Sure I never liked the song "Forever Young" but just because a group did one song I didn't like doesn't mean they don't have anything I like. And that's what I discovered today with this little group called Alphaville. Because, you see, this particular song that just put up is just brilliant in my ears. I love every minute of it and as I sit here alone in my dad's truck, I'm putting it on repeat. Yeah it's my new obsession!
Because I'm lazy and don't feel like putting up my photos everywhere several times. I'm going to give you guys a link to the Tumblr were almost all of my pictures are gathered.
Here you have it
Man of Steel
So yesterday I was at the cinema with my dad watching Man of Steel. Although I've never liked superman as a superhero (I've always thought that he was quite boring) I thought that it's something I should watch just for the sake of seing it. And well.. It wasn't all that bad. I still don't think superman is an interesting character but the movie was alright.
Some of the problems I had with this movie was first of all the typical love interest in the end. I thought that some scenes were weirdly shot when some people interacted and you couldn't quite tell if they were at the same place or not and it kind of felt like they weren't interacting at all. Unfortunately some scenes also looked too fake. And that's what disappointed me the most. Because our technique when it comes to special effects are quite good now and even a low budget series can hide the green screen quite nicely. In this movie there were some parts where you could tell that the background wasn't the real one and that's sad.
I also thought that some parts, the acting felt a bit off.
Okay, some good things. The villain was somewhat interesting, most fighting scenes looked incredible, specially with the girl villain that I've forgotten the name of. And we had one final fight between Superman and general Zod that had quite an heartwrenching ending. Though my favourite thing about this film was the mechanics.. more specifically the gravity weapon! The sound it made and how it worked and what it did was just so fascinating and wonderful and I could honestly say that I would probably watch a whole movie with only that machine and what it does. I don't care if it's dangerous and is put there to change the climat so that we humans can't live there anymore, I want one! (I also liked that the first thing my dad did after the film was done was stating that that thing was my favourite part of the movie and I thought "yeah, how did you know?")
All in all, they could've done better.. 4/10
My newest music obsession
So I've liked Franz Ferdinand for quite a while now. But I haven't really taken the time out to actually explore all of their music like I have with Muse and The Beatles. So the other day I did just that and I managed to find my new favourite song: Ulysses.
I'm not entirely sure what it is that I like about this song, but I do know that I do like it, and I like it a lot. Everytime I sit down to listen to music I start with that song. And whenever it's finished I always go "Just one more time"
There are also small parts in this song that I think that the singer sounds like Matt Bellamy from muse.. Anyone listening to both of them or just muse would probably notice it too.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 14/30
M O M E N T (S) T H A T M A D E Y O U L A U G H
RotBTD Challenge: Part 13/30
M O M E N T (S) T H A T M A D E Y O U S M I L E
How to train your dragon:
The scene where Hiccup begins to discover how dragons actually work. The clip wasn't able to be embeded so here's the link:
Rise of the Guardians:
I don't know, sorry xD
RotBTD Challenge: Part 12/30
M O M E N T (S) T H A T M A D E Y O U C R Y
Actually only one of these movies made me cry and it was Brave and the scene I'm about to show. Although ROTG has one brilliant and sad scene, it didn't give me enough time to actually be sad about it so I didn't cry. And I didn't care about Tangled enough to cry when Flynn almost died.
I don't know why I didn't cry to HTTYD but I didn't.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 11/30
I think I've used this clip for something else before, but it does show both of my favourite skills. Jack's Ice Powers and Pitch's Nightmare sand.
Jack has the ability to bend ice and snow to his will and can therefore do tons of cool stuff, like this here. He can also fly, I mean cmon, it's cool.
Pitch can create weapons out of sand, like sandy can, but he is also a shadow creature who can dissapear and appear in shadows and create shadowdances to mess with someone's head. Also epic!
