Seriously, I couldn't believe it when I saw it just now, because I had literally just ordered the book and I had no idea that they were going to make more side episodes other than those that are already out. I'm so excited that you have no idea!
The fact that he used to be a criminal just makes it so much more interesting to me. I read a little bit from the book and managed to get a hang of what it was about, with them joining the military to get a hand on some documents that Erwin has and all that. I just love it that we get to see the first time he met Hanji and Erwin and the rest, and I'm so excited to read the rest of it! Not to mention to be able to watch it!
Ugh, can't that book just come to me already??
Attack on Titan sort of review
Like I did with Supernatural, I decided to "review" one of my favourite shows by doing these 30 days challenge thing. But instead of doing it over 30 days, I'm just doing it all now. This will probably contain spoilers from the manga since I actually read it even though I didn't want to.
Day 1: Favorite Male Character
Well.. It's sort of a tie. Between Eren and Levi.
I love Eren a lot because, well, he's insane. He acts like a madman a huge part of the time and I really enjoy that. I also enjoy that despite his titan powers, he's not necessarely always the hero. He was the one who wanted to fight titans the most but he ended up being the 5th best, after Mikasa and the rest. On his first encounter with titans as a soldier he gets eaten pretty quick and he hasn't been able to kill a titan as a human until recently. I love how excited he was over that last part, btw. Even so, he is the main character and I do really enjoy him as the main character. Of course his titan powers play a part in why I love him as well. He's just the kind of character I want good stuff to happen to. I want him to be the hero. Plus, the voice actor is so damn perfect for his character that it's not even funny. Yuki Kaji, you're awesome!
Onto Levi then.. Well... he's short, humanity's strongest soldier and he's so damn rude that it's funny. It's not that he's rude for the sake of it, No, his rudeness and abusiveness is actually damn effective. In the manga we have recently discovered a guy who has a past with Levi. He's apparently known for being a murderer and a quite obvious bad guy. Levi and him share a last name together with Mikasa and I'm honestly scared for what their relationship might be. There was a moment there where I started worrying about Levi turning out to be a bad guy in the end. And I just soo hope that that doesn't happen. Because he's so damn perfect as the sort of anti-hero that he is. I also found out recently that he's based on Rorschach from Watchmen which made me superexcited because Rorschach is another favourite character of mine.
Day 2: Favorite Female Character
Hmm...This is a little bit harder because I haven't found a hardcore favourite of mine. At least not among those who are confirmed to be female. But if we go after the anime.. my favourite would probably be Hanji.
I'd actually like to see Hanji as a girl, because to me it just makes her personality so much more fun. She's bold and a little bit insane. Plus she loooooves Titans and reminds me a lot of a Lion tamer of some sort. Or you know, the kind of person who goes "Animals are not evil, they're misunderstood" which I love. She's not the highest in rank but she still doesn't take crap from anyone, not even Erwin which is pretty cool. I also enjoy her current role in the manga since we've gotten to see a lot of her, and she's taking charge as the new commander. (I was sort of wondering why Levi didn't get to be the new commander since he seems to be the next in rank and I kind of wanted him to, but I'm also glad Hanji got it).
After her, I'll probably say that Sasha is my favourite. She's fun and I really enjoy her and Connie's friendship. The reason I don't pick Mikasa is because I find her quite boring on her own. I do enjoy her part in the trio that is Eren, Mikasa and Armin though and I like that she's so overprotective of Eren. Her backstory is also kind of nice.. I just.. don't really care about her individually.
Day 3: Least Favorite Male Character
Hmm... it's hard to say.. There's no one in the group that I don't like. I like them all. I guess... I didn't really like Olou that much? He was a bit of a prick xD And just some people from the military police all over.
Day 4: Least Favorite Female Character
Eh... From the group... probably Ymir. I don't even know why actually.. I'm just a little bothered by her. But I don't hate her so.. Same goes for Krista, but it's more that I find her boring.
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..
