Attack on Titan sort of review
Like I did with Supernatural, I decided to "review" one of my favourite shows by doing these 30 days challenge thing. But instead of doing it over 30 days, I'm just doing it all now. This will probably contain spoilers from the manga since I actually read it even though I didn't want to.

Day 1: Favorite Male Character
Well.. It's sort of a tie. Between Eren and Levi.
I love Eren a lot because, well, he's insane. He acts like a madman a huge part of the time and I really enjoy that. I also enjoy that despite his titan powers, he's not necessarely always the hero. He was the one who wanted to fight titans the most but he ended up being the 5th best, after Mikasa and the rest. On his first encounter with titans as a soldier he gets eaten pretty quick and he hasn't been able to kill a titan as a human until recently. I love how excited he was over that last part, btw. Even so, he is the main character and I do really enjoy him as the main character. Of course his titan powers play a part in why I love him as well. He's just the kind of character I want good stuff to happen to. I want him to be the hero. Plus, the voice actor is so damn perfect for his character that it's not even funny. Yuki Kaji, you're awesome!
Onto Levi then.. Well... he's short, humanity's strongest soldier and he's so damn rude that it's funny. It's not that he's rude for the sake of it, No, his rudeness and abusiveness is actually damn effective. In the manga we have recently discovered a guy who has a past with Levi. He's apparently known for being a murderer and a quite obvious bad guy. Levi and him share a last name together with Mikasa and I'm honestly scared for what their relationship might be. There was a moment there where I started worrying about Levi turning out to be a bad guy in the end. And I just soo hope that that doesn't happen. Because he's so damn perfect as the sort of anti-hero that he is. I also found out recently that he's based on Rorschach from Watchmen which made me superexcited because Rorschach is another favourite character of mine.
Day 2: Favorite Female Character
Hmm...This is a little bit harder because I haven't found a hardcore favourite of mine. At least not among those who are confirmed to be female. But if we go after the anime.. my favourite would probably be Hanji.
I'd actually like to see Hanji as a girl, because to me it just makes her personality so much more fun. She's bold and a little bit insane. Plus she loooooves Titans and reminds me a lot of a Lion tamer of some sort. Or you know, the kind of person who goes "Animals are not evil, they're misunderstood" which I love. She's not the highest in rank but she still doesn't take crap from anyone, not even Erwin which is pretty cool. I also enjoy her current role in the manga since we've gotten to see a lot of her, and she's taking charge as the new commander. (I was sort of wondering why Levi didn't get to be the new commander since he seems to be the next in rank and I kind of wanted him to, but I'm also glad Hanji got it).
After her, I'll probably say that Sasha is my favourite. She's fun and I really enjoy her and Connie's friendship. The reason I don't pick Mikasa is because I find her quite boring on her own. I do enjoy her part in the trio that is Eren, Mikasa and Armin though and I like that she's so overprotective of Eren. Her backstory is also kind of nice.. I just.. don't really care about her individually.
Day 3: Least Favorite Male Character
Hmm... it's hard to say.. There's no one in the group that I don't like. I like them all. I guess... I didn't really like Olou that much? He was a bit of a prick xD And just some people from the military police all over.
Day 4: Least Favorite Female Character
Eh... From the group... probably Ymir. I don't even know why actually.. I'm just a little bothered by her. But I don't hate her so.. Same goes for Krista, but it's more that I find her boring.
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..
Although, I think Hitch or whatever her name is would be my least favourite xD She was a bitch. Or is..
Day 5: Your OTP
I don't have one, but I have some Brotps like Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean, because cmon, they fight all the time but you know they care about each other ;), Eren/Mikasa/Armin, Armin/Everyone, Sasha/Connie, Levi/Hanji, Levi/Erwin, Marco/Jean.. the list goes on really.. xD
Day 6: Favorite Friendship
Oh ok... yeah they're listed above x) Absolute favourites except for the trio are probably Eren/Levi, Eren/Jean and Levi/Hanji.
Day 7: Favorite OPENING
Could I combine the music from the first one and the video from the second? xDD Because that's what I would do. The second opening is really cool visually and I do enjoy the song but it doesn't get me as excited as the first song from the first opening. So yeah... combine them..
Day 8: Favorite Ending
Probably the second one because it had a much more interesting song. But I usually don't stick around for long enough to really watch them.