RotBTD Challenge: Part 10/30
Just look at him
RotBTD Challenge: Part 9/30
F A V O U R I T E M A L E C H A R A C T E R (from any of the four movies)
Jackson Overland Frost
Of course it's Jack, who else? I just told you that he was my favourite character so of course he's also gonna be my favourite male character, since he's male (duh). Geez...
Thought I'd throw in a pic of him in his human form, since we've already had him.. so.
You know what, here, have another one.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 8/30
F A V O U R I T E F E M A L E C H A R A C T E R (from any of the four movies)
Merida DunBroch
Even though she is kind of selfish throughout most of the movie I still have reasons to love her
- She's fiesty, has a very wild spirit and seems to be a lot of fun to be around
- She is herself and in that way she's kind of tomboyish BUT it's not played out to be one of those "I have to prove myself because I'm a girl and everyone thinks I'm weak". It's not like that, and that's what's so great about her being the way she is
- She's the only disney princess to stay single (she no need no man)
- She feels like a real teenager. She fights with her mum and really mostly only thinks about her own needs, and she wants to be able to do as she wishes.
- She has great hair, I want it (I also have a weakness for redheaded girls)
RotBTD Challenge: Part 7/30
It's a tie between..
Pitch Black (Kozmotis Pitchiner-ROTG)
He's sassy, he's has nightMARES (They're horses, hehe), his rivalry with Sandy is awesome, he has a sad backstory (even though it's sadly enough not brought up in the film) and he's voiced by Jude Law. C'mon, this guy is awesome!
Mother Gothel - Tangled
I might not have liked Tangled, but I did like the villain.
She's also sassy and actually quite interesting as a villain considering she's very motherly. I don't like the theory that she was throughoutly only interested in Rapunzels magical hair, that's not interesting.. I wanted her to actually have grown attached to Rapunzel but letting her want to forever staying young take over.. that's far more interesting.
She also reminds me of my ex best friends mother, a lot!
I also think that her and Pitch would make a great team.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 6/30
W O R L D Y O U ' D W A N T T O L I V E I N
Berk - How to train your Dragon
They have dragons, I've alsways wanted a dragon.. what better reason is there?
RotBTD Challenge: Part 5/30
Rise of the Guardians
Rise of the Guardians
Just look at this film in blue-ray and you'll understand why it's as brilliant and beautiful as it is.
Look at that!
And if you ever see a close up on Jack's hands you can see veins and everything and they put in details like making eyes look puffy and tired and making nails broken and disgusting on a guy that died drowning and making sand look like actual sand. They just put in so much detail in this animation it's amazing!
RotBTD Challenge: Part 4/30
F A V O U R I T E S I D E C H A R A C T E R (S)
It's hard to choose in ROTG since I love them all but I decided to go with the tiny little badass fellow called Sandy!
Ruffnut and Tuffnut (Because I think Toothless is a main character), King Fergus and Flynn Rider. Yep, they're all great
RotBTD Challenge: Part 3/30
Gonna take one from each film..
Rise Of The Guardians
North: We are very busy bringing joy to children. We don't have time....for children.
How To Train Your Dragon
Snotlout: [on top of the Green Death, whacking its eyes with his hammer] I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Got somethin' in your eye?
King Fergus: [shrilly voice] I don't want to get married, I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset.
Mother Gothel: Look in that mirror. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.
[Rapunzel smiles]
Mother Gothel: Oh look, you're here too.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 2/30
(out of the four)
(out of the four)
Jackson Overland Frost
So why Jack out of the four? (The four being, Jack, Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel)
Well, He's the one I relate to the most. Mostly attitude-wise than situation-wise. After all, I didn't die and come back as a winter spirit, I also didn't risk my life saving my younger sister and I wasn't alone for 300 years but beside that.. I am a person who rather stay positive than dwell on my problems, I like to make fun of my friends and I can be a bit competetive. I'm also very protective and can put on the older sibling role quite easily, even if I haven't been an older sibling until 2010, I have been the voice of reason between friends many times though.