Day 5: Your OTP
I don't have one, but I have some Brotps like Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean, because cmon, they fight all the time but you know they care about each other ;), Eren/Mikasa/Armin, Armin/Everyone, Sasha/Connie, Levi/Hanji, Levi/Erwin, Marco/Jean.. the list goes on really.. xD
Day 6: Favorite Friendship
Oh ok... yeah they're listed above x) Absolute favourites except for the trio are probably Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean and Levi/Hanji.
Could I combine the music from the first one and the video from the second? xDD Because that's what I would do. The second opening is really cool visually and I do enjoy the song but it doesn't get me as excited as the first song from the first opening. So yeah... combine them..
Day 8: Favorite Ending
Probably the second one because it had a much more interesting song. But I usually don't stick around for long enough to really watch them.
Day 9: Favorite OST
Either Guren No Yumiyah or Vogel Im Käfig aka. Eren's mothers death, you know the little melodi that often plays when Eren is a titan. It's awesome and so damn sad in a way.
Day 10: Favorite Titan
Eren all the way x)) But the Colossal Titan is also pretty cool-looking at least.
Day 11: Least Favorite Titan
Eh.. well.. idk.. I don't really hate any of them, they're all pretty cool in a horrible way xD But maybe the one who ate Eren's mother.. since it also ate Hannes... <.<....
Day 12: Funniest Titan
Ehehehe oh, the one that comes running around a corner looking fabulous.. you know the one ;D
Day 13: Weirdest Titan
Hmm... The one that runs around like a freaking spider maybe? You know when they're out on the field. I think it's Sasha who encounters it? It's still very cool though. Or, the tiny one from the manga with the giant freaking eyes.. It looked creepy as hell.
Day 14: Favorite Squad
I'm not sure what you're referring to. The 104th Trainee Squad?? x)
Day 15: Favorite Titan Shifter
Already answered this but.. Eren xD
Day 16: Least Favorite Titan Shifter
Ymir I guess... xD It might change depending on what their reasons are.
Day 17: Favorite Division
The Survey Corps/Recon Corps/Scouting Legion xD If that's what you meant by division..
Day 18: Favorite Commander
Erwin, Or Hanji if she takes over x) But I don't think that's gonna be necessary, hopefully.
Day 19: Favorite Squad Leader
Levi is a squad leader right? He had his own squad..
Day 20: A Character that is most like you
Wow, idk really.. is anyone of them like me? Reiner maybe.. He's sort of reasonable.. xD I don't really know if anyone of them is anything like me. But a bet a lot of people think I'm like Levi.. always looking so damn judgemental and rude xDD I've heard that about me. But I'm not as mean.
Day 21: Squad you would like to be part of
idk what squad? I'm still confused as to what you count as a squad. But I'd like to know all the trainees xD
Day 22: The Division you would like to be part of
Knowing myself, I would probably choose the Military Police.. and that's for the same reason Jean wanted to.. because it's sort of safer.
Day 23: Something you wish you knew more about
Well the titans, but that's hopefully going to be explained. More about Levi and Hanji's backstory would be nice as well!
Day 24: Someone who you wish never died
Marco, but not so much because of him himself, like.. I didn't know him that well so I wasn't that sad when he died. But mostly for Jean's sake because Marco was the only friend that he actually hung out with. Like Eren, Mikasa and Armin always hang out, Reiner and Berthold always hang out and Sasha and Connie too, Jean kind of lost that thing when Marco died and that made me sad.
Day 25: Favorite Moment
Hmm... I actually really loved when Eren "died" because I love sad scenes or extremely brutal scenes and that was both. Also the entire WTF moment when you actually thought that they might've killed off the main character. I loved it.. and I loved Armin's reaction to it and I was so on edge when Mikasa was about to find out. I just really loved to see how much they cared about him.
Day 26: Funniest Moment
Everything with Sasha.. xD No idk.. I guess actually in one of those side episodes when Sasha and Jean have a Cook-off.. When Jean gets all threatening and Sasha and Connie goes into these fighting-stances of theirs.. I laughed out loud at that xDD Also the ridiculousness of Pixys reaction to the meat.. that was so weird..
