Oh, well you can't win them all.. or anything.
So, after a long time of work I'd finally worked things out so that I could go see my beloved Muse in Stockholm.. and of course, because of my hard work, Matthew Bellamy goes and breaks his foot... Which means that there will be no show. Fucking hell...
I'll just go into a I-almost-made-it-to-a-concert-with-my-favourite-band-depression now.
Eddsworld - Space Face part 2
So, here comes part two of Edd Goulds last ever episode as I posted here a while go (he died of leukemia and didn't finish the entire episode, splitting it in two). This is also the first ever episode of Eddsworld that has nothing to do with him. I actually miss him, even though I think that the rest of them and the new voice actor is doing a good job of trying to come up with a replacement.
Since Eddsworld is a very popular show on youtube that actually makes money, Tomska and the rest decided to start a project of their own. They're raising money so that the young adults who are dying of cancer and are too old for a children's hospital, get a chance to have a good time too. That is, for example getting to play xbox or stuff like that. Cus apparently, the one thing Edd hated about spending time in the hospital was that it was extremely boring.. and that's not really how you want to spend the last days of your life, is it?
I think it's great, and if I could send in money, I would.
So, yesterday I finally saw the new stop-motion animated film Paranorman. And I absolutely loved it!
The film is about an 11 year old boy called Norman, he's constantly bullied for having a bit of a special gift. He can talk to the dead. Every year they hold sort of a holiday thingy for an old witch who got buried in their town, sort of. And a famous horror story is about a thing called "the witches curse" which was that this day every year she will wake the dead. When it suddently comes true Norman is the only one who can save them.
A few reasons why I love this film:
- Lovely humour. For example a scene which I absolutely loved when Norman is walking to school and he says hello to all the ghosts only he can see. Which obviously gets a few weird looks. Also small little puns here and there, it's just lovely
- Exciting. I actually felt like it wasn't very predictable. You didn't really know what was going to happen and you kind of expected everything. A nice and famous example for this is when the cheerleading girl asks the typical hunk dude about watching a movie with her sometime. To which he answers "That'd be great. You'd love my boyfriend, he's a total chick flick-nut". The lovely thing about that scene is that there's no hints before.
- Extremely beautifully made. Both story and graphics were beautifully made. It's was gross and heartbreaking and funny and just wonderful. As for the graphics, there was quite a few "wow" moments for me where I could just watch in detail how everything was set up. It was awesome.
If I were to give this a rating I'd give it a 5 out of 5. I absolutely loved it! It was fantastic!
RE: What the fuck?
So, I made a post a few weeks ago about Uganda's "Kill the gays"-bill. Well good news folks! YOU can help to stop it! And please do, this kind of madness shouldn't be allowed in any country!
Fuck you steam! Work when you want, sure. I can't remember my bloody password but you won't give it to me, well then maybe I don't want to use you anymore... (though I do). And neither can I create a new account cus then I need a new email, and that just wont do. Just give me a bloody password!!
Oh, What a beauty!
Crazy Pictures - The Blue Man
Okay, I was about to go to bed, but then I saw this 26min film that I just HAD to put up here!
It's made by a bunch of swedes on youtube that goes under the name Crazy Pictures, or Poesi för fiskar (Poetry for fish) and they're simply epic!
Have a watch!
My sister finally becomes a woman!
I'd really like to give a huge amount of congratulations to my favourite sibling, Lii!
Who, from today, is officially diagnosed as a proper woman!
My Life: Gif Challenge
(Every 3rd gif)
What your parents thought when you were born:
This is you:
Oh well thank you, George
Your parents on a normal day:
Your childhood in a nutshell:
Your first day of school:
Your bestfriend:
Your reaction to being asked out:
On your first date:
I'm sorry but... HAHAHAHAHAHA
The break up:
What you do in class when you should be listening:
Jus' dreamin'
Your secret crush:
... Yeah well, alright
You during exams:
You graduating:
Your boyfriend:
Well, guess I got lucky since it was also my secret crush.
Your wedding:
How your kids will act:
Geez, Thanks
Your parents at your funeral:
Your secret you kept from everyone:
That I am easy, or what?
How you’ll die:
Your funeral:
Weeeelll.. that's nice?
Ph: Muse ofc :)
Oh, how I love it when everything works out.
I got more time for our national test, which feels rather needed after hearing the others today.
We've started working on a little famous song called "We're not living in America" for our play next year and it went fucking well! And we've also decided the next song, which is gonna be the oh! so wonderful song "Knights of Cydonia"!
Tomorrow we're having a concert, and some from the 3rd grade are performing (if it went well on the test we had, we have a chance to perform) and I'm one of them. It's gonna be fun, as well as fucking nervewrecking.. xD
I had a chance to say no, cus they asked me, but I thought to myself.. Why the fuck not? I can't back out of everything, I have to live a little!
I love games, video games or computer games, I think they're fantastic!
The idea of being able to do pretty much all the bad things you can think of that aren't acceptable in real life, without it affecting anyone, is pretty neat!
