The constant battle between opinions and convenience
You know what’s annoying?
Whenever I see someone put up a story from a person who’s not vaccinated it’s always a negative story. It’s always about how sick this person is, because that’s convenient to their opinion about anti-vaccination. Because in contrast, no one bats an eye when a fully vaccinated person gets major desease after major desease. Some people are just unlucky, with and without vaccine, believe it or not.
I don’t have a fully formed opinion on wether or not I am against vaccine. i’m still learning about it and since I don’t have any kids it doesn’t matter much now anyways. But the fact still stands that I am a 20 year old who is not vaccinated, and believe it or not, I am perfectly healthy.
I have not lived a healthy life, I have awful rutines and I don’t exercise. But I almost never get sick, and whenever I do get sick.. it’s just a common freaking cold. That passes within the week.
I had a friend, who was fully vaccinated. (well.. all of my friends are x)). But she and I had to have the appendix removed when we were preeteens (hers two years before mine). Our experiences were very different. For example, while hers didn’t burst until they got to the hospital, she got very sick and they almost lost her. After the surgery her wound got infected more than once and her scar is now very visable because of this.
Mine went a bit differently. My appendix most likely burst when I was still at home, because my dad went to work because I was feeling better (which is dangerous when it’s the appendix, however we didn’t know it was). When we got to the hospital we also had to wait for an hour. However when I got in there it was still no rush, they took it calmly and since I wasn’t in that bad of a shape they made two extra holes during the operation just to make sure it was actually what they think. The appendix hadn’t harmed anything else. When i recovered everything healed perfectly and I only have one of three scars visable.
Now, I’m not saying that the whole vaccination part has anything to do with it. I actually don’t believe that it did at all. My point is that some people are more prone to illness than others, with or without vaccines. But people are so eager to blame the anti-vaxxers because they happened to get sick. And it annoys the crap out of me that people refuse to investigate further into something so popular. Not vaccinating is not new.. just look at me.. it’s at least 20 years old x)