Dream: not so much natural selection
So, it actually started with me in a show called "Under the same roof" that we have here in Sweden and me and a girl called Jerina was going to pick something up or something. I remember her driving because I don't have a license. Then I don't remember much else from that part.
Then, we were at a subway, trying to hide from the government, who had come up with a plan on how to solve every world problem, by eliminating all the dumb people.
After a lot of struggling and hiding, a group of us make it to the subway, where I deal with a traitor who tries to kill us for them. I remember us spending the night there.
During the night they find us. I'm there with my dad and are the only two left when they come up to us. They make my dad take an intelligence test, which he of course passes. (I don't understand what kind of intelligence test it was because it was mostly about the Internet). I remember being so damn nervous and asking what would happen if I didn't pass the test, in which they answered that I would have to give up my life. Luckily, it seems like I passed.
A while later I was with my mum and my little brother trying to fix my xbox and noticing that my regular place didn't have enough people anymore so they couldn't fix it because the mechanic was out, and the other one that used to be there was no longer suitable for the job, I met him there. But I dont remember why he wasn't suitable anymore.
We were all tiptoeing around trying not to act dumb and risk getting killed, and that's where I woke up.
I kind of like this dream tbh.

Some The day after tomorrow shit here
In my dream I was with a group of people, some friends, some just aquaintances. And we were going somewhere. My boyfriend was on a mission through work and could not be contacted, although he kept showing up to help us everything went wrong. And boy did it go wrong.
The first catastrophy I don't remember that well. The only part I really remember was that my boyfriend and his team got to help us in a plane. I also remember him talking about a woman he wanted us to eat lunch with sometime and then handed me a note with her email adress and said that I could use that to contact him. Which I was of course extremely happy about. I also remember some friend of him being with us on the trip and he mentioned that my bf had some "lame" place where he wanted people to leave him stuff to get when he got home again. I think it had to do with drawings. I remember finding it a little odd, but smiling about it.
The only one I really remember was the one most like the movie "The day after tomorrow". We were driving a bus over a bridge made of ice and I remember thinking that that was a bad idea because of what happened in the movie the second before the bus fell through. We now had to drive as fast as we could to escape falling ice blocks from the colapsing bridge. When we were suddenly out of that danger, it got either too cold or something else happened that made the gastank explode. We were also wearing protective overalls that has gaspockets in them to keep us warm that we all had to quickly remove before they all exploded. The rest of the day was spent keeping warm in the cold weather without our clothes. I woke up shortly after it was safe again to keep moving.

Zombie dream
So.. I read an idea of a game yesterday about a zombie apocalypse that only affected men, so the women were let to fight for the world. It also played out in the 50s and it sounded awesome.
This night I had a dream about that, kind of. It wasn't in the 50s but there was zombies and most people I met along the way were female. Except for one dude, but he worked for a female. I stayed at these two for a while and I think we were making up a plan on how we should move on. I just know that the most of the dream was played out there.
Either way.. once again my dream is telling me to love girls, because in this dream I have a crush on a girl who actually exists IRL. Her name is Jerina and it's someone who I've been following on facebook and other sites because her style is awesome. In this dream she lived by herself but also in our building apparently because the one guy in the dream tells me to call her and ask her out. Which I do at the end of the movie, and she says yes, although she doesn't seem too happy to talk to me towards the end of our conversation, probably because I found it very hard to talk for some reason.
A bunch of other stuff happen too but sadly I waited too long to write it down so now I've forgotten about it.
Either way, I kind of enjoyed this dream.

