I think i've found my new favourite culture! Psychedelia (Mind-manifesting, apparently)!
The Psychedelic culture is awesome!
Even though this colourful and surrealistic culture came out of hallucinating drugs I can't help but fall right in love with it. And I love it just because of the colours and the surreal nature of it, both in music and picture.
I remember in the beginning of my Beatles explorations when I found songs like Because and Lucy in the sky with diamonds, and I remember telling my mum about them making me feel like I'm on drugs without actually having to drug myself. Well that's what I think is so amazing with psychedelia, the whole idea of feeling all of what was great about the drugs at that time and not actually having to poison my body in the process.
I never did think I'd like colours so much like in this subject. I always did have a thing for Surrealism though, ever since I had to do a presentation on Salvador Dali. This is also one of the reasons to why I actually like movies like Yellow Submarine and Magical Mystery Tour (MMT was quite hated for not actually making any sense, but for me that's quite alright, it doesn't have to make sense to be enjoyable).
And how wonderful is it that some of the greatest bands just happen do have something to do with this culture. It's bloody brilliant! (some people who read this might know that I'm currently in class, but I'm actually doing a work regarding to this culture so I'm actually doing what I should be doing ;))