Day 27: Saddest Moment
Hmm.. well... I don't really know... I haven't actually cried to the show yet but maybe the entire aftermath of their first encounter with the female titan? Like everything from them rolling off dead bodies from the carrige and Petra's father talking to Levi about how he wishes they would marry and Eren falling apart while Mikasa tries to comfort him. It was just incredibly heartbreaking all of it.
Day 28: Weridest Moment
Yeah the Pixys one that I described before.. xD
Day 29: Favorite Quote
Oh Gosh.. I don't actually know.. anything mean that Levi says? xD I always have trouble with questions like this one, because all of the sudden I can't remember anything said on the show. I guess one that I kind of liked was when Jean wipes his hand on Connie and Connie asks him what the hell he just wiped off and he answers "My faith in humanity". It was just so random to me and quite hilarious xD
Day 30: What you enjoy the most about SnK
The gruesomeness of it. I love how raw it is both physically and psychologically. And how realistic it is even though it's a series about giant man-eating human-like creatures, for example the soldiers reaction to having to fight when everyone was having a breakdown. I just love it when you can actually tell how awful things are and see how much it actually affects the people involved, it just makes it more real. Like Supernatural and Iron Man 3.
Feminism in it's flawed nature
I've had so many encounters with feminism and feminists and sadly, it's starting to piss me off more and more.
I realize that the intention is good and necessary, women are still inferior in many ways. Equal pay is still a problem and rape culture is still ridiculous. But if feminism is going to be all about the women vs. the men, I don't think I want to be a part of it.
For me, sexism is an issue. And believe it or not, it works both ways. Daily people gets judged by the standards gender automatically put on people and it causes problems to men and women alike. Men, for example, is always the second choice as a parent when it comes to full custody of his children. And male rape or domestic violence victims are afraid to report the attack in fear of not being taken seriously. I think it's important to bring this up as well.
I am not for the way feminism is handled, as if we women should stand with each other and go to war against men who seems to be the cause of all evil. I don't think we'll gain anything other than more hate and more sexism going at it that way. Think about it, why would people want to stand by someone saying that they're the problem. Why do you expect men to want to stand with you when you accuse them of absolutely everything that's wrong with the world? I don't know about you, but I don't work like that. If a man came up to me and said "Everything is horrible and this is all your fault. You don't deserve happiness, people like you are scum! Support me!" I wouldn't say "Hell yeah!" I would probably get defensive.
Here is why I don't understand this kind of behaviour. Because I thought that you guys wanted to win? I thought you wanted people to agree with you? Then let me tell you that this is not the way to achieve that. You can't accuse guys of sexist behaviour and then do the same to them, because yes, what you're doing is sexist. Double-standards aren't really trust-worthy are they? I don't understand why I should trust you to bring something good to this world when you're being a horrible person.
The Boy with the Cucko-Clock Heart
So I finally saw this movie, because I finally got a hold of it in english! Which can be hard when it comes to french movies, if you didn't already know that.
Anyways, I have been so excited to see this movie ever since I first saw the first teaser trailer for it. It looked stunning, I loved everything about the animation and the feel to it and all the wonderful steampunk-y details that was in it. I also found a band called Dionysos through it who made the music for this movie and who is now one of my top favourite bands.
When I then saw the movie, neither the music or the visuals disappointed me! It was absolutely gorgeous to watch and listen to and I enjoyed that very much. Sadly.. that was all I enjoyed. It was funny from time to time and the story, well... it was quite boring. It felt like someone outside of france had tried to make a french movie. It was very cliché in the way it handled love like it was the biggest and most important thing on earth. And it got a little over the top with that, and for me, who's not that much into romance.. that got quite boring.
The ending was also quite rushed, a lot of stuff happened in the final moments of the film and it wasn't quite explained why Jack decided to die when he could be saved. Maybe he knew that he couldn't survive with love in his life so he chose to die when he was happy, after that kiss he got. Or the loss of his adopted mother was too much to bear.. no one really knows. You can only guess after all.
Jack was however quite likable, and nothing is better to me than a likeable main character. Even his love interest was likable and so was his mother and his best friend. That's where I think this movie succeeded. It did have quite likable characters. The villain should've been explained though. Because he was only portraited like this guy who was in love with the same girl and therefor decided that "why not bully and destroy the guy? and if he dies, oh well".
