Guardians of the Galaxy

Oh. My. God. I am so happy that I saw this movie. It was hilarious, had an interesting story and was visually stunning to look at.
They had quite a lot of characters but they successfully introduced everyone of them and gave them enough screentime so that you would care about them. Heck, I even cared about Yondu, that guy who kidnapped Quill to begin with and when he went down in that plane, I was actually scared that he was going to die.
The pace was lovely in this movie and it never once felt boring, and another pace, more specifically Lee Pace, was also amazing in this movie with his partrayal of the villain Ronan. I honestly didn't know that he was going to be in this movie, so I was pleasantly surprised to see his name as the movie started.
My personal favourites were obviously Groot and Rocket. Marvel hasn't managed to make me love characters this much since they brought in Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk. Everything about this duo was great, Rocket had the best sense of humour and was just such a well written character and Groot.. oh, lovely, sweet as honey, Groot. Everytime he did something my heart just melted, yes, even when he made a bbq stick out of all those villains. When I saw the trailer I thought he was going to be this silent and stoick killing machine, but nope.. quite the opposite. Cute but deadly. There is nothing that I love to see more on screen than great friendships and Rocket and Groot's friendship gave me just that. My only complaint, was that Groot's death scene wasn't long enough.. I wanted to cry for his sake, and I almost did, but then it was over and they had moved on.
I do have a little complaint about the female character though, Gamora. I liked how she was treated in the prison, it made her interesting and she did have some fun moments. But... she was also very cliché... She was the typical "strong female" type of character and it was quite boring to me. I want funny and strong female characters.. why can't I get that? There's a reason I love Darcy so much, heck even Pepper. I want a dorky, funny and awesome female character that kicks ass! More Darcy's!
One thing that I did love about the movie was that it interupted every cliché moment it had. There's nothing I hate more in a movie nowadays than a romantic subplot between the main character and a female character. I absolutely despise it because it's the same every time and there's just never any dept to it. Then we get one of those scenes in GotG and they interupt it with Quill being a dork and saying something funny, which was glorious. They also interupted the typical cliché villain speech about how he was superior with crashing a plane into him. Ah, I loved them for that! There were many times where you thought something would happen and it didn't.
The soundtrack of the film was amazing, obviously since they gathered a lot of classics such as Björn Skifs into the mix ;) Nothing screams awesome quite like Hooked on a Feeling after all!
All in all, It's so far my favourite Marvel movie 10/10