Beatle-day in Gothenburg
So yeah, today has probably been my favourite day in a long time. As a birthday present, my mum took me to the first official Beatle-day in Gothenburg. It was fucking fantastic.
Even thought they didn't have a lot of stuff to buy, they had some wonderful perfomances like a string quartet, and an acoustic band perfoming different Beatle-songs.
They also had a quiz where ten people got to get up on stage, stand in line and answer questions one by one. I was one of those people, and the only person under 40 (quite fun). Though I didn't win, I wasn't the first one to lose. To my defense, the second question I got was really hard. I had to know who the fucking presenter was when Beatles played on a swedish show once. (they gave me a name and I had to answer yes or no, so it was a 50/50 chance.. but it's still very difficult since I had no fucking idea who the person even was).
I did win something though. I won a nice poster.

Some nice handmade copies! Personal paintings and bags of the Beatles also hm

Glass/crystal ornaments and glasses

Mediashow-this dude talked about their history Sociable toilets!