I would've wanted to watch this movie with the original language and subtitles instead but it was very hard to find. Because the dubs.. well.. they weren't that good. Some of the dialogue was cringe-worthy and the songs just didn't sit well in my ears with the translation. Everything is better in it's original setting after all.
Either way, I would want to watch it again, if only to enjoy the music and the visuals. 4/10
Dream 182 or something
This time, questionable people get the power to wish for one thing to happen to people they don't particularly like. And this tall dark and dangly creature takes care of it. He looked like somone had tried to rip him apart and he had one clear eye and one eye that looked like he had two pupils only that one of them was squished. Anyway, i don't remember anymore what this creature did to the victims only that what they wished for would become so much worse than they had imagined. All in good time though because when i woke up, one of the victims had turned the other guys wish to their advantage. I wish it would've been more detailed. I just remember the creature because it kept showing up all the time. Kind of like it got closer just because you were looking at it. And I remember trying not to because of that. I'm gonna try to draw it.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Oh. My. God. I am so happy that I saw this movie. It was hilarious, had an interesting story and was visually stunning to look at.
They had quite a lot of characters but they successfully introduced everyone of them and gave them enough screentime so that you would care about them. Heck, I even cared about Yondu, that guy who kidnapped Quill to begin with and when he went down in that plane, I was actually scared that he was going to die.
The pace was lovely in this movie and it never once felt boring, and another pace, more specifically Lee Pace, was also amazing in this movie with his partrayal of the villain Ronan. I honestly didn't know that he was going to be in this movie, so I was pleasantly surprised to see his name as the movie started.
My personal favourites were obviously Groot and Rocket. Marvel hasn't managed to make me love characters this much since they brought in Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk. Everything about this duo was great, Rocket had the best sense of humour and was just such a well written character and Groot.. oh, lovely, sweet as honey, Groot. Everytime he did something my heart just melted, yes, even when he made a bbq stick out of all those villains. When I saw the trailer I thought he was going to be this silent and stoick killing machine, but nope.. quite the opposite. Cute but deadly. There is nothing that I love to see more on screen than great friendships and Rocket and Groot's friendship gave me just that. My only complaint, was that Groot's death scene wasn't long enough.. I wanted to cry for his sake, and I almost did, but then it was over and they had moved on.
I do have a little complaint about the female character though, Gamora. I liked how she was treated in the prison, it made her interesting and she did have some fun moments. But... she was also very cliché... She was the typical "strong female" type of character and it was quite boring to me. I want funny and strong female characters.. why can't I get that? There's a reason I love Darcy so much, heck even Pepper. I want a dorky, funny and awesome female character that kicks ass! More Darcy's!
One thing that I did love about the movie was that it interupted every cliché moment it had. There's nothing I hate more in a movie nowadays than a romantic subplot between the main character and a female character. I absolutely despise it because it's the same every time and there's just never any dept to it. Then we get one of those scenes in GotG and they interupt it with Quill being a dork and saying something funny, which was glorious. They also interupted the typical cliché villain speech about how he was superior with crashing a plane into him. Ah, I loved them for that! There were many times where you thought something would happen and it didn't.
The soundtrack of the film was amazing, obviously since they gathered a lot of classics such as Björn Skifs into the mix ;) Nothing screams awesome quite like Hooked on a Feeling after all!
All in all, It's so far my favourite Marvel movie 10/10
A new dream
I should start a dream archive.. and so I have.
Anyways.. This time it jumped a lot.. at one time Me and Rebecca was at this huge festival-type-thingie with huge arenas and stuff all around the place. There were only teens or young adults there and I don't know what the event was at all. Anyways, we were looking around for my boyfriend Marcus because... of something. And Rebecca kept pointing out guys that weren't him and saying "oh there he is" and then we got closer and noticed that nope.. that wasn't him.
When we do finally find him he says he has to show us a video that he's in, made by him and some of his friends because "he totally kicked the shit out of a guy in it". This is odd, because it's completely out of character for how Marcus actually is in real life xDD It was really weird to see..
