Attack on Titan sort of review
Like I did with Supernatural, I decided to "review" one of my favourite shows by doing these 30 days challenge thing. But instead of doing it over 30 days, I'm just doing it all now. This will probably contain spoilers from the manga since I actually read it even though I didn't want to.

Day 1: Favorite Male Character
Well.. It's sort of a tie. Between Eren and Levi.
I love Eren a lot because, well, he's insane. He acts like a madman a huge part of the time and I really enjoy that. I also enjoy that despite his titan powers, he's not necessarely always the hero. He was the one who wanted to fight titans the most but he ended up being the 5th best, after Mikasa and the rest. On his first encounter with titans as a soldier he gets eaten pretty quick and he hasn't been able to kill a titan as a human until recently. I love how excited he was over that last part, btw. Even so, he is the main character and I do really enjoy him as the main character. Of course his titan powers play a part in why I love him as well. He's just the kind of character I want good stuff to happen to. I want him to be the hero. Plus, the voice actor is so damn perfect for his character that it's not even funny. Yuki Kaji, you're awesome!
Onto Levi then.. Well... he's short, humanity's strongest soldier and he's so damn rude that it's funny. It's not that he's rude for the sake of it, No, his rudeness and abusiveness is actually damn effective. In the manga we have recently discovered a guy who has a past with Levi. He's apparently known for being a murderer and a quite obvious bad guy. Levi and him share a last name together with Mikasa and I'm honestly scared for what their relationship might be. There was a moment there where I started worrying about Levi turning out to be a bad guy in the end. And I just soo hope that that doesn't happen. Because he's so damn perfect as the sort of anti-hero that he is. I also found out recently that he's based on Rorschach from Watchmen which made me superexcited because Rorschach is another favourite character of mine.
Day 2: Favorite Female Character
Hmm...This is a little bit harder because I haven't found a hardcore favourite of mine. At least not among those who are confirmed to be female. But if we go after the anime.. my favourite would probably be Hanji.
I'd actually like to see Hanji as a girl, because to me it just makes her personality so much more fun. She's bold and a little bit insane. Plus she loooooves Titans and reminds me a lot of a Lion tamer of some sort. Or you know, the kind of person who goes "Animals are not evil, they're misunderstood" which I love. She's not the highest in rank but she still doesn't take crap from anyone, not even Erwin which is pretty cool. I also enjoy her current role in the manga since we've gotten to see a lot of her, and she's taking charge as the new commander. (I was sort of wondering why Levi didn't get to be the new commander since he seems to be the next in rank and I kind of wanted him to, but I'm also glad Hanji got it).
After her, I'll probably say that Sasha is my favourite. She's fun and I really enjoy her and Connie's friendship. The reason I don't pick Mikasa is because I find her quite boring on her own. I do enjoy her part in the trio that is Eren, Mikasa and Armin though and I like that she's so overprotective of Eren. Her backstory is also kind of nice.. I just.. don't really care about her individually.
Day 3: Least Favorite Male Character
Hmm... it's hard to say.. There's no one in the group that I don't like. I like them all. I guess... I didn't really like Olou that much? He was a bit of a prick xD And just some people from the military police all over.
Day 4: Least Favorite Female Character
Eh... From the group... probably Ymir. I don't even know why actually.. I'm just a little bothered by her. But I don't hate her so.. Same goes for Krista, but it's more that I find her boring.
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..
Day 5: Your OTP
I don't have one, but I have some Brotps like Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean, because cmon, they fight all the time but you know they care about each other ;), Eren/Mikasa/Armin, Armin/Everyone, Sasha/Connie, Levi/Hanji, Levi/Erwin, Marco/Jean.. the list goes on really.. xD
Day 6: Favorite Friendship
Oh ok... yeah they're listed above x) Absolute favourites except for the trio are probably Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean and Levi/Hanji.
Day 7: Favorite OPENING
Could I combine the music from the first one and the video from the second? xDD Because that's what I would do. The second opening is really cool visually and I do enjoy the song but it doesn't get me as excited as the first song from the first opening. So yeah... combine them..
Day 8: Favorite Ending
Probably the second one because it had a much more interesting song. But I usually don't stick around for long enough to really watch them.
Day 9: Favorite OST
Either Guren No Yumiyah or Vogel Im Käfig aka. Eren's mothers death, you know the little melodi that often plays when Eren is a titan. It's awesome and so damn sad in a way.
