Zombie dream
So.. I read an idea of a game yesterday about a zombie apocalypse that only affected men, so the women were let to fight for the world. It also played out in the 50s and it sounded awesome.
This night I had a dream about that, kind of. It wasn't in the 50s but there was zombies and most people I met along the way were female. Except for one dude, but he worked for a female. I stayed at these two for a while and I think we were making up a plan on how we should move on. I just know that the most of the dream was played out there.
Either way.. once again my dream is telling me to love girls, because in this dream I have a crush on a girl who actually exists IRL. Her name is Jerina and it's someone who I've been following on facebook and other sites because her style is awesome. In this dream she lived by herself but also in our building apparently because the one guy in the dream tells me to call her and ask her out. Which I do at the end of the movie, and she says yes, although she doesn't seem too happy to talk to me towards the end of our conversation, probably because I found it very hard to talk for some reason.
A bunch of other stuff happen too but sadly I waited too long to write it down so now I've forgotten about it.
Either way, I kind of enjoyed this dream.