Another part of the dream was that I had been walking in the woods and when I finally get out I find myself in a town that I don't recognize. A guy in a truck pulls up next to me (I'm angry and stubborn and really bitchy for some reason) and he tells me that I've ended up in Gothenburg, which is far as hell away from me if you're going to walk there... And offers to take me home the next day. I'm struggling because I find him creepy and don't really want his help but realize that I can't come home on my own.
The day I spent there was me, rebelling againt him by hanging around at an outdoor party with strangers and flirting up a girl to have sex with me on the top of a car. She hadn't done it with a girl before but apparently I had so I had to lead her through it.
I also got a tattoo from the guy that was going to help me and then it turns out that he's actually an old schoolmate of mine named Sam.. he was disguised..
Yep.. that was my dream..
Possibly new favourite film: How to train your dragon 2
You know, I was kind of nervous when I went to see Httyd2, because I had been looking forward to it ever since the news about them making it came out. And the more I saw of it, all the trailers and what not, the more excited I got because it looked amazing.
And I wasn't dissapointed! The movie was everything I'd hoped for and more! I sat through it with awe written all over my face and I had to remind myself not to let my jaw drop so that I wouldn't sit there looking like an idiot.
The story was amazing, the pace was brilliant because it felt longer than it actually was, the visuals freaking stunning! I haven't been this impressed by a animated movie since I first watched Rise of the Guardians. And guess what, I think this one surpassed it. I will still defend Rotg with my life because I thought it was amazing, but I have to admit that the sequel to the impressive film about a boy and his dragon was better.
I've always been impressed by animation and I've always loved watching animated movies, but I've also been disappointed that animation studios didn't do more with it. That they seem to be stuck in the "animation is for kids"-mindset. Save for Tim Burton and Laika of course.. But Httyd2 WENT THERE.. They dared take animation to the next level and they dared use the darker themes again and for that I was so glad! There were parts in this film that I was scared for my life because of how they used the visuals, and the music to tell a story and that's something I don't often see and it amazes me every time.
Speaking of music.. HOLY CRAP THE SOUNDTRACK! You could tell that something incredible was going to happen only by listening to the music itself. If I would've listened to the soundtrack before watching the movie I would be so excited for it. But watching it together with the scenes.. Jesus! Major Kudos to John Powell! I absolutely loved the fact that they mashed the original soundtrack into the new ones was amazing and he did an incredible work with it. I also loved the use of choirs!
Sure, it had it's cliché moments, and it kept referencing to the first movie and that got a little annoying to me. One time, sure that would've been fun, but it just kept on doing it and I could've been without that. But the amazingness of the rest of it was enough for me to ignore that part!
Overall, I can't wait to see it again! 10/10
Geek Pride Day: Cosplay
Our "local" science fiction bookshop is holding something called a Geek Pride Day next sunday which is basically a huge parade of cosplayers walking through the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Me, and my very nerdy friend Felix is participating in this and so I have to create a fairly quick and simple cosplay.
Guess who?
Missing pieces are currently: a better jacket, a necklace, leather bracelet and ring.. then the obvious jeans and boots. I don't know what I'll do about the boots, considering I don't own that kind of boots, but we'll see what I find. The necklace is a maybe, because it's pretty hard to find and can only be ordered from abroad which means that it'll probably take longer than a week for it to arrive. I'm going to hunt down the ring tomorrow..The bracelet will be easy to make, I just need a leather band and since my mum makes jewelry, well she owns stuff like that.
I also bought a knife at the second to last sci-fi convention I went to so I might bring that with me, we'll see if I'm allowed to, otherwise I'll stick it in a pocket or something.. xD Idk..
Here's another clue, unless you haven't already figured out who it is. It's supposed to go on the chest and I will try to make it.. it'll be hard though, really hard.. but that's why I'm practising.