Awful dream
Ugh.. I had a really awful dream. Not really a nighmare, except that it would be if it ever happened IRL.
I was with my boyfriend at some sort of party, I don't know what kind of party it was or why we had it but a lot of different people were there, even people with kids. His friends were there and my former best friend Josefin was there as well. There were also a bunch of other people that I've never seen before. Most of them looked like typical assholes, specially the girls.
Here comes the worst part. But before I say it, I'd like you all to know that my boyfriend is one of the kindest and sweetest people I've ever met and according to his friends, I'm his first real girlfriend, so he doesn't have any ex's.
However this one girl in this dream must've been out to hurt me for some reason because she told me to look out for him and that he had asked her previously, on that same day, if she wanted to have sex with him. I'm obviously hurt, because I never would've believed that he would do someting like that. But, being me, I decide not to believe it until I can talk to him about it. So I drag him out somewhere, I know that we went to different places trying to find a spot were we could be alone and that I kept shooing people away.
I confront him (we talked about other stuff before but I can't remember what they were) and he doesn't deny it, which obviously makes me mad. But I'm also very attached to this guy so I don't really want to leave him. He managed to reason with me (also a conversation I don't remember how it goes) into hating the girl instead of him and we all, his friends and my friend decides to get some revenge on her. It's when we put this plan into action that I wake up.
I confront him (we talked about other stuff before but I can't remember what they were) and he doesn't deny it, which obviously makes me mad. But I'm also very attached to this guy so I don't really want to leave him. He managed to reason with me (also a conversation I don't remember how it goes) into hating the girl instead of him and we all, his friends and my friend decides to get some revenge on her. It's when we put this plan into action that I wake up.
Dreaming stuff like this is awful.. specially if it's about someone you think you know pretty well. I guess it's a sort of fear of mine, but he has never shown anything that would suggest that he is anything like that. However my very shortterm boyfriend that I had before did. He even keeps saying that he thinks he's in love with more than one person at the time.. so maybe.. I'm accidentally combining them in my dreams. I don't want to do that.. I'm extremely happy with the one I've got now... D:

Dream 182 or something

A new dream
I should start a dream archive.. and so I have.
Anyways.. This time it jumped a lot.. at one time Me and Rebecca was at this huge festival-type-thingie with huge arenas and stuff all around the place. There were only teens or young adults there and I don't know what the event was at all. Anyways, we were looking around for my boyfriend Marcus because... of something. And Rebecca kept pointing out guys that weren't him and saying "oh there he is" and then we got closer and noticed that nope.. that wasn't him.
When we do finally find him he says he has to show us a video that he's in, made by him and some of his friends because "he totally kicked the shit out of a guy in it". This is odd, because it's completely out of character for how Marcus actually is in real life xDD It was really weird to see..
Another part of the dream was that I had been walking in the woods and when I finally get out I find myself in a town that I don't recognize. A guy in a truck pulls up next to me (I'm angry and stubborn and really bitchy for some reason) and he tells me that I've ended up in Gothenburg, which is far as hell away from me if you're going to walk there... And offers to take me home the next day. I'm struggling because I find him creepy and don't really want his help but realize that I can't come home on my own.
The day I spent there was me, rebelling againt him by hanging around at an outdoor party with strangers and flirting up a girl to have sex with me on the top of a car. She hadn't done it with a girl before but apparently I had so I had to lead her through it.
I also got a tattoo from the guy that was going to help me and then it turns out that he's actually an old schoolmate of mine named Sam.. he was disguised..
Yep.. that was my dream..

Dreams part... something.
So I slept at my boyfriends house tonight and for some reason I dreamt that I was pregnant.
Now for those of you who know me or have had a conversation with me about pregnancy knows that it freaks me the hell out and that it feels unnatural for me to be pregnant. Imagining me pregnant just doesn't sound right.
So naturally, this was a very disturbing dream to have. I remember freaking out about it in my dream and I went to my mum, in panic saying "can I take it out? I've changed my mind, I don't want it anymore" and my mum obviously answered "No you can't, it's gone too far for that" which only made me freak out even more. Luckily I never had the baby in my dream so I didn't get to semi-experience that anyways. But it was just so strange and so damn freaky to me.. I also remember my stepsister Alexandra (who is, in fact, pregnant atm) being there and being like "Cmon, it's nothing, why are you freaking out?". As if that changed the fact that I absolutely did not want to be pregnant.
For some reason a group of guys also followed me and taunted me for a while and I remember trying to run away from them but obviously being unable to because, hey, I was pregnant xD One of the guys turned out to help me in the end though.
Idk.. ugh.. just thinking about it now is disturbing...

