Because I'm lazy and don't feel like putting up my photos everywhere several times. I'm going to give you guys a link to the Tumblr were almost all of my pictures are gathered.
Here you have it

Editing experiments

I am trying to improve my photoediting. And since I'm self-taught the examples might not be all that great all the time. But I'm trying my best and I want to improve. This is one of the tests (since I've uploaded this picture before, I think..just that now it looks a bit different)


Oh, What a beauty!


I can't sleep and I'm bored.


Some photos from today

Well ain't that fun?

Here, have an "artistic" photo..


Ph: I've pimped my bass! It's not much, I know, but it's something!

Alice fucking Cooper
I totally forgot to mention, that I saw Alice Cooper live the other day! How could I forget to put this fact up on here? I put it up on Tumblr and on Facebook but totally neglected my own blog. I'm sorry.
Anyways, of course it was awesome, I mean, who are kidding? It's Alice fucking Cooper, He's a rock legend! It's obvious it's going to be great! And it was!
He put on a real show! He had a frankenstein on stage, his snake around his neck, big balloons flying out over the audience and he even cut his own head off! It was great, just great..
Me and my mate Felix actually had a pretty damn good view too, cus we were superclose! Not directly in front of the stage, but pretty damn close nontheless! And at the end of School's out, he even threw in a couple of lines from Pink Floyd's famous song Another brick in the wall that we got to sing a long to.
It was splendid, marvelous, epic, just fucking fantastic!
So here are some photos! Cheers!

PICTURE SPAM! Whether you like it or not...

Here you go. A Shitload of photographs taken by me, of Pia's horses. If I remember correctly (which I'm not sure I do) the brown one is Vippan (can't remember her full name, but Vippan is her nickname) and the other one is Tor. Eh.. possibly, I think she had one called Tor, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the little one (who's currently not at home because he's gotten his balls cut off and needs to recover).