Of course the guy I'm gonna cosplay is called Dean Winchester from Supernatural. He's my favourite character of the show and also a fairly easy one to fix when you only have one week left to fix it. I also picked him in addition to my friend's choice of cosplaying Castiel. Not that I personally ship Destiel, but he does so.. you know.. why not? xD I can be one of the two halves of his OTP while at the same time getting to cosplay my favourite character ;) It's a win-win.
Since I'm not really into cutting my hair as short as he has it, I'm going to figure out something else. Hopefully I will cut it shorter than I have now though, so maybe I'll spike it up a little or.. wear it in a ponytail of some sort.. we'll see.
Dreams part... something.
So I slept at my boyfriends house tonight and for some reason I dreamt that I was pregnant.
Now for those of you who know me or have had a conversation with me about pregnancy knows that it freaks me the hell out and that it feels unnatural for me to be pregnant. Imagining me pregnant just doesn't sound right.
So naturally, this was a very disturbing dream to have. I remember freaking out about it in my dream and I went to my mum, in panic saying "can I take it out? I've changed my mind, I don't want it anymore" and my mum obviously answered "No you can't, it's gone too far for that" which only made me freak out even more. Luckily I never had the baby in my dream so I didn't get to semi-experience that anyways. But it was just so strange and so damn freaky to me.. I also remember my stepsister Alexandra (who is, in fact, pregnant atm) being there and being like "Cmon, it's nothing, why are you freaking out?". As if that changed the fact that I absolutely did not want to be pregnant.
For some reason a group of guys also followed me and taunted me for a while and I remember trying to run away from them but obviously being unable to because, hey, I was pregnant xD One of the guys turned out to help me in the end though.
Idk.. ugh.. just thinking about it now is disturbing...
Digital Painting: Water Dragon
So I'm practising. Considering I've applied for a Computer Development school with focus on 2D Graphics, I figure I should get better at lighting and painting digitally. I'm also gonna work a little more on landscapes and such.. perspective and all that crap. I figure that's what you'll need to know.
Don't be fooled by my complaining, I'm super excited! Working with Film or Games is what I want to do, and if I can design monsters, heck yeah!
My newest obsession: Supernatural
You know, I haven't written anything here for a while and so I'd like to give you an opportunity to catch up. Considering I've gotten myself a new obsession.
As someone of Tumblr would know, Supernatural, Sherlock and Doctor Who are the three fandoms that dominate the place. I personally wasn't interested in either of them to begin with and held myself to smaller fandoms like Merlin and Rise of the Guardians. Although I'm also not one to not give something a chance, and so I watched Doctor Who, the entire season with the ninth doctor.. I sadly didn't like it all that much.
Then I watched Sherlock, actually enjoyed it quite a bit, it's a really good show, but not enough to get me obsessed.
Then I watched Supernatural, a show I actually didn't think I would like at all.. mostly because I don't really find ghosts that interesting, and plus I had seen some episodes from the later seasons and didn't find it all that great. But I decided to watch it from the beginning eventually and boy did I fall in love! Since I wasn't doing anything during that time in my life it took me roughly two weeks to get through 8 seasons. So yes, I got obsessed.. (and I love when I get obsessed) and now I wanna pay tribute to this show, while sitting here wearing my spn hoodie that I ordered from America, by answering one of these 30 days things, but in one go.
I can not guarantee that it'll be spoiler free. It probably won't.
Your favorite character
Dean, no question about it. He was the one who made me fall in love with the series in the first place and so he's become the one I care about the most. He's complicated, which I love and he's got a good sense of humour which is a sure highway to my heart. If you can make me laugh, then there's a good chance I'll love you.
Your least favorite character
Gordon actually.. I thought about Ruby too because she fucked so much shit up and it was so damn annoying.. but no.. Gordon is the worst. Man, I hated that man. Really, I was so happy when he died.
Your favorite season
Season 3 all the way. It's such a shame that it only had 16 episodes because I loved that season. It has most of my favourite episodes, it has one of the most heartbreaking story-lines in the series and it's got Bela Talbot (who I actually really liked). Plus, we get to meet Gabriel for the first time. It has the final installment of one of my favourite story-lines with Agent Henricksen too, and we get to meet Ben. It also holds the only episode I've been scared of. Really, it's just a great season, specially considering it's so short.
