I just dreamt that Jack Frost punched the shit out of Hans from Frozen for killing Merida while his head was sticking up from the ceiling window in a small car and it was glorious.
It was quite an odd setting, steampunky in a way although not entirely but the technology was and they had cars although they were all dressed like they were when they had those fancy dresses with the little umbrellas and hats? Jack and Merida was on some sort of journey I think they were crimesolvers in a way and there was a third party with them all the time but i changed. When they met Hans they were with a woman, Jack was skeptical of bringing him along but since both Merida and third party seemed to trust him, or trust that they'd be able to handle it if he turned on them, he lets it go. Eventually though, he tries to screw them over and take their car by the use of some sort of spray that would both hurt like hell and knock you out for a minute or two. Luckily he only manages to ge Merida so Jack and the third party stops him and distracts him enough to take the spray and when Merida comes she takes the keys from him and that's when he stabbed her enough to kill her.
Jack of course gets furious enough that he first sprays the shit out of him then they lock him in the car until he wakes up and when he does he tries to excuse all of his actions and begging them to get him out and that's when Jack opens the window in the ceiling of the car enough for him to look out and punches the shit out of him. It was quite nice.
Oh another thing. Jack and Merida were kind of superstitious that believed in a second world after death and since they had a dangerous job they used to tell each other that they would give the other a hint before they moved on when they died. Like a little nudge to know that they were there.
So naturally I think that Merida would stick around and Jack would be the only one that could still hear her talk so he keeps on with his buissness and everyone think he works alone when actually Merida is there with him and talking to him all the time. So sometimes he talks to himself out loud but people have learned to take it as part of his charm. Idk, I quite liked this little universe, I might have to use it sometime.
It was actually the first in a long time I bought a movie I haven't seen. The last time I did that was with Neverland (who actually also turned out to be something I really liked, seems I'm really good at that).
This movie is about some afterlife cops, I suppose that's all I have to say. It's a bit cliché, especially if you're like my dad who's seen so many movies he can almost point out everything that's gonna happen. But it was still enjoyable (even for him) with it's humour and action alike.
For me, like a lot of things I like, it's the enviroment that excites me. Had this been an ordinary cop-film I probably wouldn't think it was all that exciting but with the whole undead monsters and openings to the unded-universe it suddenly got a little bit more fun to watch. Interesting too. I like to see what other people come up with for type of worlds and that's why an undead universe is exciting to me.
I also really like Ryan Reynolds, even though he was Green Lantern (I say it wasn't really his fault that the movie was bad, the movie was bad nontheless.) so that was a big plus for me. And his character is pretty likable in this movie.
Well, despite it being a bit cliché it was a really nice movie so.. 8/10
"I’m tagging ROTG and Frozen. Feel free to tag more if you see thisproblem often. Cause I want people to maybe answer me this:
Why are we competing?
I mean, I’ve seen posts recently by the ROTG fandom like: “everyone is raving about frozen’s detail I mean remember ROTG guys it’s good too”
And from frozen: “and Elsa has more of a personality than Jack Frost, more character depth blah blah blah”
Why the hell are we competing?
Is there any point? Yeah, there are awards, but really? Are we going to bash movies that hundreds of people worked so hard to make? Why can’t we appreciate all of the movies?
I want to see more “Both movies have so much detail, congrats to both…”
The movies have characters that are very alike, not only in powers, but in personality. Jack wanted so much to be free, free from his solitude. Elsa wanted to be free to be herself, not be shamed by the monster she thinks she is. They both panic easily and make bad decisions sometimes. And they are both so lovable.
Because they are so lovable, can’t we do just that, just love both of the characters, instead of competing for who is best?
Let me explain something to you.
There is a very fundamental difference in the way these two films were treated by the media, and this treatment was based not on the quality of the films themselves, but on the brand name and the marketing which surrounded them.
Rise of the Guardians was a very unfortunate film. Poor marketing, poor release date, and virtually no hype to boost it’s reputation pre-release. When Rise of the Guardians finally did come out, it showed poor numbers for it’s opening weekend (it came out the same weekend as Skyfall and Breaking Dawn Part 2, both very highly anticipated films) and in Hollywood, this almost always has a film labeled as a “flop”. Once a film receives this label, regardless of how good it is, it becomes a target. Critics absolutely slammed Rise of the Guardians with one bad review after another. They went into the film having already decided that they would be writing a negative review.
This landed Rise of the Guardians with a bad reputation pretty early on. Anyone who might have considered the film would have changed their minds upon seeing all those bad reviews. Why waste their money on a bad movie? And so Rise of the Guardians, which was already doing poorly in the box office, continued to suffer financially because bad reviews were turning people away from it.
And the fandom tried so very hard to turn things around. I remember seeing post after post urging people to see Rise of the Guardians multiple times in order to boost box office intake. To convince our friends and family to see it too, more than once if possible. We were desperate, and we tried so hard, but inevitably we had to sit back and watch the franchise we loved so much crash and burn before it had the chance to get off the ground.
When the Golden Globes came around. Guardians lost. When the Oscars came around. Guardians was denied so much as a nomination.
For months after we waited with bated breath to see if any news might come of a possible sequel. If, by some chance, our efforts had paid off. What we got was article after article damning Rise of the Guardians as “the worst DreamWorks film”. As the film that almost ran DreamWorks into the ground. As the big fat failure that got 300 people laid off. It was heartbreaking. Especially for those of us, like myself, who owed so much to Rise of the Guardians.
And then there’s Joyce. William Joyce invented the story of the Guardians for his children, one of whom (Mary Katherine, who died of a brain tumor two years before the film was finished) DreamWorks would dedicate the film to. I can’t imagine what if must have been like for Joyce, for everyone who worked on this beautiful film, to pour so much of their time, effort, and creativity into something and watch it get ripped apart by the media.
