So yeah, today has probably been my favourite day in a long time. As a birthday present, my mum took me to the first official Beatle-day in Gothenburg. It was fucking fantastic.
Even thought they didn't have a lot of stuff to buy, they had some wonderful perfomances like a string quartet, and an acoustic band perfoming different Beatle-songs.
They also had a quiz where ten people got to get up on stage, stand in line and answer questions one by one. I was one of those people, and the only person under 40 (quite fun). Though I didn't win, I wasn't the first one to lose. To my defense, the second question I got was really hard. I had to know who the fucking presenter was when Beatles played on a swedish show once. (they gave me a name and I had to answer yes or no, so it was a 50/50 chance.. but it's still very difficult since I had no fucking idea who the person even was).
I did win something though. I won a nice poster.
Some nice handmade copies! Personal paintings and bags of the Beatles also hm
Glass/crystal ornaments and glasses
Mediashow-this dude talked about their history Sociable toilets!
So I've been on tour with all the lovely musicians from year 2 and 3, hence my absence from this blog. It's been a week filled with early mornings, hard work but lots of fun! And since we had the oh so famous Simon Issa who appeared on X-factor with us (he's in year 2, we didn't ask him to join us, that'd be rather desperate xD) we got
some fanhysteria aswell. Luckily for one guy, Simon wasn't the only one who got fans! :)
Over the weekend (from saturday to sunday) I spent some time as my friend Felix place. We god a bunch of sweets and drink and watched Doctor Who, NMBT and talked til 5. And he showed me this incredibly cool band called IAMX and now I can't stop listening to them. They're extremely awesome! Check them out!
Simon Amstell is getting too much hate. I read an article before where Noel Fielding said that he thought that Amstell had "ruinied" NMBT. The reason to this was that apparently it was getting harder to book people because they were afraid of being ridiculed by Simon Amstell.
And well, I've seen a bunch of stuff by him. I've seen him on Buzzcocks, Popworld, his own standup and his tv-show (then a few other things) and I honestly don't think he's ruder than anyone else. And I think that, as an artist (actor, musician or whatever) you have to be prepared to be a bit ridiculed, whether by a comedian or by actual reviews of your work. The big difference between Amstell and a review is that Amstell is more often than not not serious about what he says when he takes a piss at people. Be happy that he's actually not just taking a piss for the sake of doing it, but it's actually funny when he does.
I also don't understand the whole Mark Lamaar (Hosted NMBT before Amstell) vs. Simon Amstell thing. Because I see some people saying that Mark was so much nicer to the guests but then I also see people mentioning things like "oh if he was on the show with Lamaar he would get so burned" which implies that he would be meaner than Amstell (doesn't it?). I haven't seen much with Lamaar, just a few episodes, because he doesn't really interest me, sure he's funny as well no doubt about that, but he doesn't attract my attention enough. So I don't fully know how he is, but again.. he seems to take a piss at people just as much as Amstell does.
I kind of wonder is he's just got a bad reputation from popworld and the whole "making britney spears cry"-thing, that people increase the situation and get more offended than they should be (I really don't know, it's just what I think).
Amstell also somewhat apologized several times by trying to change the show around a few times (like the rabbit episode) but then people complained. People also complained when he left the show in 2006, so really.. what kind of double standards is this?
His "mean" humour on NMTB helped the show make it as 34th (or 36th, can't remember) best tv show during the Amstell-era. And he won several awards for it. I think that people should worry less about what you can't say about people and rather accept that it's a good laugh.
Laughter is supposed to be good for you, isn't it?
I just came across a rather interesting band called The Dresden Dolls.
It's only drums and keyboard and they call their genre punk cabaret.
I personally didn't find that many songs that I liked, but I like the idea of making music with only piano, song and drums and I think both of them seem kinda cool as people :)
I quite liked this one though..and a song called Girl Anachronism and one called Coin operated boy.
I think that all of those who write fanfiction, live with the fear of it being discovered by the people they write about. Well, this author had to live her nightmare as Simon Amstell get read slashfiction to about himself and McFly at Mark Watson's 24 Hour Show. It's hilarious though! (I kind of feel sorry for the person who wrote this. But he didn't seem to mind all that much. xD)
I just finished watching a film called Mr.Nice. It's a heartwarming story about a welsh guy called Howard Marks who, though getting really good grades throughout his school years, ends up being a drugdealer. We get to follow him through his life and struggle of eventually trying to get out from the mess he's put himself in.