Your least favorite season
Tough one, there has been some seasons that I found quite dull.. The fourth one was one.. the seventh was another. But now when season nine is almost finished I've grown to appreciate season 7 a bit more. So now I think either season 8 or 9.. 8, because the angel business is so damn annoying...but it had a nice ending and two of my absolute favourite Charlie episodes so... It's alright. 9, mostly because it has been one hell of a painful season to watch.. It's actually the only season I feel is emotionally draining because of the strain on the two brothers.. And considering the changes Dean goes through.. it's just.. no. It's awful to watch and it just makes you feel bad. It's really a dark season...It does have some good episodes still though.. but yeah..And the angel business is still annoying.
Your favorite episode
I have a lot of favourite episodes.. but I guess I'll have to say Pac-man Fever. Because I love Dean and Charlie's relationship and it's shown here.. I love that we get to know her more and I love Sam's stubborness. It was just really sweet, without being completely sappy.
Your least favorite episode
Actually...the one with the greek gods. Where they find this dude who keeps dying all the time and finds out that his kid has the same thing. I really only remember that episode because I thought it was so bad. And boring.. xD
Your favorite Dean crying scene
Oh when Sam dies in season 2, obviously!
Your favorite Sam crying scene
When Dean dies in season 3? xD I know there has been some really good ones despite that one, I just can't remember them right now.. xD
Your favorite Dean death scene
Oh.. hmm...Well, we have a lot to choose from, don't we? Think I have to go with the season finale of season 3 again...Because that was a good one.
Your favorite Sam/other death scene
Both Swan Song and All hell breaks loose are amazing death scenes.. I can't choose between those two.
It also says other, so I guess I'll have to add that Bobby's death "episode" was also freaking fantastic... but it also made me so damn angry because Why the hell would you kill of Bobby Singer?????!?!?!
Your favorite quote
Oh man, there's too many.. I get happy everytime Dean make a reference to something nerdy.. I love when Dean asks "Can I shoot her?" and Sam answers "Not in public". I love when soulless Sam talks about Dean getting abducted and says that he's had time to adjust and the girl asks if it happened when they were kids and he answers "No, like about half an hour ago"
I love the moment between Agent Henricksen and Dean when he says "I shot the sheriff" and Dean can't help himself from saying "But you didn't shoot the deputy" Really.. there are too many great ones.
OH! And I liked it when Dean called Cas "A baby in a trenchcoat" when he didn't have his powers and Sam says "I think you hurt his feelings" only for Dean to later reference to this by saying "You know who whines? Babies" .You see, too many great ones.
Your favorite funny scene
Ugh.. again.. so hard.. xD The entire "The French Mistake","Changing Channels" and "Yellow Fever"...Some scenes in "Frontierland".. every Ghostfacers episode..Idk.. maybe I'll go with the Cat scene from Yellow Fever. Because when I watched it the first time I had to rewind and watch it again, and again... xD
A scene that makes you sad/cry
See, favourite death scenes above. Also.. when Charlie reads to her mum for the last time. When the woman in Route 666 talks about what happened between her husband and the ghost who haunted them.. There are more that I noticed recently that I cried to but now I can't remember which ones that were. Oh! When Bobby finds out that Dean has sold his soul for Sam's life. Man that was heartbreaking. OH! John's last talk with Dean before he dies too!
A scene that makes you happy
Eh.. The hug between the brother's in Pac-man Fever.. seriously any brotherly moment makes me happy. And also every Charlie/Dean moment makes me happy. Specifically the "I Love You" "I know" part in Pac-man Fever. Any time Bobby's involved makes me happy too.
A scene that makes you angry
Metatron.. Need I say more? Also.. when Sam thought Dean sent him that voicemail about him being a freak, and now when Sam told Dean that he wouldn't had done the same, had Dean been the one who was dying. Sure I understand Sam's reasons for saying that and I don't hold it against him, but it still made me angry.. at the writers for creating that strain on them. Speaking of strains... also the one episode when they go to heaven and Dean realizes that he's not in any of Sam's happiest memories..Seriously.. any tear on their relationship makes me angry.