Day 9: Favorite OST
Either Guren No Yumiyah or Vogel Im Käfig aka. Eren's mothers death, you know the little melodi that often plays when Eren is a titan. It's awesome and so damn sad in a way.
Day 10: Favorite Titan
Eren all the way x)) But the Colossal Titan is also pretty cool-looking at least.
Day 11: Least Favorite Titan
Eh.. well.. idk.. I don't really hate any of them, they're all pretty cool in a horrible way xD But maybe the one who ate Eren's mother.. since it also ate Hannes... <.<....
Day 12: Funniest Titan
Ehehehe oh, the one that comes running around a corner looking fabulous.. you know the one ;D
Day 13: Weirdest Titan
Hmm... The one that runs around like a freaking spider maybe? You know when they're out on the field. I think it's Sasha who encounters it? It's still very cool though. Or, the tiny one from the manga with the giant freaking eyes.. It looked creepy as hell.
Day 14: Favorite Squad
I'm not sure what you're referring to. The 104th Trainee Squad?? x)
Day 15: Favorite Titan Shifter
Already answered this but.. Eren xD
Day 16: Least Favorite Titan Shifter
Ymir I guess... xD It might change depending on what their reasons are.
Day 17: Favorite Division
The Survey Corps/Recon Corps/Scouting Legion xD If that's what you meant by division..
Day 18: Favorite Commander
Erwin, Or Hanji if she takes over x) But I don't think that's gonna be necessary, hopefully.
Day 19: Favorite Squad Leader
Levi is a squad leader right? He had his own squad..
Day 20: A Character that is most like you
Wow, idk really.. is anyone of them like me? Reiner maybe.. He's sort of reasonable.. xD I don't really know if anyone of them is anything like me. But a bet a lot of people think I'm like Levi.. always looking so damn judgemental and rude xDD I've heard that about me. But I'm not as mean.
Day 21: Squad you would like to be part of
idk what squad? I'm still confused as to what you count as a squad. But I'd like to know all the trainees xD
Day 22: The Division you would like to be part of
Knowing myself, I would probably choose the Military Police.. and that's for the same reason Jean wanted to.. because it's sort of safer.
Day 23: Something you wish you knew more about
Well the titans, but that's hopefully going to be explained. More about Levi and Hanji's backstory would be nice as well!
Day 24: Someone who you wish never died
Marco, but not so much because of him himself, like.. I didn't know him that well so I wasn't that sad when he died. But mostly for Jean's sake because Marco was the only friend that he actually hung out with. Like Eren, Mikasa and Armin always hang out, Reiner and Berthold always hang out and Sasha and Connie too, Jean kind of lost that thing when Marco died and that made me sad.
Day 25: Favorite Moment
Hmm... I actually really loved when Eren "died" because I love sad scenes or extremely brutal scenes and that was both. Also the entire WTF moment when you actually thought that they might've killed off the main character. I loved it.. and I loved Armin's reaction to it and I was so on edge when Mikasa was about to find out. I just really loved to see how much they cared about him.
Day 26: Funniest Moment
Everything with Sasha.. xD No idk.. I guess actually in one of those side episodes when Sasha and Jean have a Cook-off.. When Jean gets all threatening and Sasha and Connie goes into these fighting-stances of theirs.. I laughed out loud at that xDD Also the ridiculousness of Pixys reaction to the meat.. that was so weird..
Day 27: Saddest Moment
Hmm.. well... I don't really know... I haven't actually cried to the show yet but maybe the entire aftermath of their first encounter with the female titan? Like everything from them rolling off dead bodies from the carrige and Petra's father talking to Levi about how he wishes they would marry and Eren falling apart while Mikasa tries to comfort him. It was just incredibly heartbreaking all of it.
Day 28: Weridest Moment
Yeah the Pixys one that I described before.. xD
Day 29: Favorite Quote
Oh Gosh.. I don't actually know.. anything mean that Levi says? xD I always have trouble with questions like this one, because all of the sudden I can't remember anything said on the show. I guess one that I kind of liked was when Jean wipes his hand on Connie and Connie asks him what the hell he just wiped off and he answers "My faith in humanity". It was just so random to me and quite hilarious xD
Day 30: What you enjoy the most about SnK
The gruesomeness of it. I love how raw it is both physically and psychologically. And how realistic it is even though it's a series about giant man-eating human-like creatures, for example the soldiers reaction to having to fight when everyone was having a breakdown. I just love it when you can actually tell how awful things are and see how much it actually affects the people involved, it just makes it more real. Like Supernatural and Iron Man 3.