Before I started watching it, I didn't have very high expectations. I thought it would be like a half good drama/comedy, but it was quite the opposite. It was more like a drama film, played out in the early 70's with great film music and splendid pictures. It's very nicely done and it's nice to watch whether you like the story or not.
Like any normal teenage blogger, I have to blog about my progress with my homework! I feel kind of good because hand in my english summary, I've played the guitar like a maniac and I'm currently studying to a test tomorrow about ethics. Thinking I should read a little bit aswell if I get the time. It'd be nice to get back on track again.
This picture describes what I'm currently doing. I'm practising guitar like a maniac until my fingers bleed because this song, fellow peasents, is the best and most enjoyable song I've ever played on guitar. There's so much to do with it, so many things to play and it's just so bloody fun! So I don't care if I play my fingers down to the bone, it'd be bloody worth it!
Muse is one of the two favourite bands I have. For me, they hold the record of most songs I like by them and up until the last album it was all songs but one. now there's maybe 2 more that I don't like all that much but it's still pretty damn impressive for being me. So you could imagine how excited I got when my guitar teacher suggested that I'd play a muse song. And in just a few weeks we have this kind of test where we perform a song with an ensemble in front of a few teachers so that they can see how far you've gotten and so on, and if I manage to learn this song by then, I get to play it. So yes, I'm gonna practise till I really can't go on.
I'm also drinking green monster, which I haven't done in a long time.
I'm getting so tired of people flauting their depression like it's as big of a problem as world hunger. What people seem to forget is that most people today are depressed at some point of their life, or most times of their lives, but it's common as fuck and it's normal to say the least.
With all the stuff we know today, there's no wonder we are a depressed species, because we can be depressed. The way our brain is developed gives us a curse of being able to be depressed, but it's a natural cause of event, it's what we do just as well as we can see the fun and pleasure in sex while some other species only have sex to reproduce. However, considering that the way we live today is a hundered times better than just a few decades ago we shouldn't have that much to be depressed about.
I'm getting tired of people, specially teenagers, constantly having a competition about who's having it worse, instead of trying to make the best of the situation they're in. Just as there's a way of getting depressed, there's a way of getting out of it. But some people seem to forget about it because they like the attention they get when they flaunt their depression.. and it sickens me.
Depression, among those who flaunt it, has become too common. More and more people talk about suicide and the fact that they want to die, when I believe that if they only took a step back, looked at themselves and what they're actually doing they'd realize that they actually don't want to die. And for some people, they've already done the deed before they took the time to realize this. I think that the fact that depression has almost become a popularity thing makes more people do those kind of stuff. They trick themselves into believing that they actually want to die, that the life actually suck so much that it's worth dying for. They get so caught in the bad that they fail to see what life really is.
While they get away from all the bad in the world through suicide, they get away from all the good aswell.. they can't feel better through it, fact is they can't feel anything.. and why would that be something to aim for? And even if there is an afterlife where you are able to feel, and everything's happy all the time, after a while, it's not all that happy anymore. You'd get bored of being happy, because it becomes common and after a while you want something different.
For me, that's a main reason to why I welcome being depressed or sad once in a while. Because then it increases the feeling of being happy.
I just remembered that I forgot to show you some of John's poems that I like. So I thought I'd do that now! These poems are from his book "In his own write" that I have on my ipod, unfortunately I don't have the book, so you lovely people that know me personally and knows that it's my birthday soon, if you ever manage to find it, I really really really really really want it!
Randolf's Party
It was Christbus time but Randolph was alone.
Where were all his good pals, Bernie, Dave, Nicky, Alice, Beddy, Freba, Viggy, Nigel, Alfred, Clive, Stan, Frenk, Tom, Harry, George, Harold? Where were they on this day? Randolf looged saggly at his only Chrispbut cart from his dad who did not live there.
"I can't understan this being so aloneley on the one day of the year when one would surely spect a pal or two?" thought Rangolf. Hanyway he carried on putting ub the desicrations and muzzle toe. All of a surgeon there was amerry timble on the door. Who but who could be a knocking on my door? He opend it and there standing there whol but only his pals. Bernie, Dave, Nicky, Alice, Beddy, Freba, Viggy, Nigel, Alfred, Clive, Stan, Frenk, Tom, Harry, George, Harolb weren't they?
Come on in old pals buddys and mates. With a big griif on his face Randoff welcombed them. In they came jorking and labbing shoubing "Haddy Grimmble, Randoob." and other hearty, and then they all jumbed on him and did smite him with mighty blows about his head crying. "We never liked you all the years we've known you. You were never raelly one of us you know, soft head"
They killed him you know, at least he didn't die alone did he? Merry Chrustchove, Randolf old pal buddy.