Rise of the Guardians was life changing for many people, and received little to no recognition. It was slammed by critics, denounced by the media, and was blamed for a financial disaster.
Now Frozen comes along. Frozen was probably one of the most widely hyped animated films I’ve seen in a long time. The film hadn’t come out yet and already it was being paraded around as “a masterpiece” “the greatest disney film since Lion king” “the best animated movie of the year” etc, etc.
When the film his theaters, critics raved that it was the best thing they’d ever seen. And do you know why? Not because Frozen was a good movie. No, that didn’t matter. Regardless of wether or not Frozen was any good, critics knew they would be giving positive reviews. Why? Because Frozen is a Disney property. People flocked to the theaters to see Frozen. Why? Because it’s Disney. Disney is familiar. Everyone know’s Disney.
And so now Frozen has made several hundred million worldwide, it has it’s own line of merchandise, it’s been secured a Broadway show, and there’s even talk of a sequel.
I guarantee you that if Frozen belonged to another, smaller, less powerful studio, this movie would not have made as much money as it did. And it certainly wouldn’t have landed so many positive reviews. There would be no Broadway show, no sequel, and it certainly would not have won the Golden Globe.
But because Frozen is a Disney film, everyone gives it special treatment. Frozen didn’t earn any of it’s success. Frozen was successful, because it belongs to Disney, and Disney has a chokehold on the industry.
So now that Frozen has been stealing our jokes and has commandeered Jack Frost to be Elsa’s pretty little boy toy, I think it’s perfectly fair for the RotG fandom to be defensive. I think we have every right to complain about Frozen. Frozen was given everything by merit of the fact that it belongs to a popular brand. RotG was denied everything because of some very unfortunate timing."
This is a post from Tumblr regarding the mess of jealous rage that has become the Rise of the Guardians-fandom, me included. And this is explaining exactly why most of us are acting as defensive as we are about this film. I'm not saying that it's right to behave like we do about Frozen I'm just saying that there's a very good reason behind it.
The ROTG-fandom has struggled and struggled and struggled so hard and we continue to do so because we care so much about the film and we want it to be successful. It has gotten to a point were we, at least I, don't even care about a sequel, we just want it to get all the success it deserves. Peter Ramsey, William Joyce and everyone else who worked on it deserves it so much!
I've said this before at another point and I'll say it again. The reason I have such a problem with Frozen and more specifically it taking over tumblr is because Frozen got attention it didn't deserve while Rotg got none of the attention it DID deserve. So yeah I'm getting defensive. I'm even getting defensive about Jelsa (the Jack and Elsa ship) because for me it feels like "Nope, Jack Frost is ours, take someone else. You've already taken so much else from us". It's not even that I don't like Frozen because I do like Frozen and I like Elsa but it just feels like they keep taking things we've struggled to get, and that with ease.
I even remember with the whole American snowchaos and people were blaming it on Elsa and us in the ROTG fandom got all defensive about it because America is Jack's fucking home.(plus it's his fucking job to spread snow around). xD It's not even close to Norway. I don't think her powers stretch that far. It's ridiculous, but yeah.. we're pretty much a pile of jealous rage right now xD
On another note, it breaks my heart to hear that Rotg got so slammed. I knew it was unsuccessful but I had no idea it was that bad. Now I'm just glad I didn't read any reviews before I saw it, or that I didn't see the trailer. But I did wish that more people would've talked about it when it came out because I completely missed that it was even showing at the cinema. I saw tons about Wreck-it Ralph but nothing about ROTG: I only saw it because I saw pictures and Gifs of Jack Frost on tumblr and thought. "Huh that's some pretty nice animation, I have to check that out" and damn am I glad I did.
So there's been a lot of talk about this movie and I was fairly quick at seeing it. Simply because I didn't want Tumblr to spoil it all.
There's been a lot of reviews of this already but here's mine.
I'll start off by saying that I did like it. It had likable characters, nice interactions, nice humour.. etc..etc.. Although.. I can't say that it was a good movie.
I first of all think that they had too many characters that didn't have to be there. I think that there was no purpose of Hans being a villain or even having a villain at all and it felt forced. I think that the love story was also uneccessary and so were the trolls and Olaf.
I can see what they were trying to do with all of these but it just felt like they didn't really know how to make it work. Because it didn't. I think that they should've put more interest in the two actual main characters (Anna and Elsa and their relationship) instead of trying to put in clichés in order to "mislead" us. I would've wanted to know Elsa a lot more than what we got. Because discovering her struggles in the movie would've been really interesting. Anna didn't have any personal struggles, nothing to really develop, and that made it boring.
Something I did like that others don't seem to like was Kristoff and Sven. I liked their relationship and I liked that he talked for him. The only thing I didn't like was that Sven acted like a dog and that Kristoff didn't have more singing time. It's Jonathan Groff for crying out loud, he's an amazing singer. (And so is Idina Menzel and she should've had more songs too, to be honest)
While we're on the subject of singing I'll mention the music. I found it a little bit dissapointing that the only song that related to the culture and timeperiod was Frozen Heart in the beginning of the movie. I love that song, because of that. It set the mood for the enviroment and it was simply a very nice opening. Sadly the rest of the songs didn't carry this on. I did, however, like Let it Go.. as mentioned before I find Idina simply amazing and the part where she starts building her ice castle was very musically interesting to me. Sadly it came in too early in the movie and at a very strange place. It felt out of place when it started and just too sudden. It made it seem like Elsa didn't really struggle with leaving her sister or anything at all. We never got to see the struggle and suddenly she's all fine.
There were some other catchy songs but.. meh...Although I did like the whole "Do you wanna build a snowman"-montage as well.. specially when we got to see how their parents died, I thought it was very pretty and fitted well into the music.