The Boy with the Cucko-Clock Heart

So I finally saw this movie, because I finally got a hold of it in english! Which can be hard when it comes to french movies, if you didn't already know that.
Anyways, I have been so excited to see this movie ever since I first saw the first teaser trailer for it. It looked stunning, I loved everything about the animation and the feel to it and all the wonderful steampunk-y details that was in it. I also found a band called Dionysos through it who made the music for this movie and who is now one of my top favourite bands.
When I then saw the movie, neither the music or the visuals disappointed me! It was absolutely gorgeous to watch and listen to and I enjoyed that very much. Sadly.. that was all I enjoyed. It was funny from time to time and the story, well... it was quite boring. It felt like someone outside of france had tried to make a french movie. It was very cliché in the way it handled love like it was the biggest and most important thing on earth. And it got a little over the top with that, and for me, who's not that much into romance.. that got quite boring.
The ending was also quite rushed, a lot of stuff happened in the final moments of the film and it wasn't quite explained why Jack decided to die when he could be saved. Maybe he knew that he couldn't survive with love in his life so he chose to die when he was happy, after that kiss he got. Or the loss of his adopted mother was too much to bear.. no one really knows. You can only guess after all.
Jack was however quite likable, and nothing is better to me than a likeable main character. Even his love interest was likable and so was his mother and his best friend. That's where I think this movie succeeded. It did have quite likable characters. The villain should've been explained though. Because he was only portraited like this guy who was in love with the same girl and therefor decided that "why not bully and destroy the guy? and if he dies, oh well".
I would've wanted to watch this movie with the original language and subtitles instead but it was very hard to find. Because the dubs.. well.. they weren't that good. Some of the dialogue was cringe-worthy and the songs just didn't sit well in my ears with the translation. Everything is better in it's original setting after all.
Either way, I would want to watch it again, if only to enjoy the music and the visuals. 4/10

Guardians of the Galaxy

Oh. My. God. I am so happy that I saw this movie. It was hilarious, had an interesting story and was visually stunning to look at.
They had quite a lot of characters but they successfully introduced everyone of them and gave them enough screentime so that you would care about them. Heck, I even cared about Yondu, that guy who kidnapped Quill to begin with and when he went down in that plane, I was actually scared that he was going to die.
The pace was lovely in this movie and it never once felt boring, and another pace, more specifically Lee Pace, was also amazing in this movie with his partrayal of the villain Ronan. I honestly didn't know that he was going to be in this movie, so I was pleasantly surprised to see his name as the movie started.
My personal favourites were obviously Groot and Rocket. Marvel hasn't managed to make me love characters this much since they brought in Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk. Everything about this duo was great, Rocket had the best sense of humour and was just such a well written character and Groot.. oh, lovely, sweet as honey, Groot. Everytime he did something my heart just melted, yes, even when he made a bbq stick out of all those villains. When I saw the trailer I thought he was going to be this silent and stoick killing machine, but nope.. quite the opposite. Cute but deadly. There is nothing that I love to see more on screen than great friendships and Rocket and Groot's friendship gave me just that. My only complaint, was that Groot's death scene wasn't long enough.. I wanted to cry for his sake, and I almost did, but then it was over and they had moved on.
I do have a little complaint about the female character though, Gamora. I liked how she was treated in the prison, it made her interesting and she did have some fun moments. But... she was also very cliché... She was the typical "strong female" type of character and it was quite boring to me. I want funny and strong female characters.. why can't I get that? There's a reason I love Darcy so much, heck even Pepper. I want a dorky, funny and awesome female character that kicks ass! More Darcy's!
One thing that I did love about the movie was that it interupted every cliché moment it had. There's nothing I hate more in a movie nowadays than a romantic subplot between the main character and a female character. I absolutely despise it because it's the same every time and there's just never any dept to it. Then we get one of those scenes in GotG and they interupt it with Quill being a dork and saying something funny, which was glorious. They also interupted the typical cliché villain speech about how he was superior with crashing a plane into him. Ah, I loved them for that! There were many times where you thought something would happen and it didn't.
The soundtrack of the film was amazing, obviously since they gathered a lot of classics such as Björn Skifs into the mix ;) Nothing screams awesome quite like Hooked on a Feeling after all!
All in all, It's so far my favourite Marvel movie 10/10

Possibly new favourite film: How to train your dragon 2

You know, I was kind of nervous when I went to see Httyd2, because I had been looking forward to it ever since the news about them making it came out. And the more I saw of it, all the trailers and what not, the more excited I got because it looked amazing.
And I wasn't dissapointed! The movie was everything I'd hoped for and more! I sat through it with awe written all over my face and I had to remind myself not to let my jaw drop so that I wouldn't sit there looking like an idiot.
The story was amazing, the pace was brilliant because it felt longer than it actually was, the visuals freaking stunning! I haven't been this impressed by a animated movie since I first watched Rise of the Guardians. And guess what, I think this one surpassed it. I will still defend Rotg with my life because I thought it was amazing, but I have to admit that the sequel to the impressive film about a boy and his dragon was better.
I've always been impressed by animation and I've always loved watching animated movies, but I've also been disappointed that animation studios didn't do more with it. That they seem to be stuck in the "animation is for kids"-mindset. Save for Tim Burton and Laika of course.. But Httyd2 WENT THERE.. They dared take animation to the next level and they dared use the darker themes again and for that I was so glad! There were parts in this film that I was scared for my life because of how they used the visuals, and the music to tell a story and that's something I don't often see and it amazes me every time.
Speaking of music.. HOLY CRAP THE SOUNDTRACK! You could tell that something incredible was going to happen only by listening to the music itself. If I would've listened to the soundtrack before watching the movie I would be so excited for it. But watching it together with the scenes.. Jesus! Major Kudos to John Powell! I absolutely loved the fact that they mashed the original soundtrack into the new ones was amazing and he did an incredible work with it. I also loved the use of choirs!
Sure, it had it's cliché moments, and it kept referencing to the first movie and that got a little annoying to me. One time, sure that would've been fun, but it just kept on doing it and I could've been without that. But the amazingness of the rest of it was enough for me to ignore that part!
Overall, I can't wait to see it again! 10/10


