RotBTD Challenge: Part 15/30

M O M E N T S   T H A T   M A D E   Y O U   A N G R Y

In Tangled.. it was one particular scene that pissed me right off.. and that most people go all "Aww *Tears*" about and it was this little thingy right here...
You don't have to watch the entire clip.. just the part where he cuts off her hair basically. 
It pissed me off because he could've let her heal him and then cut the bloody hair off... They would've had time to..
I know that it's supposed to be some symbolism of Flynn caring about someone other than himself (Which I think he's shown before the moment he came to her rescue, or even earlier than that) or that it's supposed to be the part where everyone holds their breath... but to me.. it was just damn stupid... 
And I liked you, Flynn! 
Rise of the Guardians
Eh...Hmm... I don't think that any part of the film actually made me angry.. I even liked the scene when everyone thought that Jack has betrayed them and got all hurt.. Which is a scene that would piss me off.. Buuuut idk..Maybe more of a part that wasn't in the film rather than was.. and that is the sort of scene that I just showed or that is in Brave as the moment that made me cry.. A scene that would make me cry about the main character. 
They have a really heartwarming scene in the movie where they show how he became Jack Frost but you only really realise how horrible and heartwrenching that moment is if you dwell on it for long enough.. they didn't actually show how awful it is in the movie. Heck, Jack's even glad after he's seen it. He's like "Heck Yeah, I saved someone" not "Omg. My little sister got to see me die"  or even.. "Omg I had a family but now they're all dead" 
You know what, Maybe that scene pisses me off a little..
How to train your Dragon
The moment that is supposed to piss everyone off.. and that's the moment when Stoick dismisses Hiccup as his son. Couldn't find a clip but I supposed you all know what I'm talking about.. x)
Hmm...Maybe the scene were Elinor first gets turned into a bear and Merida is all "It's not my fault" when everyone who's watching knows that clearly.. "Yeah, it is" 

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