Swedish News
Sometimes, watching the news only pisses you off. I usually don't watch the news, it doesn't really interest me, but the two times I've actually sat down and watched/heard the news I've only left being pissed.
This time caused by this video (I'm sorry but the article and video is in swedish). The video shows policeofficers shooting at two dogs they claim had been "agressive". They also said that they wanted to help the guy in the video who was threatening to hurt himself, and that the dogs "agressiveness" prevented them to do so. However, while watching the news today the boy they were trying to save said that he wanted to protect his dogs and told them that he'd come with them if they wouldn't hurt his dogs. In the video you can clearly see that the dogs did nothing to attack the policeofficers but nevertheless the dogs were shot dead.
I only have one thing to say to those holding a gun in this situation... You guys are idiots!
Cheers! // Fridolf.K