Yes, I liked this one!
It was actually the first in a long time I bought a movie I haven't seen. The last time I did that was with Neverland (who actually also turned out to be something I really liked, seems I'm really good at that).
This movie is about some afterlife cops, I suppose that's all I have to say. It's a bit cliché, especially if you're like my dad who's seen so many movies he can almost point out everything that's gonna happen. But it was still enjoyable (even for him) with it's humour and action alike.
For me, like a lot of things I like, it's the enviroment that excites me. Had this been an ordinary cop-film I probably wouldn't think it was all that exciting but with the whole undead monsters and openings to the unded-universe it suddenly got a little bit more fun to watch. Interesting too. I like to see what other people come up with for type of worlds and that's why an undead universe is exciting to me.
I also really like Ryan Reynolds, even though he was Green Lantern (I say it wasn't really his fault that the movie was bad, the movie was bad nontheless.) so that was a big plus for me. And his character is pretty likable in this movie.
Well, despite it being a bit cliché it was a really nice movie so.. 8/10


So there's been a lot of talk about this movie and I was fairly quick at seeing it. Simply because I didn't want Tumblr to spoil it all.
There's been a lot of reviews of this already but here's mine.
I'll start off by saying that I did like it. It had likable characters, nice interactions, nice humour.. etc..etc.. Although.. I can't say that it was a good movie.
I first of all think that they had too many characters that didn't have to be there. I think that there was no purpose of Hans being a villain or even having a villain at all and it felt forced. I think that the love story was also uneccessary and so were the trolls and Olaf.
I can see what they were trying to do with all of these but it just felt like they didn't really know how to make it work. Because it didn't. I think that they should've put more interest in the two actual main characters (Anna and Elsa and their relationship) instead of trying to put in clichés in order to "mislead" us. I would've wanted to know Elsa a lot more than what we got. Because discovering her struggles in the movie would've been really interesting. Anna didn't have any personal struggles, nothing to really develop, and that made it boring.
Something I did like that others don't seem to like was Kristoff and Sven. I liked their relationship and I liked that he talked for him. The only thing I didn't like was that Sven acted like a dog and that Kristoff didn't have more singing time. It's Jonathan Groff for crying out loud, he's an amazing singer. (And so is Idina Menzel and she should've had more songs too, to be honest)
While we're on the subject of singing I'll mention the music. I found it a little bit dissapointing that the only song that related to the culture and timeperiod was Frozen Heart in the beginning of the movie. I love that song, because of that. It set the mood for the enviroment and it was simply a very nice opening. Sadly the rest of the songs didn't carry this on. I did, however, like Let it Go.. as mentioned before I find Idina simply amazing and the part where she starts building her ice castle was very musically interesting to me. Sadly it came in too early in the movie and at a very strange place. It felt out of place when it started and just too sudden. It made it seem like Elsa didn't really struggle with leaving her sister or anything at all. We never got to see the struggle and suddenly she's all fine.
There were some other catchy songs but.. meh...Although I did like the whole "Do you wanna build a snowman"-montage as well.. specially when we got to see how their parents died, I thought it was very pretty and fitted well into the music.
On to animation.
I've gotten extremely picky after I saw Rise of the Guardians I've noticed because when Frozen trailers started coming out I instantly started to compare Elsa's and Jack Frost's powers. How they looked in regard to animation for example.. This means that I might not be all that fair. Although after I saw it, I also compared it to Tangled. And well...
I thought it looked lazy.. I'm sorry but some of the background characters looked out of place (olaf and the choir for example).. the textures weren't all that detailed and sure it had some very nice enviroments but it wasn't all that impressive to me. And a winter wonderland, should be in my opinion (simply because I love winter so much). I also felt like they weren't as picky about how the characters moved.. the expressions and everything just didn't seem as good as they did in Tangled..
Overall it felt like they cared more about getting the movie out in the theaters than they did about making it a good one. I'm a little bit dissapointed in this, honestly.
However, it was still enjoyable. 4/10

