I dreamt something again, geez
But this dream wasn't bad, it was rather nice. But so much different shit happened.
At one point it was me and two others, and we were out taking a swim and managed to find a secret cave in a mountain that one of us got pretty obsessed over as I remember. I also remember that we weren't to tell anyone about it.
At another moment Jack Frost was the main character, and he had recently become what he was and was coming to terms with it. North and Bunny was there too I remember. And Jack wasn't invisible because at one point they were visiting this old village and he talked to someone he used to know about what had happened to him, that person just so happened to be Gaius (yeah, it was a fandom crash right there). Gauis kept asking things about his condition and I remember that at one part he asked him if he couldn't feel cold and Jack answered. "It's weird, because I can feel, but I can't feel cold". Then at another moment there was another person with them that I don't remember who it was but they got to run and they liked it x) Yeah.. idk.. it was sweet in my dream..
Then at another place in my dream, my friend Rebecca and some dude was there. We were driving somewhere and while the other dude got out of the car to do something, some police cars showed up. Some police officers went out to talk to the dude and two others got into out car. Rebecca was at the wheel and they told us to drive home. So Rebecca did, and during the way one of the police officers commented that she could tell that Rebecca was left-handed because she could see better in the rear-view mirror in some turns or something like that. When we got home to Rebecca we dropped her off and I got to drive, from the backseat..
Rebecca doesn't drive, and she's not a lefty.. so I don't know what that dream was about.