Now, I grew up being a gamer. I remember playing Mortal Kombat with my brother when before I moved to Grästorp, which was in the 90s (cus I moved here in 2000). Even though I was scared of everything as a kid, Halloween masks, films with even the slightest amount of horror, death, probably the dark...etc.etc, I was never scared of video games (or spiders) whatever the amount of blood or gore.
I remember one part in quake though that I was a bit afraid of. You were supposed to walk over a path though the problem was that these massive crosses was dangling back and forth trying to knock you down and kill you.
My personal favourite kind of game is something called FPS-games, or First Person Shooter games.. But I don't like normal ones like Call of Duty, Counter Strike or any of those where you mainly just play a normal human being killing another human being. No, I like Quake 3, Left 4 Dead, Halo, Bioshock, Crysis and all those were you can be or kill whatever the fuck that creature was. That's fun for me! The weirder the better, as my motto is.
As I mentioned before, I like to watch youtube gamers, Sp00n, Nova and Kilplix to name a few and I'm fucking jealous! I want to be a youtube gamer.. I want to try out different games and upload them to youtube, and I want to be able to play with other people like that. But do you know what my biggest obstacle is? I'm too fucking poor.. I can't afford it! Sure, I have some game consols.. I have an Xbox and Xbox 360, my dad's got a Ps3, and we've got some old ones too like Nintendo 64. But I can't afford playing online, nor can I afford new games (I always buy them second hand). I'm thinking that I could probably easily figure out a way to record, And if I would have a comp that could take any games, it'd be a bit easier to manage, but I don't.. I've got a shitty laptop that can't even take Bioshock 2 because the graphics are too high.
Idk, simple things like that just pisses me off. I would've liked to be a youtube-gamer. (not to mention how bloody excited I am for Halo 4.. Just wish I could afford it.. That's what christmas is for though, right?)
What the fuck?
What the actual fucking excrementeating fuck? Rebecca Kadaga... are you retarded? Are you suffering from a mental decease? Not the kind that makes people wonder if you're a genious or a maniac, but the kind that actually keeps your brain from functioning correctly? Or should I blame this whole thing on the people of Uganda?
Whoever I should blame... this is by far the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. What is it with us people and this whole discussion about a person's private life? Why do you care?? What "serious threat"? They don't rape you or force you into having sex with a same-sex person do they? They're just in a fucking relationship, just like you probably fucking are... They're just enjoying sexy playtime in their bedroom just like yourself... You wouldn't want people to care about what you're doing in bed would you? Unless that fires you up, that is.
My point is, that this whole discussion is fucking uneccessary... Just look the other fucking way if it fucking bothers you.. You don't have to stuff your fucking face in it... Everyone else is allowed to fucking love, and they couldn't prove homosexuality as any kind of decease so stop the fucking nonsense! I'm fucking angry because this is absurb! It's disgusting! If anyone should be locked up it should be you! Why would you WANT to start more troubles in this world, aren't there enough as it is? We complain about war and still we keep causing them, on fucking purpose.. Surely someone must've thought "Hmm.. this isn't a great idea". And to that person.. you're right, it fucking isn't...
New Design
So yeah, I got bored of my old design and decided to once again get one that's a little more simple. I quite like the new design though, even though I'd like to add a background. Oh well, you can't win them all.
It's funny with attraction for me.. it's quite exciting because I don't actually have an idea of what my type is. I know what kind of personality I seek, but never what kind of appearence I like. So it's always like a surprise for me. Like.. I never thought I'd find John Lennon attractive, or Mike Nesmith (The Monkees) for that matter, but I do. When I watched Watchmen for the first couple of times I found Jackie Earle Haley attractive too (I don't even know why because well.. he's not really the typical hunk).
And now, the other day when me, my sister and my dad was talking and a little 80s film called St. Elmo's Fire was on in the background, I found myself attracted to a character named Kevin, played by a young Andrew McCarthy. He kind of looked like a maniac in some scenes, but heck I loved it!
So, when I'm bored.. I turn into...
Drinking Game
Rules: Drink everytime he says "y'know" :)
Have a splendid time! c;
More Precious things that I want :)
Sometimes I find all of these places that has a bunch of odd gadgets.. and I always find a bunch of lovely dovey stuff there! Then I can't afford them.
You know, I don't see myself as a clothes obsessed person, and I'm kind of not, even though I care somewhat about what I wear and I like weird clothes. But other than that I'm usually more for things, like clocks, stereos, or other homethings or maybe films, music and video games.
Although, I admit, I am a sucker for shoes...
I can't help it! I mean look at these things! They're precious!
I'm embarrassed..
I love reading this wonderful girl's blog, called
Murderotic (you might have heard of her :)).
And today she wrote about something that upset her, and quite honestly.. pissed me right off.
It was a post from another swedish blogger about a fitness commercial for the gym SATS where this blogger said that they should be ashamed of themselves for putting a "chubby", sweaty looking girl as their ad-picture. She's also asking the question when it started to be alright for girls to be chubby here in sweden, because in all the other countries, it's apparently not (eh?). It's also not acceptable for this girl in the ad to not wear make-up. (what?)