On to animation.
I've gotten extremely picky after I saw Rise of the Guardians I've noticed because when Frozen trailers started coming out I instantly started to compare Elsa's and Jack Frost's powers. How they looked in regard to animation for example.. This means that I might not be all that fair. Although after I saw it, I also compared it to Tangled. And well...
I thought it looked lazy.. I'm sorry but some of the background characters looked out of place (olaf and the choir for example).. the textures weren't all that detailed and sure it had some very nice enviroments but it wasn't all that impressive to me. And a winter wonderland, should be in my opinion (simply because I love winter so much). I also felt like they weren't as picky about how the characters moved.. the expressions and everything just didn't seem as good as they did in Tangled..
Overall it felt like they cared more about getting the movie out in the theaters than they did about making it a good one. I'm a little bit dissapointed in this, honestly.
So I did a colourtest, found here, that resultet as a personality test.
Here are my results and I would like to review them based on my own view about myself. Some of them are actually quite accurate.
1. Your Existing Situation
"Is stubborn and strong-willed, once her mind is made up it is impossible to change it. she does not ask for much, so she feels when she does ask her needs should be met."
I know that I'm stubborn and I am certainly strong-willed, but it's not impossible to change my mind. I have taught myself to be as open-minded as I can and I continue to work on that all the time. It's not impossible to change my mind although, some things that I personally have thought about much can be harder to convince me otherwise about, for example things concerning myself as a person.
It's true that I don't ask for much, I feel that I can firsthand take care of myself and I don't want people to feel responsible for me or that they owe me something. And yes, I also feel, because of that, that when I do seek comfort or help that I've earned it (in lack of better words). Although I do prefer to help others than to get others to help me.
All in all this statement is fairly true
Your Stress Sources
"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. her need to feel dominate and superior leaves her feeling isolated and does not allow for her to give freely of himself. she would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness she must not give in to. Holding back will allow her to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."
I didn't fully understand all of this. I do like to meet people with different values and opinions than myself but I need people around me who sort of see things the same way I do in order to feel understood. I can get quiet because I feel like there's no use to talk to some people simply because it's too easy for them to misunderstand me, so I need people around me who can take in what I say without that happening.
I've found that I do like to feel dominant and surperior but that it's not a need, although I do need to feel like we're on the same level. Mutual respect is important to me. And I do tend to get quiet when I feel inferior. Higher status and all that is only important to me among people I, myself, care about. but.. not higher than them.. Idk.
Your Restrained Characteristics
"Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended."
"Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult."
"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."
"Although she feels isolated and alone, she is afraid of forming deep, meaningful relationships. Is conceited and is easily offended."
I wouldn't say that I'm easily offended, as mentioned before I work constantly on being as open-minded as possible and therefor don't tend to take things personally. I am also full aware that I can offend people myself which has also helped me to not get offended. Self-centered.. probably..? Depends on what they mean. I do care about my own well-being a lot.
I have no problem with emotional attachments. I tend to talk and discuss my feelings a lot and I even like to do it. Although I might not show all emotions as strongly.. I don't like to cry in front of people for example because it makes me feel like people pity me, and I hate that. I think that it's perfectly fine to cry so I talk about doing it but people tend to comfort me in a way that makes me feel little, which result in the fact that I simply don't like crying when some of those people are around. So in a way I understand that people might see me as emotionally withdrawn but i'm not. not really.
The next statement is more or less true. I'm also afraid of being stuck in a place simply because I find it "ok". It might not be what I want to do but I'm ok with it.
I might feel isolated but I don't really feel alone. I know that I have people around me that I can reach out to more or less whenever I want and that I trust will be there and that's enough for me. I am not afraid of forming deep, meaningful relationships. In fact, that's the kind of relationship I search for. It's also the kind of relationship I have with all of my closest friends.
Your Desired Objective
"Feels that nothing can upset her or phase her and is constantly trying to prove that to herself and others. Believes she is better than any weakness. As a result of her beliefs, she comes across as harsh or severe to those around him, with an overbearing and arrogant attitude."
This is more or less all true. I tend to believe in the power of the mind and is convinced that I can make it out of and through depressions and stuff like that. Doesn't mean I don't experience it, I'm just convinced that it'll be ok. And yes, some people has probably seen me as cold and I'm aware of that. I'm just trying to do the best of it and say that at least I do care when someone I care about gets hurt in either way. I'm also aware that some I've talked to find it difficult to understand that I'm actually ok. they tend to take silences and whatnot as a hidden cry for help.
Your Actual Problem
"Needs to be viewed and respected as an outstanding individual, in order to build her self-esteem and self-worth. Resists any type of weakness and sets high standards for himself."
There has been awhile since I last reviewed a film. So I decided that I wanted to talk about this particular one which me and my father watched only a few days ago.
I can start off by saying that I had heard only good things about the book, so when my dad came home with the film, a film I actually had no idea even existed, I was quite excited. Despite not entirely knowing what it was about.
Sadly, the film didn't live up to my expectations. It looked cool, I enjoyed the feeling it had to it and I enjoyed the humour and story.. but it was so filled with plotholes that it was unable to actually show a finished story. A lot of things were ignored and left without any explaination and it was actually a huge dissapointment to me.
This film looked to me like it could've been great. Considering the positive things I mentioned it could've been a film I would've loved. In some ways it reminded me of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and that is a very positive thing for me.
The title screen and music made me extremely excited and it felt like it was going to be a great experience.. which is probably why the faults were such a huge dissapointment. I can't say that it was good, and I'm very sad to say so. I do hope they make a remake following the same touches, but having a fuller story, because it could be amazing.
Depends on the hair colour. I love big brown doe-eyes. I also love green eyes, if they're really damn green. And if you have dark hair, preferably black, ice-blue is the thing ;)
2: White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha?
