What the fuck?

What the actual fucking excrementeating fuck? Rebecca Kadaga... are you retarded? Are you suffering from a mental decease? Not the kind that makes people wonder if you're a genious or a maniac, but the kind that actually keeps your brain from functioning correctly? Or should I blame this whole thing on the people of Uganda?
Whoever I should blame... this is by far the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. What is it with us people and this whole discussion about a person's private life? Why do you care?? What "serious threat"? They don't rape you or force you into having sex with a same-sex person do they? They're just in a fucking relationship, just like you probably fucking are... They're just enjoying sexy playtime in their bedroom just like yourself... You wouldn't want people to care about what you're doing in bed would you? Unless that fires you up, that is.
My point is, that this whole discussion is fucking uneccessary... Just look the other fucking way if it fucking bothers you.. You don't have to stuff your fucking face in it... Everyone else is allowed to fucking love, and they couldn't prove homosexuality as any kind of decease so stop the fucking nonsense! I'm fucking angry because this is absurb! It's disgusting! If anyone should be locked up it should be you! Why would you WANT to start more troubles in this world, aren't there enough as it is? We complain about war and still we keep causing them, on fucking purpose.. Surely someone must've thought "Hmm.. this isn't a great idea". And to that person.. you're right, it fucking isn't...