Here's the ad. And here comes the post from this blogger called
Katrin. (It's in swedish, sorry)
"Asså vad är den här grejen med att det ska vara så jävla okej för tjejer att vara mulliga i Sverige? Det är nämligen inte det i andra länder. Eller är det kanske i storstäderna som folk faktiskt bryr sig om sin hälsa? Det som jag syftar på är att i London, Paris, Rom, NY, Warszawa, Oslo, Prag, Aten, Madrid, alla storstäder som jag varit i faktiskt så är tjejer smala och det är något positivt. Det som är negativt är när folk blir för smala och sjuka och svälter sig själva men att det på något sätt skulle vara negativt att vara smal och vältränad och där med hälsosam är ju befängt. Det som är negativt är alla överviktiga brudar som väger närmare hundra pannor och som sen bantar ner sig till 70 och så var det bra så. Varför?! Varför slutar man att träna och äta rätt bara för att man ser ut som en människa och inte som en best? Varför kör man inte på och bantar ner sig till att väga 55 kilo och vara snygg när man ändå insett vikten av att se ut som folk?
Jag ser på SATS reklam och blir helt matt. Här står Josephine 33 år gammal och ser nöjd ut. Josephine har tränat på SATS i 13 år och så här ser hon ut efter det. Josephine tycker att det är lämpligt att stå helt osminkad med stripigt hår och övertydligt svettiga kläder på en reklamaffish för SATS för på det viset visar hon minsann att hon är nöjd som hon är.
1. Fy fan va pinsamt för SATS att marknadsföra det här resultatet på en tjej som tränat i 13 år?????
2. Vem fan i helvete vill identifiera sig med det här? Vill någon se ut så här?
3. Om det nu är kärlek och Josephine är så här svettig efter ett bodypump-pass så undrar jag verkligen vad Josephine käkar? Donken och Pizza Hut för hela slanten, antar jag!?
4. Feministpropaganda. Äcklig jävla feministpropagande.
5. Jag hoppas att SATS tappar medlemmar på sin kampanj och att folk väljer gym där man får lite bättre resultat efter 13 års träning."
I'd first of all liked to answer you with the simply answer. It started not being okay to be chubby just a few years ago. I remember reading ads from the 50's about gaining weight for that healthy and fresh bikini-look. It's only now that we've started to have this unhealthy obsession with being thin, not healthy, but thin. Which this girl claims everyone should be.
She's somewhat speaking about being healthy though.. but what she seems to fail to understand is that you don't have to be thin to have a healthy and strong body. She says that it's not okay to be healthy, but a bit chubby (or not really chubby at all, just not thin) but that you have to be thin as well. And this just pisses me right off. She's one of these people that only wants to bring your self-esteem down in the mud. Especially if you're that kind of person that has a heavy bonestructure or really just can't loose weight.
Secondly, I don't really understand the thing about wearing make-up, and why you "have" to do it. For myself, if anything, wearing make-up just brought my self-esteem down. All of the sudden I had to worry about doing yet another thing right, I had to constantly wonder if the make-up looked alright, if it fit me or if it just made me look like a bloody amature. Let's just say I gave that idea up pretty quickly. I liked my face, I thought I looked healthier without make-up because the make-up I did made me look a bit tired and heavy-lidded and I didn't know shit about make-up so I didn't know how to change that. And as some kind of girl-thingy, why do I have to have make-up as an interest? I really didn't. Make-up used to be a guy-thing too but they could give it up, why can't I? Why, oh why, do you suddenly think I'm ugly because I don't add fake effect to my face? Why does it all have to be made-up? I'd like an answer to that, and a bloody good one at that.
Well it's my birthday soon (the 7th of November), I'm turning semi-legal (I'm saying semi-legal because even though I'm turning 18 there are still things I'm not allowed to do). That means that I have to have a whole bunch of celebrations with different people. Starting today with the family of my mum.
I'm actually in a really shitty mood, and I don't even know why. I shouldn't be, I'm getting presents, we're going to eat tacos and have a wonderful desert. Guess I just woke up on the wrong side. Cus now it just seems like a burden.
Solo Work
I decided the other day, to explore my idols solo work a bit more. This sudden impuls came to me after my friends showed me a documentary about the making of John Lennon's "Imagine". I realized that I don't actually like much of his solo work and because of that, I have kind of thought that I wouldn't like the others either. But then again, I knew that I liked some songs of Paul's, like Live and Let die and Jenny Wren so I decided to look up more of his stuff, starting with RAM. Well.. I was pleasently surprised! I loved a lot of it! Favourites being Monkberry Moon Delight and Long Haired Lady. Paul did actually do well!
I think it's odd though.. that in the Beatles, my favourite songs are often either John songs or George songs (Tomorrow Never Knows, I Want You and I Me Mine for example) but I'm not all that impressed by their solo work. I'm actually more impressed by George's son's work with thenewno2! But I really like Paul's work! What happened there?