John Dies at the end

There has been awhile since I last reviewed a film. So I decided that I wanted to talk about this particular one which me and my father watched only a few days ago.
I can start off by saying that I had heard only good things about the book, so when my dad came home with the film, a film I actually had no idea even existed, I was quite excited. Despite not entirely knowing what it was about.
Sadly, the film didn't live up to my expectations. It looked cool, I enjoyed the feeling it had to it and I enjoyed the humour and story.. but it was so filled with plotholes that it was unable to actually show a finished story. A lot of things were ignored and left without any explaination and it was actually a huge dissapointment to me.
This film looked to me like it could've been great. Considering the positive things I mentioned it could've been a film I would've loved. In some ways it reminded me of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and that is a very positive thing for me.
The title screen and music made me extremely excited and it felt like it was going to be a great experience.. which is probably why the faults were such a huge dissapointment. I can't say that it was good, and I'm very sad to say so. I do hope they make a remake following the same touches, but having a fuller story, because it could be amazing.
2/10 - (because the music was awesome)


So I watched the movie "Super" with Rainn Wilsom and Ellen Page a few days ago. I can start of by saying that I didn't have much expectations about this film, I had only briefly heard about it so I didn't really know what it was.
But I can certainly say that whatever I would've expected, it was so not what it turned out to be. What tha actual fuck?
I haven't seen a movie that surprised me as much as this one did in a long time and while both Felix and Lisa thought that that fact wasn't a good thing, I sort of liked it. It was weird, it was extreme and so gross at times that you didn't know what to do with yourself. I myself got the urge to joke some scenes away just because I thought they were so disturbing. And well.. I'm left amazed.
When you look at this film you expect something like Kickass, a bit of odd comedy.. but no.. This film was depressing, and brutal, and socially horrifying. For me, these were good things. Although I can understand why a lot of people would have problems with this film.
The poster says amusing, but I think it's far more than that. 8/10

Man of Steel

So yesterday I was at the cinema with my dad watching Man of Steel. Although I've never liked superman as a superhero (I've always thought that he was quite boring) I thought that it's something I should watch just for the sake of seing it. And well.. It wasn't all that bad. I still don't think superman is an interesting character but the movie was alright.
Some of the problems I had with this movie was first of all the typical love interest in the end. I thought that some scenes were weirdly shot when some people interacted and you couldn't quite tell if they were at the same place or not and it kind of felt like they weren't interacting at all. Unfortunately some scenes also looked too fake. And that's what disappointed me the most. Because our technique when it comes to special effects are quite good now and even a low budget series can hide the green screen quite nicely. In this movie there were some parts where you could tell that the background wasn't the real one and that's sad.
I also thought that some parts, the acting felt a bit off.
Okay, some good things. The villain was somewhat interesting, most fighting scenes looked incredible, specially with the girl villain that I've forgotten the name of. And we had one final fight between Superman and general Zod that had quite an heartwrenching ending. Though my favourite thing about this film was the mechanics.. more specifically the gravity weapon! The sound it made and how it worked and what it did was just so fascinating and wonderful and I could honestly say that I would probably watch a whole movie with only that machine and what it does. I don't care if it's dangerous and is put there to change the climat so that we humans can't live there anymore, I want one! (I also liked that the first thing my dad did after the film was done was stating that that thing was my favourite part of the movie and I thought "yeah, how did you know?")
All in all, they could've done better.. 4/10

Star Trek: Into Darkness
So I've recently fallen for what seems to be a series of films called Star Trek. The new version from 2009 of course. I decided to see it because of my new found love for Chris Pine after watching ROTG and a comedy film called This means war and since I've heard many great things about the film.. and guess what? It was amazing! Therefor, I've now gotten into an entire new fandom, the Star Trek one.

So yesterday I went with my dad to see the sequel. I went with my dad because he himself is a Star Trek nerd (the old series) and I thought it would be funnier to go with someone who knows about it rather then someone who's not really involved. Also.. my dad's amazing so.. why wouldn't I want to go with him?
Anyways.. This movie was just as awesome as the first one, It was funny and beautiful to watch and of course we also got the wonderful soundtrack with it! Though.. unfortunately there were more things that disturbed me in this movie than in the first one and one major one was all the bloody sexual scenes between Kirk and some other woman.. they were unneccessary and so painfully cliché I cringed everytime. I didn't even like them in the first movie and there it only happened like.. once. Here we even had one scene between a supposebly smart woman and him talking about their next move and all of the sudden they have to make it sexual with her having to change in front of him.
Another thing that I didn't even like in the first film comes with a name.. Nyota Uhura.. I'm sorry.. but she annoyed the crap out of me the first time and in this movie.. specially in the scene when she gets upset over the fact that Spock "didn't even think about us when you were about to die" as if that would be the most logical thing to think about when you're about to die... Ugh.. she just.. annoyed me...
But other than that.. I will forever love Kirk and Spock's bromance and they had some very lovely scenes in this. And hey major spoiler but.. I was actually a bit dissapointed about them managing to revive Kirk after he died. Don't get me wrong.. I didn't want him to die when it happened.. but it's just.. they always do this.. The main character dies and then all of the sudden they don't.. and it would just be a nice twist if sometime they just you know.. stay dead. xD I am really looking forward to a new one though.. and I did like Benedict as Khan even though I towards the end started thinking "Just die already". Sorry.
It was still a pretty damn good film and Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto is a lovely combination. 8/10

Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog
This film started out really ridiculous, it felt like a typical horrible B-movie but as you got into it, and they eventually started singing it actually turned out as a brilliant film! Ofc, a huge reason is Neil Patrick Harris's work as the main character Dr. Horrible. But despite being a humouristic movie it turned out really wonderfully depressive in the end and I found the whole ending scenes simply brilliant. And not to mention the soundtracks!

Rise of the Guardians (and Wreck-it Ralph)
Okay, so I love watching animated movies, I really do. And today I've come to a conclusion.
After watching two movies at the same time, Wreck-it Ralph and Rise of the Guardians I noticed (since one is a disney movie and the other is dreamworks) I really do prefer Dreamworks animations. Beside Rise of the Guardians, which absolutely made it to a top favourite, dreamworks has made tons of some of my absolut favourite animations. Such as Antz, How to Train your Dragon, Megamind, Eldorado, Sinbad, Chicken Run, The prince of egypt etc. etc.. The list goes on. Sure Disney's also made some great stuff, but in the end, the new animations they've made doesn't really appeal to me.. I hated Tangled, it was too much of a fairytale that I've grown more than bored with... Though Bolt was alright but Wreck-it Ralph, which I thought would be great, also turned out pretty boring in my opinion. So in this post I'm going to talk about Rise of the Guardians and the oh so lovely Jack Frost.
Edit: One thing I'd like to mention that I like about dreamworks is that they manage to have amazing soundtracks without having the characters sing the songs ;) That is one thing that's been a bit hard for me to melt because when you do that, it could either be really great or end in disaster, and since disney does this a lot, a lot of it just isn't good.

The Rise of the Guardians is about all your favourite legends like Santa, The Sandman (John Blund in swedish), the easterbunny and the toothfairy making sure that the kids of the world are happy and hopefull. Which can be a hard task when you have to rival with the boogeyman. Meanwhile Jack Frost struggles to make kids believe in him, because if they don't, he can not be seen. And as many of you know, Jack Frost is a legend not many know about but might've heard the name of, me myself am not familiar with the story at all, but if it is something like the Frost in this movie, I think I'd like him, he is a winter spirit after all. Anyways, since the Guardians seems to need a little help fighting the boogeyman, the moon (who has made them who they are in the first place) decides to make Jack a guardian too, which he thinks is hard to accept. A twist that I liked about this movie is that they mentioned that each and everyone of them was someone else before they became these legends, and you do get to see Jack Frost's heartbreaking past which I love.
As you might've understood, Jack Frost quickly became my favourite charactar in this movie, alongside The Sandman, or Sandy, who turned out to be a really badass but charming mute! This movie was very witty and funny, which is a big plus for me because if the jokes are good, I might even automatically think it's a good movie. It also makes the characters more lovable in my opinion.
Except for lovable charactars this movie was really beautifully made. The scenery was fantastic and it made it's point, by giving a magical atmosphere. Which is also something I think Dreamworks is a bit better at :)
The only things I missed in this movie, was some background story on the other Guardians previous life.. and the cliché "almost death" of the main character that usually happens at the near end of the film. To see Jack Frost near a second death would've been a lovely scene for me, as you get to see others care for him, which I think is nice.
Overall, Splendid film! I'd love to see it over and over again! 4/5

Welcome back to Neverland

So, I was never one for the Peter Pan disney movie, but so I stumbled upon this little miniseries called Neverland and now maybe I'll give the movie a chance, maybe not the disney movie but other Peter Pan movies at least.
This little Mini-series from Syfy tells the story of how the young orphan Peter follows his guardian Jimmy and his fellow friends to a weird place called Neverland after the latter accidentaly startled a portal to get there. Now he has to figure out a plan to save them from the pirates and get them back home to London...
I loved this twist of the original story. That they used portals to get in and out of Neverland, that Peter was a skilled pickpocketer together with the lost boys and how they followed the story to eventually get all the charactars to fall into the place we're all so familiar with.
I'll admit that some of the special effect were kind of crap, while others was simply beautiful and just so lovely to watch.
This series made you love and hate everyone at the same time. It would get you annoyed with Peter, feel for captain Hook and even Tinkerbell was lovable. And the music was splendid! And now I'm really annoyed because I can't find it!
I'd give this a top score if I only went on how it made me feel, but I did recognize faults in this and I suppose I should take them into account so.. 4/5 ;)

Movie Time: Frankenweenie
Based on the old Tim Burton short film, Frankenweenie has rise once again and made it to the cinema as a stop-motion animated film.