An episode that scared you
At least this one is easy, considering I only have one. And that's the episode in season 3 with that old Doctor who lived forever by stealing organs from people. It was so unnerving for me... everything from operating on people while they're still awake, to Sam almost losing an eye to them burying the guy alive at the end.. Jesus christ that episode just hit me and hit me hard.. Everything about it was just so damn creepy.. I almost felt like taking a break from it because I just couldn't take it.
Your favorite SPN friendship
Beside the brothers and Bobby, it's definitely Charlie/Dean
Your favorite SPN romance
Hmm..I liked the whole Lisa and Dean thing but that wasn't because of Lisa, it was because of Ben. I also liked Sam with that girl he was with while Dean was in purgatory. Otherwise.. idk really..Mary and John, maybe?
Your favorite SPN song
Rengegade - Styx! Heh, you thought I was going to say Carry on Wayward Son, huh? ;) Seriously though, I loved the scene and fell in love with the song almost instantly, couldn't help but love it.
Your favorite recap
Your favorite character entrance
Death. That was just soooo badass!
Your favorite minor character
Ronald!!! I adored that man, such a shame that he died...I also love the couple at the spn convention, but I don't remember their names at the moment. And Missouri, the psychic from season one! Here I'm just counting people who has only been in one or two episodes. If I'm also counting people who are in more but not all I'll have to add Becky, Jody Mills, Garth, Charlie, Gabriel, Balthazar, Bela, Crowley, Agent Henricksen, Rufus and Ellen. There are probably more but those are the ones I remember.
The character that is most like you
I think Bobby's the most like me. He's calm and bitchy, but still helps out when he's needed and cares a hell lot about people. At first I was gonna say that I was a much more toned down version of Dean but then I realized that that's pretty much Bobby.. xD I have the geekiness of Dean though, and the whole overprotective thing (I mean I am the second to youngest among 4 siblings, but I feel like I need to take care of all of them. I'm like that with my closest friends too), and the "do it with a smile" attitude (and his sense of humour but I'm not as witty), Plus, I say Awesome a lot. And I share his opinions about food and music.. but I do love salad.
Okay.. so maybe I'm a combination of Dean and Bobby.. xD
An episode you wish never happened
Eh...the start of season 9? I wish that Dean didn't have to save Sam that time I suppose. Because it all went downhill from there. Also.. BOBBY DYING!
Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Eh.. Bobby surviving? xD Gabriel actually being back and not some stupid plot device Metatron used to manipulate Cas...
Your favorite SPN fanvid
I haven't seen any, sorry.. xD
Your favorite season intro episode
Season 2 I think. That was a good one, I mean C'mon.. they killed off a pretty important character in the beginning of the season!
Your favorite season finale
Swan Song was great, No rest for the wicked was great.. Season 8's was great too.. All Hell Breaks loose was also great.. xD I don't know..
Your favorite SPN fanfic
Eh well.. there was one that was actually pretty fantastic. It was an AU of the pilot episode where Dean was the one that went missing instead of their Dad... It was interesting and heartbreaking and Jess was amazing in it. Sadly it turned out to be Wincest.. and I didn't like that.. so I didn't read the sequel.. xD But despite that detail it was amazing! I've just recently started reading fanfiction and it takes some time to get through all the freaking Destiel fanfictions.. so I haven't really found much yet.
Anything SPN related
Eh? what am I supposed to say here? xD
I guess I could mention that the spn cast i probably one of the most hilarious casts I've ever come across. They're great and I love how characters who aren't on the show anymore still stick around as a part of supernatural. I also love that Mark Sheppard has "King of hell" on his bio on Twitter.
I love that Misha is insane, and that even though I'm not a huge fan of Castiel, I am a huge fan of Misha.
I love that Jared and Sam couldn't be any more unlike each other and that Jared really is a giant puppy.
I love Jared and Jensen's friendship, I never get tired of watching panels with those two. They are hilarious.
I love that Jensen seems like the calm and collected one, considering he plays Dean.. xD I do love him though, he's great.