So, yesterday I finally saw the new stop-motion animated film Paranorman. And I absolutely loved it!

The film is about an 11 year old boy called Norman, he's constantly bullied for having a bit of a special gift. He can talk to the dead. Every year they hold sort of a holiday thingy for an old witch who got buried in their town, sort of. And a famous horror story is about a thing called "the witches curse" which was that this day every year she will wake the dead. When it suddently comes true Norman is the only one who can save them.
A few reasons why I love this film:
- Lovely humour. For example a scene which I absolutely loved when Norman is walking to school and he says hello to all the ghosts only he can see. Which obviously gets a few weird looks. Also small little puns here and there, it's just lovely
- Exciting. I actually felt like it wasn't very predictable. You didn't really know what was going to happen and you kind of expected everything. A nice and famous example for this is when the cheerleading girl asks the typical hunk dude about watching a movie with her sometime. To which he answers "That'd be great. You'd love my boyfriend, he's a total chick flick-nut". The lovely thing about that scene is that there's no hints before.
- Extremely beautifully made. Both story and graphics were beautifully made. It's was gross and heartbreaking and funny and just wonderful. As for the graphics, there was quite a few "wow" moments for me where I could just watch in detail how everything was set up. It was awesome.
If I were to give this a rating I'd give it a 5 out of 5. I absolutely loved it! It was fantastic!