I don't even know.. milk?
3: If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be?
Wow, Maybe a huge eye..
4: Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?
A small small town.. and heck I liked it even though my neighbourhood was kind of dangerous and my schoolmates were assholes.. it's still a nice town and it's my childhood so I do like it.
5: Your favorite adult as a child? (and not your parents, if they were your favorite)
I used to really like my aunts boyfriend Markus when I was little. Then later on it was my dad's friend Johan and at one point a long-haired musician at my grand-pa's 50th bday. I think those were the ones...that I remember at least.
6: What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now?
Banana, always
7: Most embarrassing moment from your elementary school years?
Geez.. idk.. maybe that I used to cry when my mum dropped me off at school because I didn't want her to go? xD
8: Most embarrassing moment from your middle school years?
I really don't know..that one time I was wrong about something and got in a heated discussion with my classmates about it, without realizing I was actually wrong? xD
9: Most embarrassing moment from your high school years?
Oh geez.. these are hard to remember.. I don't actually know.
10: Pirates or ninjas? Why?
A pirate-ninja? I like pirates because I like the ships and all that. And I suppose Ninja's are badass but I'm not as fascinated about their herritage or whatever...
11: Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground?
I don't know how high twenty feet is as I'm not american and don't use feet.
12: Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set?
I always feel a longing when I see a swing set, but I don't think it's as fun as I used to.. but yeah... I always feel the urge to sit on it.
13: If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get?
A bat. And if we're allowing mythical creatures, a dragon.
14: What's your most favorite part of your body?
My eyes and my hands..I have very dark brown eyes and I kind of like them. and my hands.. well.. they're somewhere in between masculine and feminin and somehow I think "artist" when I see them.. so .. yeah I like them xDD
15: What's your most favorite part of your personality?
The fact that I'm very open-minded. I also like my humour but I'm at the same time not all that witty myself.. xD
16: Madonna or Lady Gaga? Neither? Both? Who cares?
I like Lady Gaga, but not for her music. I like her shows and I like her clothes and personality and views.. but sadly she doesn't make the music I like.
17: Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through?
I've never even taken a glimpse at the superbowl
18: Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk?
I've never watched a major sporting event.
19: What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life?
That's a tough one.. but I like steak a lot...
20: Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with?
21: Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk? (Did you know they make 1 1/2% milk?)
I don't care.. any milk will do
22: Which continents have you been on?
Europe.. and that's it.. unless you count America when I was 1
23: Do you get motion sickness? Any horror stories?
No I do not, I fall asleep very easily when on the road.
24: Backpacks or satchels?
Satchels? maybe..
25: Would you wear a rainbow jacket? A neon yellow sweater? Checkered pants?
Yea probably, but they wouldn't really fit me.
26: What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Geez.. I liked Pokémon and Sailor Moon.. Then I also liked a hell lot others like Angry Beavers, Catdog, My life as a teen aged robot, Rocko's modern life, Winx Club, As told by ginger, Creep School (which is apparently a swedish show as I discovered when I tried to find an english version), Darkwing Duck, Tale spin, Quack Pack, Chip n Dale.. etc....
(Sadly no Danny Phantom, but that's ok because I watched it now and I love it)
27: If you had to have a cow or a pig, which would you take? Why?
If you mean as a pet I would have a cow, because they're simply nicer. I've worked with both cows and pigs and well.. pigs were just no fun.. but cows were awesome
28: If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Eh.. london's?
29: Longest plane ride you've ever been on?
Probably the one to America, when I was 1
30: The latest you've ever slept?
Eh... well I've pulled all-nighters many times.. I don't know what to count really...
31: Would you buy a sweater covered in kitten pictures? Would you wear it if someone gave it you for free?
I probably wouldn't buy one.. but I might wear it if it was free.. and if it was cosy.
32: Do you pick at scabs?
33: Favorite kind of bean? Kidney? Black? Pinto?
I do not like beans
34: How far can you throw a baseball?
I wouldn't know.
35: If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
36: Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? Vietnamese? Korean? Nepalese? How was it?
I don't think I've eaten any of it.
37: Small, liberal arts school or public university? Why?
I don't know the difference.. but I'm guessing that there are more people at a public university? and I like that..
38: A relationship with love or one with sex?
Love, thank you.. I'd much rather want a best friend than a sex partner.
39: Do you eat enough vegetables?
I prefer vegetables to potatoes, pasta or rice so.. I think so.. I eat it as snacks sometimes too because it's delicious.
40: Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers?
Neither.. I'm all for monsters and that but I think both Horror and Thriller are rather boring.. and I hate being scared as in "things popping up" .. so no I don't like either. I prefer horror books or series. because I love Goosebumps or Stephen King.. for example.
41: Would you scratch a crotch itch in public?
I try not to or do it descreetly
42: Do you swear in front of your parents?
Yes, they don't care.
43: Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween?
Sadly never been anything other than a witch-thingy for halloween.. D: But I did win a price once.. xD
44: If you could change your natural hair color, would you? To what?
If I would look good in red hair.. I would change it to red.
45: Do you want to get married? Have kids?
I don't care if I get married of not.. it's not something I'd like to do.. but I suppose I would want children some day..
46: Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
I recycle them.. but I don't use them myself much.
47: City or nature person?
A little bit of both but mostly city.. I love animals though so living on a farm is very nice in that way.. but I also love being close to everything so therefor I'm also a city person..
48: Have you ever used something other than "makeup" as makeup? (Like paint? Markers?)
Well.. I like to draw on myself sometimes.. but I barely use makeup as makeup even.. so
49: Can you walk well in high heels? Even if you're a guy?
Yes.. and I'm actually quite good at it.
50: Post 5 awesome things about yourself. BRAG AWAY!