Day 10: Favorite Titan
Eren all the way x)) But the Colossal Titan is also pretty cool-looking at least.
Day 11: Least Favorite Titan
Eh.. well.. idk.. I don't really hate any of them, they're all pretty cool in a horrible way xD But maybe the one who ate Eren's mother.. since it also ate Hannes... <.<....
Day 12: Funniest Titan
Ehehehe oh, the one that comes running around a corner looking fabulous.. you know the one ;D
Day 13: Weirdest Titan
Hmm... The one that runs around like a freaking spider maybe? You know when they're out on the field. I think it's Sasha who encounters it? It's still very cool though. Or, the tiny one from the manga with the giant freaking eyes.. It looked creepy as hell.
Day 14: Favorite Squad
I'm not sure what you're referring to. The 104th Trainee Squad?? x)
Day 15: Favorite Titan Shifter
Already answered this but.. Eren xD
Day 16: Least Favorite Titan Shifter
Ymir I guess... xD It might change depending on what their reasons are.
Day 17: Favorite Division
The Survey Corps/Recon Corps/Scouting Legion xD If that's what you meant by division..
Day 18: Favorite Commander
Erwin, Or Hanji if she takes over x) But I don't think that's gonna be necessary, hopefully.
Day 19: Favorite Squad Leader
Levi is a squad leader right? He had his own squad..
Day 20: A Character that is most like you
Wow, idk really.. is anyone of them like me? Reiner maybe.. He's sort of reasonable.. xD I don't really know if anyone of them is anything like me. But a bet a lot of people think I'm like Levi.. always looking so damn judgemental and rude xDD I've heard that about me. But I'm not as mean.
Day 21: Squad you would like to be part of
idk what squad? I'm still confused as to what you count as a squad. But I'd like to know all the trainees xD
Day 22: The Division you would like to be part of
Knowing myself, I would probably choose the Military Police.. and that's for the same reason Jean wanted to.. because it's sort of safer.
Day 23: Something you wish you knew more about
Well the titans, but that's hopefully going to be explained. More about Levi and Hanji's backstory would be nice as well!
Day 24: Someone who you wish never died
Marco, but not so much because of him himself, like.. I didn't know him that well so I wasn't that sad when he died. But mostly for Jean's sake because Marco was the only friend that he actually hung out with. Like Eren, Mikasa and Armin always hang out, Reiner and Berthold always hang out and Sasha and Connie too, Jean kind of lost that thing when Marco died and that made me sad.
Day 25: Favorite Moment
Hmm... I actually really loved when Eren "died" because I love sad scenes or extremely brutal scenes and that was both. Also the entire WTF moment when you actually thought that they might've killed off the main character. I loved it.. and I loved Armin's reaction to it and I was so on edge when Mikasa was about to find out. I just really loved to see how much they cared about him.
Day 26: Funniest Moment
Everything with Sasha.. xD No idk.. I guess actually in one of those side episodes when Sasha and Jean have a Cook-off.. When Jean gets all threatening and Sasha and Connie goes into these fighting-stances of theirs.. I laughed out loud at that xDD Also the ridiculousness of Pixys reaction to the meat.. that was so weird..
Day 27: Saddest Moment
Hmm.. well... I don't really know... I haven't actually cried to the show yet but maybe the entire aftermath of their first encounter with the female titan? Like everything from them rolling off dead bodies from the carrige and Petra's father talking to Levi about how he wishes they would marry and Eren falling apart while Mikasa tries to comfort him. It was just incredibly heartbreaking all of it.
Day 28: Weridest Moment
Yeah the Pixys one that I described before.. xD
Day 29: Favorite Quote
Oh Gosh.. I don't actually know.. anything mean that Levi says? xD I always have trouble with questions like this one, because all of the sudden I can't remember anything said on the show. I guess one that I kind of liked was when Jean wipes his hand on Connie and Connie asks him what the hell he just wiped off and he answers "My faith in humanity". It was just so random to me and quite hilarious xD
Day 30: What you enjoy the most about SnK
The gruesomeness of it. I love how raw it is both physically and psychologically. And how realistic it is even though it's a series about giant man-eating human-like creatures, for example the soldiers reaction to having to fight when everyone was having a breakdown. I just love it when you can actually tell how awful things are and see how much it actually affects the people involved, it just makes it more real. Like Supernatural and Iron Man 3.