You know, I have a real weakness for Tim Burton and his work, it seems he could do no wrong in my eyes since every movie he's ever made and that I've ever seen has shot straight to the heart for me. I believe it started with The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) which was one of my favourite films as a kid, I even remember us having it on one of those laserdiscs and apparently I used to call the movie "the pumkin" considering I didn't know the actual name. I was only little, after all. Since then (and with Edward scissorhands ofc) I've just been completely besotted!
This movie wasn't any different. It had its Tim Burton charm in the animation (similar to the animation design used in Corpse Bride. Also, the main charactar in both films is called Victor!), it was in black and white so even though it actually was a quite lovely story it had its darker side to it, like a dark sort of romance. The making a sort of happy story so dark is one of the many things I love about this film and Tim Burton over all. (May I also mention that the whole Disney intro itself made me slightly impressed).
I know that Tim Burton has a tendency to reuse a lot of actors and co-workers, as he did in this movie. For one he once again used Danny Elfman for the movies soundtrack, which is something he shouldn't stop doing because for some reason, I don't think it would have the same effect without his music, it's simply brilliant for the works of Tim Burton. And this time Winona Ryder made another appearence, as she has before in for example Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Beetlejuice (1988).
I'll admit that I did cry to this movie. I do have a soft spot for dead animals (which is not a spoiler considering the film is about dead animals rising from the dead).

Colin Morgan's continuous acting skills.
So.. Watched "Island"
I'm now adding "Slighty behind", "Murderous" and "Incest" to the list of Colin's acting checklist. Geezus that movie was a lot to take in.
He played Calum, a boy who seemed a bit retarded but who loved stories and to collect the treasures of the sea. A girl comes to stay at his mums place (who has cancer, btw) and he eventually falls in love with her and snogs her (for a moment in the "snogging"-scene it looked like he was going to rape her, I kept chanting "no!" throughout the scene, I can't have Colin rape someone, obviously..). The girl turns out to be there on a quest to find out who her family is (Calum and his mum), and she tries to ruin the mother's life by turning her son against her, whether by seduction or hopeless dreams (she uses both). In the end the mother finds out about her once lost daughter and all hell breaks loose between mother and daughter, which leads to Calum getting angry at his mum and killing her. May I also add that I hate the main character so much (the girl)
I'm now adding "Slighty behind", "Murderous" and "Incest" to the list of Colin's acting checklist. Geezus that movie was a lot to take in.
He played Calum, a boy who seemed a bit retarded but who loved stories and to collect the treasures of the sea. A girl comes to stay at his mums place (who has cancer, btw) and he eventually falls in love with her and snogs her (for a moment in the "snogging"-scene it looked like he was going to rape her, I kept chanting "no!" throughout the scene, I can't have Colin rape someone, obviously..). The girl turns out to be there on a quest to find out who her family is (Calum and his mum), and she tries to ruin the mother's life by turning her son against her, whether by seduction or hopeless dreams (she uses both). In the end the mother finds out about her once lost daughter and all hell breaks loose between mother and daughter, which leads to Calum getting angry at his mum and killing her. May I also add that I hate the main character so much (the girl)

"Parked" w. Colin Morgan
So, all since Merlin ended I've been dying to see Colin Morgan in something else. Since he was a new actor when he starred in Merlin there's unfortunately not much to find. Before this I saw him in Doctor Who as a typical sarcastic emo dude called Jethro, and before that in a Catherine Tate comedy skit where he played the gay man John "have-you-heard-about-our-John" Leary.
So to say that I was excited when I stumbled upon a featured film with him as one of the leading roles, is an understatement. And not only is it a cosy little Irish/Finish indie film, it's a bloody good one at that!
It moved me in all the right places!
I'd also like to say how bloody weird it feels to see Colin in this kind of role, when you're so used to the kind and goofy Merlin, but he does a great job of it, absolutely. Soon he's played all the typical roles an actor could play (comedy, drama, wizard, drug addict, typical-teenager, gay and cross-dresser (in Merlin))
In, 2011 he starred in another movie called Island, but I have yet to see that one. I'm hoping that it'll be as good as this.