A dream but quite a lovely one in a way
I just dreamt that Jack Frost punched the shit out of Hans from Frozen for killing Merida while his head was sticking up from the ceiling window in a small car and it was glorious.
It was quite an odd setting, steampunky in a way although not entirely but the technology was and they had cars although they were all dressed like they were when they had those fancy dresses with the little umbrellas and hats? Jack and Merida was on some sort of journey I think they were crimesolvers in a way and there was a third party with them all the time but i changed. When they met Hans they were with a woman, Jack was skeptical of bringing him along but since both Merida and third party seemed to trust him, or trust that they'd be able to handle it if he turned on them, he lets it go. Eventually though, he tries to screw them over and take their car by the use of some sort of spray that would both hurt like hell and knock you out for a minute or two. Luckily he only manages to ge Merida so Jack and the third party stops him and distracts him enough to take the spray and when Merida comes she takes the keys from him and that's when he stabbed her enough to kill her.
Jack of course gets furious enough that he first sprays the shit out of him then they lock him in the car until he wakes up and when he does he tries to excuse all of his actions and begging them to get him out and that's when Jack opens the window in the ceiling of the car enough for him to look out and punches the shit out of him. It was quite nice.
Oh another thing. Jack and Merida were kind of superstitious that believed in a second world after death and since they had a dangerous job they used to tell each other that they would give the other a hint before they moved on when they died. Like a little nudge to know that they were there.
So naturally I think that Merida would stick around and Jack would be the only one that could still hear her talk so he keeps on with his buissness and everyone think he works alone when actually Merida is there with him and talking to him all the time. So sometimes he talks to himself out loud but people have learned to take it as part of his charm. Idk, I quite liked this little universe, I might have to use it sometime.

Weird sexual nightmare
Okay, it's 4 am so I'm gonna go back to sleep but I just gotta tell you about this very odd and sexual nightmare I just had.
It's about me, I meet a guy somewhere but I'm not sure where and I get his number, I know exactly who he is, some sort of celebrity but I don't recall who at the moment. And he has a friend a very nice girl with a kind of hippie/cool girl attitude and very sexual woman. Then another guy who's very nice as well and then another dude who was also famous but didn't seem to like me.
Anyways, I'm at their place, I'm drinking and starting to trust this guy that I'm with. i like him a lot and while it was neither of our ideas I decided to lose my virginity to him because why not. (I wasn't drunk). The whole scene was very detailed in my dream, by the way. (though still not a wet dream) Most things was. Anyway, the next day I'm talking to the girl a bit, she figured out that I had sex with him and she's very excited about it. Then I talk to that nice guy friend and he has the same attitude. I remember mentioning to the guy, when talking about why I decided to lose it to a guy I barely know, that "I had been a virgin for a long time and that I was very horny as a kid so, fuck it. "
Anyways, later on I get home, I keep the whole "losing my virginity" as a secret to my family. The only one who even knows about the guy and how I met him is Lii, my older sister and she's kind of teasing me for it. She doesn't know I "gave in" or whatever though. My dad, however, didn't know anything about it but his attitude throughout the dream is very "your first time should be with someone you know and like" so automatically I feel bad and I'm very nervous throughout the dream.
The guy keeps texting me and stuff and at one point he gets busted with wanting to sleep with me partly to get some media of their back, how that worked, I don't know. I don't feel fully betrayed though (only a bit, but mostly I just want to trust him) but I'm nervous that my dad with see it that way and Lii does, I think. Anyways, after this my sister finds out and she helps me trying to keep it from my dad, at least for a while because later she totally sells me out by connecting his and mine phone so that all the texts I get, he also gets. (I don't know how that worked, although I know that my sister only sold me out because she knew I needed dads help).
Anyways it ends with a scene where I'm at the comp and my dad is sitting near me, I'm trying to find something online, I get a text message that I know I thought was a rather nice one but dad thought that "no, you can't trust this guy" and then I start shaking like crazy. I thought that it was something I took or did bur I went to my father and hugged him and when I tell him what's going on he tells me to take a painkiller and it'll pass. I say that I don't dare to and that I want to go to a hospital and he answers that they're only gonna give you a painkiller anyways and that's when I woke up.
I've mentioned to a friend att one point that I have a lot of sexdreams but that none of them are wet ones. Here's an example of that. This one actually really felt like a nightmare but a very odd one..
I think the nightmare part comes with the fact that it felt extremely real. Like I could feel anything and was experiencing it all.
So, in conclusion. I might still be a virgin but now I bloody know what it feels like and no one can tell me otherwise!
(Oh! I just remembered who the celebrity was that I slept with! Robert Pattison! xDD)
Some say that dreams give us secret messages and some say that a dream is like a summary of things we've gone through throughout the day or week or whatever.
Either way, I really can't figure out what kind of message this is supposed to give me or when the hell I talked, read or thought or anything about any of this in the past couple of days.. D:

I dreamt something again, geez
But this dream wasn't bad, it was rather nice. But so much different shit happened.
At one point it was me and two others, and we were out taking a swim and managed to find a secret cave in a mountain that one of us got pretty obsessed over as I remember. I also remember that we weren't to tell anyone about it.
At another moment Jack Frost was the main character, and he had recently become what he was and was coming to terms with it. North and Bunny was there too I remember. And Jack wasn't invisible because at one point they were visiting this old village and he talked to someone he used to know about what had happened to him, that person just so happened to be Gaius (yeah, it was a fandom crash right there). Gauis kept asking things about his condition and I remember that at one part he asked him if he couldn't feel cold and Jack answered. "It's weird, because I can feel, but I can't feel cold". Then at another moment there was another person with them that I don't remember who it was but they got to run and they liked it x) Yeah.. idk.. it was sweet in my dream..
Then at another place in my dream, my friend Rebecca and some dude was there. We were driving somewhere and while the other dude got out of the car to do something, some police cars showed up. Some police officers went out to talk to the dude and two others got into out car. Rebecca was at the wheel and they told us to drive home. So Rebecca did, and during the way one of the police officers commented that she could tell that Rebecca was left-handed because she could see better in the rear-view mirror in some turns or something like that. When we got home to Rebecca we dropped her off and I got to drive, from the backseat..
Rebecca doesn't drive, and she's not a lefty.. so I don't know what that dream was about.

The end of the world
Geez, I just keep dreaming these odd dreams o.x..
This time, it was basically the end of the world, well kind of. I wish that I had repeated the dream in my head when I woke up so that I remembered more of it because now I only remember some of it but it's the basics.
So, it started with that I was on a boat with two other friends, and I remember that they were people I don't hang out much with, possibly Jenny (an old classmate) and Mini (who I met through the internet) and we were chasing someone, or something. At least I remember that we were trying to be sneaky, and that was either because we were after someone or because we weren't allowed to do what we were doing.
Anyways, suddenly this meteor thing comes right through the sky and we shut up, but it doesn't exactly crash anywhere. We just see it disappear behind some houses and then never sees an explosion. But we get scared and goes home to find out what the hell happened. On our way home, more stuff starts falling and this time there are explosions as well, just not on ground but in the air. I remember telling myself and the others to just think of it as fireworks, so that it wouldn't seem so horrible. I thought that it was the end of the world myself.
When we get home everyone from the village was gather outside and looking up. Some kind of smoke starts forming over us and covering basically the entire planet (at least were there were people). This guy in the group were in suddenly start to walk towards it, everyone freaks out, but he says that it's fine. Then he reaches up, touches the smoke and gets absorbed into it. It looks like he's turned to smoke himself but we still see him. We see him inside the smoke and he looks fine, despite looking like a spirit rather than an actual human. But he's there, alright and he starts to beckon people in. And they start to follow him one by one, even my parents and they try to explain to me that it's for the best so eventually, I join them.
We don't really die when this happens, that's what I thought at first. No, we end up somewhere else. It kind of looks like the same place, nothing is particulary supernatural or alienlike, but it's still different. It's the kind of place were everyone walks around thinking that everything is fine and living without any doubts and being totally oblivious. Which obviously bothered me. I didn't like it, and I missed my own world.
So I start to think of a way to get back, because I was certain that the planet hadn't been destroyed, I just thought that we've been moved, for whatever reason. I remember that I did eventually find a way back, through the same smoke, and my friends followed. But the planet was more of less deserted. And that's when I woke up.
While it was a very unpleasant dream, it was still pretty cool now when you've woken up. It's a kind of cool idé for a sci-fi story, don't you think?