Good Dog Nigel
Arf, Arf, he goes, a merry sight,
Our little hairy friend,
Arf, Arf, upon the lampost bright
Arfing round the bend.
Nice dog! Goo boy,
Waggie tail and beg,
Clever Nigel, jump for joy
Because we're putting you to sleep at three of the clock, Nigel.
No Flies On Frank (I've put part of this one on instagram before, but here's the full story!)
There were no flies on Frank that morning - after all why not? He was a responsible citizen with a wife and child, wasn't he? It was a typical Frank morning and with an agility that defies description he leapt into the bathroom onto the scales. To his great harold he discovered he was twelve inches more tall heavy! He couldn't believe it and his blood raised to his head causing a mighty red colouring.
"I carn't not believe this incredible fact of truth about my very body which has not gained fat since mother begat me at childburn. Yea, thought I wart through the valet of thy shadowy hut I will feed no norman. What grate qualmsy hath taken me thus into such a fatty hardbuckle"
Again Frank looked down at the arful vision which clouded his eyes with fearful weight. "Twelve inches more heavy, Lo!, but am I not more fatty than my brother Geoffery whose father Alec came from Kenneth - through Leslies, who begat Arthur, son of Eric, by the house of Ronald and April - keepers of James of Newcastle who ran Madeline at 2-1 by Silver Flower, (10-2) past Wot-ro-Wot at 4/3d a pound?"
He journeyed downstairs crestfalled and defective - a great wait on his boulders - not even his wife's battered face could raise a smile on poor Frank's head - who as you know had no flies on him. His wife, a former beauty queer, regarded him with a strange but burly look.
"What ails thee, Frank?", she asked stretching her prune. "You look dejected if not informal", she addled.
"Tis nothing but wart I have gained but twelve inches more tall heavy than at the very clock of yesterday at this time - am I not the most miserable of men? Suffer ye not to spake to me or I might thrust you a mortal injury; I must traddle this trial alone."
"Lo! Frank - thou hast smote me harshly with such grave talk - am I to blame for this vast burton?"
Frank looked sadly at his wife - forgetting for a moment the cause of his misery. Walking slowly but slowly toward her, he took his head in his hands and with a few swift blows had clubbed her mercifully to the ground dead.
"She shouldn't see me like this" he mubbled, "not all fat and on her thirtysecond birthday"
Frank had to get his own breakfast that morning and also on the following mornings. Two, (or was it three?) weeks later FRank awake again to find that there were still no flies on him.
"No flies on this Frank boy" he though; but to his amazement there seemed to be a lot of flies on his wife - who was still lying about the kitchen floor.
"I carn't not partake of bread and that with her lying about the place" he thought allowed, writing as he spoke. "I must deliever her to her home where she will be made welcome"
He gathered her in a small sack (for she was only four foot three) and headed for her rightful home. Frank knocked on the door of his wife's mothers house. She opened the door.
"I've brought Marian home, Mrs. Sutherskill" (he could never call her Mum). He opened the sack and placed Marian on the doorstep.
"I'm not having all those flies in my home" shouted Mrs. Sutherskill (who was very houseproud), shutting the door. "She could have at least offered me a cup of tea", thought Frank lifting the problem back on his boulders.
Considering my life consist mostly of computers and the internet, I have had the pleasure to see and slightly become one of all the wonderful fandom people there are out there.
I'm not as extreme as most of those he describe in this video (I promise) but I do enjoy doing some of the stuff he talks about and I love watching other people freak out over something/someone, which is why the fandom-side of tumblr is fucking fantastic!
This is what it may look like in my hometown around halloween. We have something called a "Lightfestival" where they basically put up a bunch of colourful lights around Nossan (which is a river close to where I live) and then allows you to walk around and check them out. They also have musical performances and beer when you arrive at the end station.
I just wanna say that I think my blogdesign is almost perfect now! there's still some things that I want to change such as the fonttype of the headlines and so on. I also think that I'm going to add a little signature underneath all of my posts. And then I want there to be a link to all the other pages I'm on, such as deviantart and tumblr.
The Winter is coming! And it seems like it's all happening fast.