I'm open-minded, I'm actually rather good at art, fairly creative, has good musictaste and I'm pretty confident.
So I had another dream. This time i seemed to be Harry Potter in a HP/LOTR kind of universe. I know that someone wants me dead and I'm on the run because I've also noticed that people that used to be on my side has turned against me in fear. So yeah, I'm on the run and all of the sudden I hear a gunshot and me and another guy who seems to have been the one shooting, are falling to the ground. We're both injured because somehow he managed to shoot himself as well. My friends check both him and me and states that the one who shot me was dead. I'm laying there, shot in the stomach and pressing over the wound as hard as I can to stop the blood and all I can think is "I'm in a world full of magic and wizards and they decide to shoot me with a gun" and I can't stop thinking how ridiculous that is. All around me my friends are freaking out because they can't get a hold of a teacher and I'm screaming out "screw the teachers. I need a doctor!". It just so happens though that they don't know what tha hell a doctor is so they keep looking for someone else and in the end they get a hold of Trelawny who actually knew what to do. She looks at me and has this calm aura around her that freaks me out a bit because I was lying there dying and she wasn't doing anything. So at one point I tell her and she says that oh, no it only scraped the surface you'll be fine. So she fixes me up snd heals my wound and that's it.
Maybe it doesn't have to, but in my case, it definitaly is!
Jarida! (Jack Frost x Merida)
I'm not used to crossover shipping, most of my ships are maybe not canon but they're in the same fandom.. like Merthur or Mclennon.
But then I came across the Rotbtd fandom and I just fell in love with their interactions, because of both of their personalities they have a very playful kind of relationship. They make fun of each other and prank each other and I LOVE that. I'm not a romantic, I'm really not.. so their relationship works perfectly for me.
I, and many other Jarida shippers, imagine them being the kind of couple who wouldn't call each other sweetie or other awfully cute nicknames and such, I also imagine them being a little like Chuck and Blair.. An amazing team.
So yeah, they would be the kind of couple I would like to watch.
I have two moments in Rotg that made me cheer.. and it's the two moments in the movie that is supposed to make everyone cheer. (Though now when I think about it, there's another movie that is supposed to make eveyone cheer... there's a lot of cheering in this movie)
Anyways.. the first is after Jack has retrieved his memories and seen them and he gets his spirit back and fix his staff. The soundtrack and moment where he flies out of the pit he was in, makes me cheer.
The ending of this clip..Sorry that I couldn't find a better one.
The other one was the wonderful return of Sandy! Sadly I couldn't find a clip of this moment..
Maybe the scene when they help Flynn out of prison
The moment you realize that Elinor made it, obviously! xD
When his dad changes his mind about Hiccup and the dragons also.. just the baddassery of the battle.
In Tangled.. it was one particular scene that pissed me right off.. and that most people go all "Aww *Tears*" about and it was this little thingy right here...
You don't have to watch the entire clip.. just the part where he cuts off her hair basically.
It pissed me off because he could've let her heal him and then cut the bloody hair off... They would've had time to..
I know that it's supposed to be some symbolism of Flynn caring about someone other than himself (Which I think he's shown before the moment he came to her rescue, or even earlier than that) or that it's supposed to be the part where everyone holds their breath... but to me.. it was just damn stupid...
And I liked you, Flynn!
Rise of the Guardians
Eh...Hmm... I don't think that any part of the film actually made me angry.. I even liked the scene when everyone thought that Jack has betrayed them and got all hurt.. Which is a scene that would piss me off.. Buuuut idk..Maybe more of a part that wasn't in the film rather than was.. and that is the sort of scene that I just showed or that is in Brave as the moment that made me cry.. A scene that would make me cry about the main character.
They have a really heartwarming scene in the movie where they show how he became Jack Frost but you only really realise how horrible and heartwrenching that moment is if you dwell on it for long enough.. they didn't actually show how awful it is in the movie. Heck, Jack's even glad after he's seen it. He's like "Heck Yeah, I saved someone" not "Omg. My little sister got to see me die" or even.. "Omg I had a family but now they're all dead"
You know what, Maybe that scene pisses me off a little..
How to train your Dragon
The moment that is supposed to piss everyone off.. and that's the moment when Stoick dismisses Hiccup as his son. Couldn't find a clip but I supposed you all know what I'm talking about.. x)
Hmm...Maybe the scene were Elinor first gets turned into a bear and Merida is all "It's not my fault" when everyone who's watching knows that clearly.. "Yeah, it is"
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
I don't think I have a song like that (I've never rather forget someone).. but we have someone I've been trying to break things up with and then it'd probably have to be... Tommy-Gun - Royal Republic
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
That's practically all songs... but ehm... Unsustainable - Muse
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
7: A song to drive to
Any song... xD
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Milk and Alcohol - Dr. Feelgood
9: A song that makes you happy
These are so hard.. because all songs that I like makes me happy...
10: A song that makes you sad
Nearly no one... but let's go with the soundtrack to Black Beauty
11: A song that you never get tired of
Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles
12: A song from your preteen years
Don't wanna let you go - Five
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Gosh.. eh... Say say say - Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson? That's from the 80s right?
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Ehm... Mr. Lonely - Bobby Vinton because of the Irony? Idk xD
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
Feeling Good - Muse
16: One of your favorite classical songs
Domine Jesu - Mozart's Requiem
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
I'm realizing now that I don't listen to a lot of duets... the only ones I can think of are from musicals.. so.. I suppose Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge
18: A song from the year that you were born
I'd do anything for love - Meatloaf (That's fun!)
Also.. Can you feel the love tonight - Elton John but I personally don't like that song xD
19: A song that makes you think about life
I.. don't know... A little piece of heaven - Avenged Sevenfold?