So, yesterday I finally saw the new stop-motion animated film Paranorman. And I absolutely loved it!

The film is about an 11 year old boy called Norman, he's constantly bullied for having a bit of a special gift. He can talk to the dead. Every year they hold sort of a holiday thingy for an old witch who got buried in their town, sort of. And a famous horror story is about a thing called "the witches curse" which was that this day every year she will wake the dead. When it suddently comes true Norman is the only one who can save them.
A few reasons why I love this film:
- Lovely humour. For example a scene which I absolutely loved when Norman is walking to school and he says hello to all the ghosts only he can see. Which obviously gets a few weird looks. Also small little puns here and there, it's just lovely
- Exciting. I actually felt like it wasn't very predictable. You didn't really know what was going to happen and you kind of expected everything. A nice and famous example for this is when the cheerleading girl asks the typical hunk dude about watching a movie with her sometime. To which he answers "That'd be great. You'd love my boyfriend, he's a total chick flick-nut". The lovely thing about that scene is that there's no hints before.
- Extremely beautifully made. Both story and graphics were beautifully made. It's was gross and heartbreaking and funny and just wonderful. As for the graphics, there was quite a few "wow" moments for me where I could just watch in detail how everything was set up. It was awesome.
If I were to give this a rating I'd give it a 5 out of 5. I absolutely loved it! It was fantastic!

Mr. Nice (2010)

I just finished watching a film called Mr.Nice. It's a heartwarming story about a welsh guy called Howard Marks who, though getting really good grades throughout his school years, ends up being a drugdealer. We get to follow him through his life and struggle of eventually trying to get out from the mess he's put himself in.
Before I started watching it, I didn't have very high expectations. I thought it would be like a half good drama/comedy, but it was quite the opposite. It was more like a drama film, played out in the early 70's with great film music and splendid pictures. It's very nicely done and it's nice to watch whether you like the story or not.
I recommend it!

At The Cinema: Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Ph: Once again, this is obviously nothing I've done. It's from the oh so helpful Google
The day is thursday, thorsday (or torsdag in swedish), and me and my mates Felix and Lisa are going to the cinema. To watch what? You ask. Batman, ofc. Lisa has been generous for buying the tickets for us, and we've loaded up with sweets and beverage for the show.
Quite honestly, I didn't have any expectations for this movie. I am originally not a Batman fan, and I think it was a good thing that I'm not. It made the experience of watching The Dark Knight Rises so much more awesome.
Because that's what it was. It was an awesome movie! I might even call it epic! And, in my opinion, it was soo much better than the previous movie (even though the joker was still splendid). I was afraid of it being a bit slow, like a thought the previous one was, but it wasn't at all. It was even a bit sad!
I really loved this movie, though I might not rewatch it in a long time, however it was awesome, it was also very long.
And I keep experience stuff that's never happened to me before. This time, it was the fact that the power went off in the middle of the movie, leaving us in the dark for a while. Most people started taking out their phones to play with and one guy even brought up the suggestion of playing cards. When they got the movie running again we gave them some applause!
And what do you know, when we leave the cinema, it's thundering outside.. Tha fuck?

Favourite Beatles-Film
(And By Beatles-film I mean about the beatles, not by the beatles)

Why this is my favourite?
Well first of all it's very funny.
It shows some of the stories told by the beatles themselves
like for example making a bet with Rory and the Hurricanes about who could break the stage,
and dressing up for a number (They did this in Backbeat aswell, although it was just Lennon wearing a skirt).
One they did not show though, but rather made their own version of (They lit the place they stayed in on fire instead), was Paul McCartney and Pete Best lighting a condom on fire and then ending up spending a few days in german jail until getting deported.
Although I guess I can't be too dissapointed about that since none of the beatles movies I've seen has shown that story.
Another thing I liked was Rob Culbertson, who plays Paul McCartney. Why? Because he was the first Paul I've ever thought was fit to play Paul. In most beatles films I've kind of liked the guy who played Lennon (Except in John Lennon: In his life. But that movie just sucked all over) but I've never liked the guy who played McCartney. In this movie though, I did! And as a bonus, I liked the rest of the cast aswell (Even though the guy who played John looked a little too old)! I think the cast did a great job of acting like the real deal, in movements and personality. And the cover band who did the songs for the movie was great aswell! Rain I think their name is. ¨
There was also many more moments including Paul and John and their friendship in this movie, in comparison to other beatles movies where paul has been more of a side character. Though Nowhere Boy probably has the most moving McLennon moment, this had some great ones aswell!
All together, The Birth of the Beatles is one of those films I just find cosy to watch and that I wouldn't mind watching over and over again (Something I already have). Funny fact too: The Original Beatles apparently didn't want this film to be released at all, shame I think, and I'm glad they did it anyways!