Another rather scary dream of mine
This is the second time I've dreamt that I was wanted and that someone wanted me dead.
This time it was a famous murderer who had a history with our family, although I'm not sure how. It felt like he had killed somone from our family before and it felt like it could've been my dad because he wasn't in the dream. (or an older brother because there was a group of older boys in the dream who wasn't all that pleased with me)
No the family in this dream was my mum (who was my IRL mum), my stephdad (also IRL), an older sister (who switched between being my stephsister and someone else) and me who was a 14 year old boy with glasses apparently.
Anyways, the dream played out of us being rather scared of this man and we knew that he was out there. There was a festival in the town we lived in (we lived by the sea) so there was a lot going on. Me and my sister had gone out at one point and we were walking on a stone bridge and the murderer appeared in front of us. He was treathening us both with a knife and out of panic, I took the knife from him and stabbed him. He fell over the edge and into the water and I was terrified over the fact that I might just have killed someone, although neither of us thought he was dead. My sister got mad at me for doing what I did I remember but we ran for it and got home.
At home I remember that we were both terrified of basically anything and my mum and stephdad didn't care. They were going out so they were being like horny teenagers to each other. Anyways, I remember telling my mum about what happened and I remember handing her a plastic bag with papers and stuff in it to her that I apparently got from the murderer. Apparently they contained evidence towards my mum's ex-husband and a way to sue him, so my mum originally got mad.
The dream ended that my sister had gone up on the table and started screaming. When we got to her there was blood running down her legs and my mum kept asking her where she was bleading from. That's where I woke up.

Most dreamful night of my life part 2
The second dream I'm gonna tell you about was in fact the first one I dreamt (or not really I dreamt about being in different sets of my bedroom and trying to wake up in the right one before this)
I am being chased, I know this quite early in the dream. Possibly by some kind of maffia people or other criminals but I don't remember why. I also don't remember much of the chase atm other than some of the people that helped me (my classmate Emil and his girlfriend were two of them). Oh, I remember taking someone hostage, a very short guy who we turned out treating like a kid, but he escaped at a coffee shop and that's when we fled to the farm.
But I remember arriving with these people at a farm in pretty much the middle of nowhere, and my mum's family was there, I think it was my aunts place, and there are ponies running around everywhere (I remember because later I ride on one and it talks to me, and it knows cool tricks).
Anyways, it was some kind of a party, or it seemed like it, and I was always being nervous about them finding me or shooting me through a window or something like that, I could sense that they were there, more or less. And Emil told me to relax all the time because "there was no way they could find us out here".
The next thing I remember is being inside, with a few people from my family (the group of people I arrived with being outside). And outside I see a bar carried by two hospital people and a girl (that I def know) laying with her face practically burnt and cut right open and I look over to where the group of people I knew was and there was a huge fire, some people was lying down possibly hurt and the rest ran around panicked trying to figure out what to do. And I couldn't believe how I didn't notice anything before this. And I felt so guilty for putting them through this (specially the girl with the completely destroyed face) but at the same time being too scared for my own sake to let them go.
That fire did seem to be more or less the end to it though, because I don't seem to have seen them again. (or wait, maybe I did right before I "woke up" in the other dream, I think so, because I felt relieved when I notice the other people and somewhat knew that they weren't there anymore). But when the horse wanted me to ride him at the end I remember still being worried but thinking that "this horse is too quick, it'll be hard for them to shoot me know". What scared me in this dream was first and foremost how real it felt, I felt all the worry and everything throughout this and once again I had that terrifying feeling of not being able to escape. The second thing that scared me was how unaware everyone seemed to be about the situation, even after the fire and the cutting Emil seemed calm like fuck and acted towards me like he didn't understand what I was fuzzing about.
Ugh.. I hope I never experience these kind of dreams again, I hate it. I actually really drew a long sigh of relief when I eventually woke up from the second dream because that was just really unpleasant. (would probably make a good sci-fi novel though, I know I'd read it)

