The constant battle between opinions and convenience

Dream: not so much natural selection

Some The day after tomorrow shit here

Stuff that happened to me in 2014
- I spent New Years with someone else other than my family for the first time.
- Went to Norway to go skiing (still not for me)
- I went to Malmö (Sweden's third biggest city) for the first time.
- I fell in love, with someone who turned out to be just the right amount of weird to really make everything inside me let go of a happy sigh. It's my first real and serious relationship.
- This also meant that I got a whole group of new friends.
- I went to two Sci-fi conventions
- My step sister had a baby, which means I got to be a step aunt
- Went to Geek Pride dressed as Dean Winchester
- Then I also went to Pride in Gothenburg and walked in a hugeass parade.
- I spent midsummer (swedish holliday) away from my family for the first time. And swam in a house-pool for the first time
- I started
taking my drivers license
- I survived the hottest summer I've ever experienced, and actually felt comfortable walking around in shorts.
- I drank beer in a park for no other reason than just hanging out with a few friends. (also something I've never done before)
- I went out with my sister, also for the first time.
- I danced at a nightclub that time, also for the first time.
- I saw Kansas live.
- I went to Hjulafton with my mum, which we haven't done in a long time but used to do when I was a kid.
- I sculpted something out of clay.
- I applied to a university in Skövde but got waitlisted.
- I voted for the first time.
- And got Xbox Live for the first time
- I turned 20 and bought alcohol from a store for the first time.
- I went to Västerås and stayed at a hotel
with my boyfriend and his friends.. and danced at a nightclub for the second time.
- Willys opened up right next to my house
- Me and my mum set the record for biggest amount of home-made christmas candy.
- I worked for the first time. As a nightlife photographer, taking pictures of drunk people.
- It snowed on Christmas Eve, and I tried to drink the most disgusting beer I've ever tasted. It tasted like burnt bread.
- I got too drunk for my own good on New Years, but thankfully.. I had people who could take me home safetly.
- Kansas
- Supernatural
- Attack on Titan
- How to train your dragon 2
- Interstellar
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Orange is the new Black
- Gravity
- Halo 4 and 2
- Burnout Paradise
- GTA 5
- and some other stuff...

Zombie dream

Sexuality is a difficult thing

Awful dream
I confront him (we talked about other stuff before but I can't remember what they were) and he doesn't deny it, which obviously makes me mad. But I'm also very attached to this guy so I don't really want to leave him. He managed to reason with me (also a conversation I don't remember how it goes) into hating the girl instead of him and we all, his friends and my friend decides to get some revenge on her. It's when we put this plan into action that I wake up.

OTP Challenge, because fun!

Day 2: Your OTP’s best moments
Day 3: Your favorite quote/s from your OTP.
Day 4: Your OTP since the pilot EPISODE.
Day 5: Your OTP that broke your heart
Day 7: Your OTP that needs to happen now
Day 8: Your OTP that you WISH will happen
Day 9: Your OTP that didn’t disappoint you
Day 10: Your OTP forever

Which characters share your personality?
I found this on Tumblr and just really wanted to do it because, well in case someone I love share my personality type x)
(If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here)
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag at least five friends and let them know you tagged them!
I have taken this test before and has landed in the middle of Judging and Percieving and have therefor both been ISTP and ISTJ, so I will list both of them.
ISTJ (Inspector)
ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals who value loyalty and dependability above all else. They would rather work with facts than SPECULATION, and they will put a great deal of energy into reaching a goal - as long as it makes sense to them. They prefer to work alone, but can be good team players when the situation calls for it.
- Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
- Hermes Conrad (Futurama)
- John -117 (The Master Chief) (Halo Series) - You don't understand how happy this made me! I freaking adore that man!
- Hermoine Granger and Argus Filch (Harry Potter)
- Sergeant Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz)
- Inspector Javert (Les Miserables) - Haha yes!
- Dr. Kelso (Scrubs) - That's fun x)
- Spock (Star Trek) - Nice!
- Darth Vader (Star Wars) - Hahaha why not
- John Winchester (Supernatural)
- Eeyore (Winnie The Poh) - I don't like Winnie the Poh actually, but I just had to add this because between me and my best friend when I was younger, my nickname was Eeyore because she thought I reminded her of him xD I'm not as unhappy and depressed though.
- Annie Leonhardt (Attack on Titan)
- Alex (A Clockwork Orange) - Well that's awful xD
- The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) - No wonder I liked him so much, it's the only full season I've watched and yes, I could relate to him a lot actually.
- Gamora and Drax the detroyer (Guardians of the Galaxy) - I didn't like Gamora, but I loved Drax so that's nice! xD
- Victor Krum (Harry Potter)
- Robin Scherbatsky (How I met your mother)
- Aragorn (The Lord of the Ring)
- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Marvel)
- Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) - HOLY CRAP YES! It's funny since I made a post about how much I related to him once.. xD Now I know why
- The Janitor (Scrubs)
- Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
- Kenny (South Park)
- Hikaru Sulu (Star Trek)
- Han Solo (Star Wars)
- Steven Hyde (That 70s Show)
- Roschach/Walter Kovacs (Watchmen) - OH FUCK YES!

Levi Ackerman: A Choice With No Regrets
I also managed to find out that Levi had his own special chapter in the manga about his backstory. Of course, since Levi is one of my favourite characters, I was pretty damn excited to find that out. So yesterday I ordered the first part of the book called "Attack on Titan: No regrets" which is just that and today this little trailer came out!

Attack on Titan sort of review

I'd actually like to see Hanji as a girl, because to me it just makes her personality so much more fun. She's bold and a little bit insane. Plus she loooooves Titans and reminds me a lot of a Lion tamer of some sort. Or you know, the kind of person who goes "Animals are not evil, they're misunderstood" which I love. She's not the highest in rank but she still doesn't take crap from anyone, not even Erwin which is pretty cool. I also enjoy her current role in the manga since we've gotten to see a lot of her, and she's taking charge as the new commander. (I was sort of wondering why Levi didn't get to be the new commander since he seems to be the next in rank and I kind of wanted him to, but I'm also glad Hanji got it).
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..

Feminism in it's flawed nature
For me, sexism is an issue. And believe it or not, it works both ways. Daily people gets judged by the standards gender automatically put on people and it causes problems to men and women alike. Men, for example, is always the second choice as a parent when it comes to full custody of his children. And male rape or domestic violence victims are afraid to report the attack in fear of not being taken seriously. I think it's important to bring this up as well.

The Boy with the Cucko-Clock Heart

Dream 182 or something

Guardians of the Galaxy