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Songs... don't have many meanings to me..
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Valleri - The Monkees (Yeah.. that's right... some of you thought I would take a Beatles song, didn't you?? <.<...)
22: A song that moves you forward
Any song that I like.. so ... Survival - Muse ?
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
I want you (She's so heavy) - The Beatles
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
I Me Mine - The Beatles
25: A song by an artist no longer living
How do you sleep - John Lennon (Surprisingly a good song even if it has kind of a mean meaning)
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Eh... Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney (Idk.... xD)
27: A song that breaks your heart
A day in the life - The Beatles oooooorr..... Here Today - Paul McCartney
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Soaked - Muse
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Oh they're so many... The Ballad of Chasey Lain - Bloodhound Gang
Okay, it's 4 am so I'm gonna go back to sleep but I just gotta tell you about this very odd and sexual nightmare I just had.
It's about me, I meet a guy somewhere but I'm not sure where and I get his number, I know exactly who he is, some sort of celebrity but I don't recall who at the moment. And he has a friend a very nice girl with a kind of hippie/cool girl attitude and very sexual woman. Then another guy who's very nice as well and then another dude who was also famous but didn't seem to like me.
Anyways, I'm at their place, I'm drinking and starting to trust this guy that I'm with. i like him a lot and while it was neither of our ideas I decided to lose my virginity to him because why not. (I wasn't drunk). The whole scene was very detailed in my dream, by the way. (though still not a wet dream) Most things was. Anyway, the next day I'm talking to the girl a bit, she figured out that I had sex with him and she's very excited about it. Then I talk to that nice guy friend and he has the same attitude. I remember mentioning to the guy, when talking about why I decided to lose it to a guy I barely know, that "I had been a virgin for a long time and that I was very horny as a kid so, fuck it. "
Anyways, later on I get home, I keep the whole "losing my virginity" as a secret to my family. The only one who even knows about the guy and how I met him is Lii, my older sister and she's kind of teasing me for it. She doesn't know I "gave in" or whatever though. My dad, however, didn't know anything about it but his attitude throughout the dream is very "your first time should be with someone you know and like" so automatically I feel bad and I'm very nervous throughout the dream.
The guy keeps texting me and stuff and at one point he gets busted with wanting to sleep with me partly to get some media of their back, how that worked, I don't know. I don't feel fully betrayed though (only a bit, but mostly I just want to trust him) but I'm nervous that my dad with see it that way and Lii does, I think. Anyways, after this my sister finds out and she helps me trying to keep it from my dad, at least for a while because later she totally sells me out by connecting his and mine phone so that all the texts I get, he also gets. (I don't know how that worked, although I know that my sister only sold me out because she knew I needed dads help).
Anyways it ends with a scene where I'm at the comp and my dad is sitting near me, I'm trying to find something online, I get a text message that I know I thought was a rather nice one but dad thought that "no, you can't trust this guy" and then I start shaking like crazy. I thought that it was something I took or did bur I went to my father and hugged him and when I tell him what's going on he tells me to take a painkiller and it'll pass. I say that I don't dare to and that I want to go to a hospital and he answers that they're only gonna give you a painkiller anyways and that's when I woke up.
I've mentioned to a friend att one point that I have a lot of sexdreams but that none of them are wet ones. Here's an example of that. This one actually really felt like a nightmare but a very odd one..
I think the nightmare part comes with the fact that it felt extremely real. Like I could feel anything and was experiencing it all.
So, in conclusion. I might still be a virgin but now I bloody know what it feels like and no one can tell me otherwise!
(Oh! I just remembered who the celebrity was that I slept with! Robert Pattison! xDD)
Some say that dreams give us secret messages and some say that a dream is like a summary of things we've gone through throughout the day or week or whatever.
Either way, I really can't figure out what kind of message this is supposed to give me or when the hell I talked, read or thought or anything about any of this in the past couple of days.. D:
I don't understand how I could miss that one of my favourite bands had a new album. But I was casually listening to spotify one day and then all of the sudden a commercial came on playing a song I've never heard but I recognized the singer and the style so much and I got so surprised that I rushed to their site to listen to the entire album.
The album I'm speaking of is of course Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action by Franz Ferdinand. I fell in love with the album at the first song and loved it all the way through. The only song I didn't particulary love but thought was ok was Bullet but the rest of the songs were golden! Two favourites being Evil Eye and Goodbye Lovers and Friends and I have them on repeat as much as possible! x)
I love it when you know that you can trust a band to make music you like.. even if they change their style a little like Muse did with The 2nd Law, I still know that I will love it, and I did!
2. Favorite Song: Eh...Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles
3. Favorite Album: Any Muse album or... Rubber Soul by the Beatles.. xD I can't possibly decide! D:
4. Favorite Era:Over all or in a specific band? Because over all... probably the 60s.. because of the psychedelia and all that... within The Beatles it's the Sgt. Pepper/Magical Mystery Tour era x) Because of their style and the music they made.
