RotBTD Challenge: Part 2/30

F A V O U R I T E  C H A R A C T E R
(out of the four)
Jackson Overland Frost
So why Jack out of the four? (The four being, Jack, Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel)
Well, He's the one I relate to the most. Mostly attitude-wise than situation-wise. After all, I didn't die and come back as a winter spirit, I also didn't risk my life saving my younger sister and I wasn't alone for 300 years but beside that.. I am a person who rather stay positive than dwell on my problems, I like to make fun of my friends and I can be a bit competetive. I'm also very protective and can put on the older sibling role quite easily, even if I haven't been an older sibling until 2010, I have been the voice of reason between friends many times though. 
He's also very adorable and probably a guy I would marry if I met someone like him. Yep.

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