I love games, video games or computer games, I think they're fantastic!
The idea of being able to do pretty much all the bad things you can think of that aren't acceptable in real life, without it affecting anyone, is pretty neat!
Now, I grew up being a gamer. I remember playing Mortal Kombat with my brother when before I moved to Grästorp, which was in the 90s (cus I moved here in 2000). Even though I was scared of everything as a kid, Halloween masks, films with even the slightest amount of horror, death, probably the dark...etc.etc, I was never scared of video games (or spiders) whatever the amount of blood or gore.
I remember one part in quake though that I was a bit afraid of. You were supposed to walk over a path though the problem was that these massive crosses was dangling back and forth trying to knock you down and kill you.
My personal favourite kind of game is something called FPS-games, or First Person Shooter games.. But I don't like normal ones like Call of Duty, Counter Strike or any of those where you mainly just play a normal human being killing another human being. No, I like Quake 3, Left 4 Dead, Halo, Bioshock, Crysis and all those were you can be or kill whatever the fuck that creature was. That's fun for me! The weirder the better, as my motto is.
As I mentioned before, I like to watch youtube gamers, Sp00n, Nova and Kilplix to name a few and I'm fucking jealous! I want to be a youtube gamer.. I want to try out different games and upload them to youtube, and I want to be able to play with other people like that. But do you know what my biggest obstacle is? I'm too fucking poor.. I can't afford it! Sure, I have some game consols.. I have an Xbox and Xbox 360, my dad's got a Ps3, and we've got some old ones too like Nintendo 64. But I can't afford playing online, nor can I afford new games (I always buy them second hand). I'm thinking that I could probably easily figure out a way to record, And if I would have a comp that could take any games, it'd be a bit easier to manage, but I don't.. I've got a shitty laptop that can't even take Bioshock 2 because the graphics are too high.
Idk, simple things like that just pisses me off. I would've liked to be a youtube-gamer. (not to mention how bloody excited I am for Halo 4.. Just wish I could afford it.. That's what christmas is for though, right?)