5. Favorite Guitarist: Matthew Bellamy
6. Favorite Bassist: Paul McCartney
7. Favorite Singer: Matthew Bellamy xD But I love John Lennon too.
8. Favorite Drummer: The Rev probably, but I do like to watch Ringo play, he has a kind of special way of doing it.
9. Favorite Genre:Hmm.. Psychedelic Rock probably.. but then again not.. I don't really know.. it's so spread out for me D:
10. Favorite Member: Of?..Well.. Muse: Matthew Bellamy.. The Beatles: John Lennon
Would You Rather:
11. Would you rather write poetry with Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison? Bob Dylan
12. Would you rather write a song with Pete Townshend or Jack White?Pete Townshend
13. Would you rather jam out with Keith Richards or Joan Jett?Keith Richards
14. Would you rather party with Janis Joplin or Keith Moon?Janis Joplin
15. Would you rather marry Alex Turner or Ezra Koenig?Alex Turner
16. Would you rather date Debbie Harry or St. Vincent?St. Vincent, I barely know these two though xD Had to google them.
17. Would you rather die with Kurt Cobain or John Lennon?John Lennon, though I'd rather stay alive with him xD
18. Would you rather dress like David Bowie or Syd Barrett? David Bowie
19. Would you rather dance with Ian Curtis or Mick Jagger?Mick Jagger xD
20. Would you rather protest with Joan Baez or Roger Waters?Roger Waters
21. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?The Beatles, obviously ;)
22. Is music "good" nowadays?Some music are, popular music aren't..there's lot of the same thing
23. Should bands break up over band members deaths?No.. I don't think they have to.. I mean a lot of bands has managed good with a new member. But if it was someone like The Beatles I don't think it would work.
24. George Harrison or Eric Clapton?George Harrison, I don't really like Eric Clapton xD
25. Thoughts on Feminism in rock?I.. don't know? xD
26. is school as bad as Roger Waters makes it out to be or is it as necessary as Paul Mccartney says it is?Somewhere in between xD I think it's necessary but I think that the school system is doing it wrong.. we lose a lot of creativity and such while going in school and that's never good but it's also necessary to know how to read and write, for example.
27. Thoughts on Yoko Ono?She's alright.. I like some of her art and I like some of her opinions.. but I can understand why the people in the band thought she was annoying xD I don't think she broke them up though.. I think they were already bound to break up.
28. Do you believe there should be an age limit to bands?No, why should there be?
29. Is musical fanaticism simply a fad for teenagers?No?
30. Best modern band:Muse
Have You Ever:
31. Have you ever cried over a band?No.. but I've cried watching a documentary of John Lennon's death xD
32. Have you ever screamed over a band?I've screamed at a concert
33. Have you ever kissed a poster of CD?CD, yes x)
34. Have you ever spent too much time fantasizing over a band (or being in a band)?No, not too much, never too much
35. Have you ever bought overpriced merchandise?I'm actually kind of cheap xDD I think the most expensive Merchandise I've bought was a handmade replica of Paul's Bass for 300kr. (around 30Euro)
36. Have you ever tried dressing like a band member? Somewhat, for school.
37. Have you ever legitimately fallen in love with a band member?Yes x) And a dead one at that.
38. Have you ever considered becoming a groupie?Never :o I only dream about getting to know band members xD
39. Have you ever met a band member?No, unfortunately D: Unless you count those I know who are in a band xD
40. Have you ever annoyed anyone over your music obsessiveness? The thing is.. that I don't talk much about it unless I know that the person I talk to is interested in listening. So.. I don't think so.
Would You Ever:
41. Would you ever follow a band?On a tour, yes
42. Would you ever become a Groupie?No, don't think so.
43. Would you ever drop acid with Syd Barrett (and risk schizophrenia)?No I would never take drugs
44. Would you ever smoke a joint with Bob Dylan?No
45. Would you ever marry Mick Jagger (he's slept with 4,000+ women and I don't think he'll stop for a marriage)?Nah, I have no feelings for Mick Jagger xD
46. Would you ever crowd surf (to get closer to the band in a violent crowd)?Haha, Idk.. it seems like fun.. but.. don't think I trust other people that much :o
47. Would you ever time travel (with risk of getting lost in space) to meet your favorite band?Hmm...I don't know...I would love to time travel to meet a band but not if it's risky.
48. Would you ever strive to become a rockstar?Musician, yeah maybe.
49. Would you ever break up with Alex Turner?I don't think he's my type so yeah? xD
50. Would you ever collaborate with One Direction (for a mountain of money)?No, I wouldn't.. I don't think they have anything to give me.
Who's Cuter:
51. Paul McCartney or Keith Moon?Paul McCartney
52. John Lennon or George Harrison?John Lennon
53. Alex Turner or Joshua Hayward?Alex Turner
54. Grace Slick or Joan Baez?Grace Slick
55. St. Vincent or Debbie Harry?St. Vincent
56. Kurt Cobain or Dave Grohl?Dave Grohl
57. Damon Albarn or Liam Gallagher?Liam Gallagher
58. Courtney Love or Madonna?Madonna
59. Jimmy Page or Robert Plant?Jimmy Page
60. David Bowie or Keith Richards?David Bowie
Who's Better:
61. Lennon/McCartney or Jagger/Richards?Lennon/McCartney all the way!
62. Keith Moon or John Bonham?John Bonham
63. Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton?Jimi Hendrix
64. Donovan or Bob Dylan?I personally love Donovan..though I suppose Bob Dylan is better... but I'm gonna go with Donovan anyways.
65. Debbie Harry or Madonna?I haven't heard Debbie Harry.. so Madonna
66. Michael Jackson or Queen?Queen..
67. Hole or Nirvana?Never heard Hole so Nirvana
68. The Horrors or Arctic Monkeys?Arctic Monkeys
69. Buddy Holly or Chuck Berry?Chuck Berry
70. The Ramones or Sex Pistols?The Ramones.. I think.. xD I think they're quite equal but I think I like The Ramones a bit more.
I just had to bring this picture here so that I can talk about it because it's one of the best things I've ever seen xD
This is a magazine from the 60s I believe and it's as it states in the article, about the fans doing a survey and this being the result.
The reasons for their pick is what I love the most. From being slightly homoerotic to say that one of the reasons they like Paul is because of "his looks at John" to pervy by liking George's big feet, because you all know what they say about big feet, don't you?
I also really like that they liked John because he's "mature"...
So I watched the movie "Super" with Rainn Wilsom and Ellen Page a few days ago. I can start of by saying that I didn't have much expectations about this film, I had only briefly heard about it so I didn't really know what it was.
