Most dreamful night of my life part 1
I'm gonna tell you about two dreams I had this night that scared the living crap out of me.
And i'm gonna start telling you about the second one because that's the one that's freshest in my memory.
I start out in a house, kind of like a daycare center of some sort, and people start welling in, people I've known before because all the faces are familiar, specially one girl but now I can't remember who she was. They notice quite fast that I'm not actually from around here and I notice myself that this is actually a totally different time, possibly a future and that we don't seem to be on earth anymore (although everything looks the same). I also notice something slightly off with the people. They're always happy or atleast they seem to be, and they lack understanding of most things. Like they're retarded of some sort. And they all want to come near me all the time with sharp objects whether it was their teeth or a fork or anything like that.
I get it explained to me that these people have all had a surgery either recently or as a child, which is that they make three cuts on both sides of their brain suposebly to make them calmer and happier (and easier to manipulate) and the reason they all want to come near me is because they want to do the same thing to me. I refuse ofc, I didn't sleep while I was there and everytime I sat close to someone, specially the girl, I cupped my ears.
I remember somewhat trying to make them understand that this surgery that they're doing is not a good thing, and i'm telling them about where I come from and about science fiction to make them get a new kind of hope. Since I knew some of the people and at one time, KISS was there, although it didn't seem like they actually played anything, I got the idea that it was history reusing people, or maybe that it was just that it was another planet. An alternative universe of some sort.
I met my teacher at one point, a mostly sarcastic and jokingly kind of guy, funny and almost a little mean at times. And he was telling me a story about a photo with a bunch of people on with glasses, the picture was blurry and my teacher explained that it was taken through his old glasses that they were there to change. He was scaringly serious about it, considering how I knew him before.
Then I also met Mimi Smith (John Lennon's aunt who brought him up), she was old when I met her and I noticed quite fast that she hadn't had the surgery, probably because it was after her time. Like me, she didn't seem to keen about it. So I ask her about John, ask if he's had the surgery. And she answered me "They clipped him as a child". She seemed sad about it too, like it was something she really regretted and I nodded along, agreeing with this sadness before I said "It feels like I know him from a different time". And I remember her agreeing to that, like she knew more about the situation or that she knew about where I came from. (May I also point out that it didn't seem like anything became of John, I never met him in the dream but Mimi's reactions seemed to say that she knew what he could of been but considering that he had been cut stupid, those things couldn't happen anymore, all in all, the beatles never got the chance to exist)
And then I wake up. And I've never been so revealed about waking up.
Now when I think about it, I also remember meeting my dad and telling him about "being stuck in a dream" and that I couldn't wake up, so in the dream I was aware that it was in fact a dream, but I couldn't get out of there. I don't remember if my dad had done the surgery I never got a hint of that.