There's something very soothing about winter for me, the fact that it's somewhat quiet and cold and cosy makes me feel happy and calm. I love winter, even at its coldest and most horrible times because for me, it's comforting. To be able to bury yourself in layers of clothes and walk home when it's dark but still full of life is more or less cosy, it's bloody wonderful if you ask me. What also helps, is that my birthday is during wintertime, christmas too, and halloween, all my favourite moments in one place!
I promised myself that if there's a lot of snow this year, I will go out sometime and just lay down in the snow and do nothing. because it's awesome.
So I can't wait for winter to come, I can't wait for the cold and the snow.
Please come as fast as you can and stay for as long as you can.
So, While watching NMTB with Simon Amstell as a host, I found out that he co-wrote an episode of skins called "Maxxie and Anwar" which is one of my favourite episodes. He just looks better and better in my eyes.
You bloody perfect being!
Ph: Scenes from the episode "Maxxie and Anwar"
I'm not one to fall for many series, and considering what skins is about, it's kind of weird that I love it. There's lots of drugs, partying and drinking, most of what doesn't really fit into my personality and views, but the characters and the humour in the show makes up for it. I love the people, they're weird and interesting and the actors are bloody amazing.
Unfortunately, the second generation of actors have become popular among hipsters. I always see gifs quoting a line they find "inspirering" or "cool" from season 3 and 4, which actually are my least favourite seasons. I liked two charactars though. A paranoid and awfully socially awkward guy called JJ and a goofy and weird girl called Pandora (or Panda), but I thought the rest were quite dull.
The Generation after that had a girl called Franky whom I absolutely love! She's a creative boy-ish looking girl with short hair and clothes like a victorian gentleman. She also makes movies using stop motion and scenes she made herself. Doesn't she sound fantastic? Yes she does.
They changed her though, just as they did with a longhaired hardrocker from the same generation (he cut his hair, that bloody bastard), bloody shame.
I think the first generation will forever be my favourite.
Simon Amstell, oh how brilliant and lovely you are! I love you so!
I found out about this lovely fellow from NMTB, where he's probably my favourite host of all time! But he also does a show where he interviews musicians called Popworld that I've only watched briefly.
Honestly though, he's like in my top 5 favourite people!
Yea, I know that my blog looks like crap atm. But the codes of the design I wanted wouldn't work so I'm now waiting for a mail from the creator, so that she can help me solve it. Until then you have to deal with the fact that my blog looks like a new born baby, disgusting.
John Lennon would've been 72 years old today, hadn't he been killed in 1980. So to honor him, I thought I'd do a collection of favourites of him. Songs, pictures and poems/stories mostly.
So, Tomorrow I have an oral presentation in swedish, luckily that's all I have to do in school. Then after school I'm gonna get my camera (which I decided not to bring but regretted right after I left) and then I'm going to spend some time fixing a nice presentation on and also finish writing some schoolwork.
Yeah well, punch me in the face if you get tired. But since I don't really have anything to put here, to fill the holes in my blog, I wanted to present to you my at the moment favourite beatles song.
Sometimes, watching the news only pisses you off. I usually don't watch the news, it doesn't really interest me, but the two times I've actually sat down and watched/heard the news I've only left being pissed.
This time caused by this video (I'm sorry but the article and video is in swedish). The video shows policeofficers shooting at two dogs they claim had been "agressive". They also said that they wanted to help the guy in the video who was threatening to hurt himself, and that the dogs "agressiveness" prevented them to do so. However, while watching the news today the boy they were trying to save said that he wanted to protect his dogs and told them that he'd come with them if they wouldn't hurt his dogs. In the video you can clearly see that the dogs did nothing to attack the policeofficers but nevertheless the dogs were shot dead.
I only have one thing to say to those holding a gun in this situation... You guys are idiots!
Ph: Some may say I have OCD. but I really don't... I just wanted to have some fun
So after school today I decided to hang around town a little with the oh so lovely Aylin. We just walked around to smell some lipbalm, play with some toys and well organize some stuffed animals.
So yeah, this is how it can look when you're doing your friend a favour. I went out at 1am to stand in line for tickets to Iron Maiden together with my friend Rebecca. We sat outside for 6 hours until we were let inside and had to wait for another 2 hours. It was raining and eventually it got pretty damn cold, and I wasn't even gonna buy any tickets. I also missed the opportunity of ending up in the newspapers because I was sleeping on a bench. Although, it was quite fun, but I probably won't do it again.
So how did I end up agreeing to queueing all night to concert tickets I don't want? Well I'm just a bloody good friend <.<. So in a few hours we're going to town to sit, and wait, till nine in the morning.