He's also very adorable and probably a guy I would marry if I met someone like him. Yep.
RotBTD Challenge: Part 1/30
This is a challenge from a crossover fandom called Rise of the brave tangled dragons which is basically a crossover between ROTG, How to train your dragon, Brave and Tangled and although I don't like Tangled, I'm in this fandom.
This challenge is also a 30 days one, but since I suck at those I decided I'll make as many as I can when I have the time for them. And well, I have time now. So starting with part 1.
I've already done a review of this film so you've already heard why I like it so much.
- I like the fact that there's a main character-death as well made as the one in this
- I like the fact that there's so much more to explore in this world, how things work and where the others came from and so on (I got the books as a graduation present so it's time to do some reading!)
- I like the feeling it gave me, it didn't feel like the normal kind of pacing
- I LOVE the music
- I like the fact that ALL characters are lovable, and they have so much chemistry with each other
- I like the fact that even though they hinted it, there's wasn't any relationships in it
- I like the twist they did on all the legends, like making Santa a russian warrior, brilliant!
- Also: Jack Frost ffs!
Star Trek: Into Darkness
So I've recently fallen for what seems to be a series of films called Star Trek. The new version from 2009 of course. I decided to see it because of my new found love for Chris Pine after watching ROTG and a comedy film called This means war and since I've heard many great things about the film.. and guess what? It was amazing! Therefor, I've now gotten into an entire new fandom, the Star Trek one.
So yesterday I went with my dad to see the sequel. I went with my dad because he himself is a Star Trek nerd (the old series) and I thought it would be funnier to go with someone who knows about it rather then someone who's not really involved. Also.. my dad's amazing so.. why wouldn't I want to go with him?
Anyways.. This movie was just as awesome as the first one, It was funny and beautiful to watch and of course we also got the wonderful soundtrack with it! Though.. unfortunately there were more things that disturbed me in this movie than in the first one and one major one was all the bloody sexual scenes between Kirk and some other woman.. they were unneccessary and so painfully cliché I cringed everytime. I didn't even like them in the first movie and there it only happened like.. once. Here we even had one scene between a supposebly smart woman and him talking about their next move and all of the sudden they have to make it sexual with her having to change in front of him.
Another thing that I didn't even like in the first film comes with a name.. Nyota Uhura.. I'm sorry.. but she annoyed the crap out of me the first time and in this movie.. specially in the scene when she gets upset over the fact that Spock "didn't even think about us when you were about to die" as if that would be the most logical thing to think about when you're about to die... Ugh.. she just.. annoyed me...
But other than that.. I will forever love Kirk and Spock's bromance and they had some very lovely scenes in this. And hey major spoiler but.. I was actually a bit dissapointed about them managing to revive Kirk after he died. Don't get me wrong.. I didn't want him to die when it happened.. but it's just.. they always do this.. The main character dies and then all of the sudden they don't.. and it would just be a nice twist if sometime they just you know.. stay dead. xD I am really looking forward to a new one though.. and I did like Benedict as Khan even though I towards the end started thinking "Just die already". Sorry.
It was still a pretty damn good film and Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto is a lovely combination. 8/10
So awful!
I swear I'm not a horrible person. But I will admit that I am one of those people who will laugh when something so unlikely and awful happens in a movie. Like the ending of The Mist (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD!) when the dad gives up on everything and kills off his entire family and his son so that they wouldn't have to live in that awful world. And then when he's so destroyed and is about to kill himself off as well, help arrives. How awfully great isn't that? How awfully ironic and horrible isn't that? I LOVE IT!
So I was watching The Quick and the Dead with my dad after Eurovision. A 90's western movie with a female cowboy and a tournament of duals. She has come for revenge on the mayor and this clip will show you why. (AGAIN SPOILERS!)
This is one of those rare moments in films that I described and that I love. (And that I laugh at hysterically). It's just.. brilliant!