But I can certainly say that whatever I would've expected, it was so not what it turned out to be. What tha actual fuck?
I haven't seen a movie that surprised me as much as this one did in a long time and while both Felix and Lisa thought that that fact wasn't a good thing, I sort of liked it. It was weird, it was extreme and so gross at times that you didn't know what to do with yourself. I myself got the urge to joke some scenes away just because I thought they were so disturbing. And well.. I'm left amazed.
When you look at this film you expect something like Kickass, a bit of odd comedy.. but no.. This film was depressing, and brutal, and socially horrifying. For me, these were good things. Although I can understand why a lot of people would have problems with this film.
The poster says amusing, but I think it's far more than that. 8/10
But this dream wasn't bad, it was rather nice. But so much different shit happened.
At one point it was me and two others, and we were out taking a swim and managed to find a secret cave in a mountain that one of us got pretty obsessed over as I remember. I also remember that we weren't to tell anyone about it.
At another moment Jack Frost was the main character, and he had recently become what he was and was coming to terms with it. North and Bunny was there too I remember. And Jack wasn't invisible because at one point they were visiting this old village and he talked to someone he used to know about what had happened to him, that person just so happened to be Gaius (yeah, it was a fandom crash right there). Gauis kept asking things about his condition and I remember that at one part he asked him if he couldn't feel cold and Jack answered. "It's weird, because I can feel, but I can't feel cold". Then at another moment there was another person with them that I don't remember who it was but they got to run and they liked it x) Yeah.. idk.. it was sweet in my dream..
Then at another place in my dream, my friend Rebecca and some dude was there. We were driving somewhere and while the other dude got out of the car to do something, some police cars showed up. Some police officers went out to talk to the dude and two others got into out car. Rebecca was at the wheel and they told us to drive home. So Rebecca did, and during the way one of the police officers commented that she could tell that Rebecca was left-handed because she could see better in the rear-view mirror in some turns or something like that. When we got home to Rebecca we dropped her off and I got to drive, from the backseat..
Rebecca doesn't drive, and she's not a lefty.. so I don't know what that dream was about.
This time, it was basically the end of the world, well kind of. I wish that I had repeated the dream in my head when I woke up so that I remembered more of it because now I only remember some of it but it's the basics.
So, it started with that I was on a boat with two other friends, and I remember that they were people I don't hang out much with, possibly Jenny (an old classmate) and Mini (who I met through the internet) and we were chasing someone, or something. At least I remember that we were trying to be sneaky, and that was either because we were after someone or because we weren't allowed to do what we were doing.
Anyways, suddenly this meteor thing comes right through the sky and we shut up, but it doesn't exactly crash anywhere. We just see it disappear behind some houses and then never sees an explosion. But we get scared and goes home to find out what the hell happened. On our way home, more stuff starts falling and this time there are explosions as well, just not on ground but in the air. I remember telling myself and the others to just think of it as fireworks, so that it wouldn't seem so horrible. I thought that it was the end of the world myself.
When we get home everyone from the village was gather outside and looking up. Some kind of smoke starts forming over us and covering basically the entire planet (at least were there were people). This guy in the group were in suddenly start to walk towards it, everyone freaks out, but he says that it's fine. Then he reaches up, touches the smoke and gets absorbed into it. It looks like he's turned to smoke himself but we still see him. We see him inside the smoke and he looks fine, despite looking like a spirit rather than an actual human. But he's there, alright and he starts to beckon people in. And they start to follow him one by one, even my parents and they try to explain to me that it's for the best so eventually, I join them.
We don't really die when this happens, that's what I thought at first. No, we end up somewhere else. It kind of looks like the same place, nothing is particulary supernatural or alienlike, but it's still different. It's the kind of place were everyone walks around thinking that everything is fine and living without any doubts and being totally oblivious. Which obviously bothered me. I didn't like it, and I missed my own world.
So I start to think of a way to get back, because I was certain that the planet hadn't been destroyed, I just thought that we've been moved, for whatever reason. I remember that I did eventually find a way back, through the same smoke, and my friends followed. But the planet was more of less deserted. And that's when I woke up.
While it was a very unpleasant dream, it was still pretty cool now when you've woken up. It's a kind of cool idé for a sci-fi story, don't you think?
This is the second time I've dreamt that I was wanted and that someone wanted me dead.
This time it was a famous murderer who had a history with our family, although I'm not sure how. It felt like he had killed somone from our family before and it felt like it could've been my dad because he wasn't in the dream. (or an older brother because there was a group of older boys in the dream who wasn't all that pleased with me)
No the family in this dream was my mum (who was my IRL mum), my stephdad (also IRL), an older sister (who switched between being my stephsister and someone else) and me who was a 14 year old boy with glasses apparently.
Anyways, the dream played out of us being rather scared of this man and we knew that he was out there. There was a festival in the town we lived in (we lived by the sea) so there was a lot going on. Me and my sister had gone out at one point and we were walking on a stone bridge and the murderer appeared in front of us. He was treathening us both with a knife and out of panic, I took the knife from him and stabbed him. He fell over the edge and into the water and I was terrified over the fact that I might just have killed someone, although neither of us thought he was dead. My sister got mad at me for doing what I did I remember but we ran for it and got home.
At home I remember that we were both terrified of basically anything and my mum and stephdad didn't care. They were going out so they were being like horny teenagers to each other. Anyways, I remember telling my mum about what happened and I remember handing her a plastic bag with papers and stuff in it to her that I apparently got from the murderer. Apparently they contained evidence towards my mum's ex-husband and a way to sue him, so my mum originally got mad.
The dream ended that my sister had gone up on the table and started screaming. When we got to her there was blood running down her legs and my mum kept asking her where she was bleading from. That's where I woke up.