Most dreamful night of my life part 1
I'm gonna tell you about two dreams I had this night that scared the living crap out of me.
And i'm gonna start telling you about the second one because that's the one that's freshest in my memory.
I start out in a house, kind of like a daycare center of some sort, and people start welling in, people I've known before because all the faces are familiar, specially one girl but now I can't remember who she was. They notice quite fast that I'm not actually from around here and I notice myself that this is actually a totally different time, possibly a future and that we don't seem to be on earth anymore (although everything looks the same). I also notice something slightly off with the people. They're always happy or atleast they seem to be, and they lack understanding of most things. Like they're retarded of some sort. And they all want to come near me all the time with sharp objects whether it was their teeth or a fork or anything like that.
I get it explained to me that these people have all had a surgery either recently or as a child, which is that they make three cuts on both sides of their brain suposebly to make them calmer and happier (and easier to manipulate) and the reason they all want to come near me is because they want to do the same thing to me. I refuse ofc, I didn't sleep while I was there and everytime I sat close to someone, specially the girl, I cupped my ears.
I remember somewhat trying to make them understand that this surgery that they're doing is not a good thing, and i'm telling them about where I come from and about science fiction to make them get a new kind of hope. Since I knew some of the people and at one time, KISS was there, although it didn't seem like they actually played anything, I got the idea that it was history reusing people, or maybe that it was just that it was another planet. An alternative universe of some sort.
I met my teacher at one point, a mostly sarcastic and jokingly kind of guy, funny and almost a little mean at times. And he was telling me a story about a photo with a bunch of people on with glasses, the picture was blurry and my teacher explained that it was taken through his old glasses that they were there to change. He was scaringly serious about it, considering how I knew him before.
Then I also met Mimi Smith (John Lennon's aunt who brought him up), she was old when I met her and I noticed quite fast that she hadn't had the surgery, probably because it was after her time. Like me, she didn't seem to keen about it. So I ask her about John, ask if he's had the surgery. And she answered me "They clipped him as a child". She seemed sad about it too, like it was something she really regretted and I nodded along, agreeing with this sadness before I said "It feels like I know him from a different time". And I remember her agreeing to that, like she knew more about the situation or that she knew about where I came from. (May I also point out that it didn't seem like anything became of John, I never met him in the dream but Mimi's reactions seemed to say that she knew what he could of been but considering that he had been cut stupid, those things couldn't happen anymore, all in all, the beatles never got the chance to exist)
And then I wake up. And I've never been so revealed about waking up.
Now when I think about it, I also remember meeting my dad and telling him about "being stuck in a dream" and that I couldn't wake up, so in the dream I was aware that it was in fact a dream, but I couldn't get out of there. I don't remember if my dad had done the surgery I never got a hint of that.

My Dream
So eh.. I dreamt a rather weird dream yesterday. Or well, on a dream level I guess it's not that weird but weird enough for me to remember most of it. Specially one part of it. Since I normally don't remember my dreams, I thought I would tell you about this one, since I do remember it.
Anyways. It started off with that my family and some other people I didn't recognize were celebrating something (I can't remember what now) and I went out to get a friend of mine so that he could join the party cus I knew he loved cake. Now this friend, I know he wasn't human but I can't remember what he was, he was shorter than me though. Anyway. I found him outside the house, hiding from something so I asked him what. He told me about these people that were chasing him because he had something they wanted. And I must've heard the story before cus I remember that I wasn't surprised to hear about it and I offered my help.
So I went into the forest to look for someone that might've looked suspicious.
After a while I remember I jumped down onto a field and on the left of me was a fence which I held myself against so that I wouldn't fall. It was apparently very hard for me to walk in that field and the fence was a bit higher up than the ground I was walking on.
A bit further in on the field I noticed a horse laying down on the side on the other side of the fence. The head was pretty close so I stroked the horse and called for it, but it didn't respond. I noticed then that "holy shit, this horse is dead!" so I looked around to see even more horses lying the same way the dead one was (they were dead aswell) and I also noticed that there were horses like that on my side of the fence aswell. I also notice that there's thick ropes tied up straight across the entire field. Obviously these horses had gotten stuck in these ropes and therefor starved to death.
I started walking a bit faster than before trying not to get stuck myself and at the end of the fence I notice some horses that were still alive and decide to help them. Though for some reason I knew that I could only rescue one. So I call my friend who was wanted and asked him to come and help me then I walk to a white horse and start untangle the ropes from its legs and helps it up. I remember that he couldn't stand properly cus he's been lying down for so long, but he could walk alright.
Anyways, me and my friend get him home and put him in the garden and you know help him all we can. Then we notice that the horse wasn't a horse at all, it was a teenaged boy. More specifically it was John Lennon's first born son, Julian. So I was like "Hey I know who you are". He was furious too, not at us though, but he kept talking about wanting revenge. I don't know on who or why but I know that he kept sneaking out in the middle of the night to seek this person up. But that he never succeeded. I also remember that he tried to kill himself by drowning himself in our pool, cus apparently my family owns and runs a poolhouse. I also remember being totally cool with him trying to kill himself. Makes me sad, cus I like Julian, he's my favourite beatle-child.