Fangirling in the 60s

I just had to bring this picture here so that I can talk about it because it's one of the best things I've ever seen xD
This is a magazine from the 60s I believe and it's as it states in the article, about the fans doing a survey and this being the result.
The reasons for their pick is what I love the most. From being slightly homoerotic to say that one of the reasons they like Paul is because of "his looks at John" to pervy by liking George's big feet, because you all know what they say about big feet, don't you?
I also really like that they liked John because he's "mature"...
Very mature, indeed. :)


So I watched the movie "Super" with Rainn Wilsom and Ellen Page a few days ago. I can start of by saying that I didn't have much expectations about this film, I had only briefly heard about it so I didn't really know what it was.
But I can certainly say that whatever I would've expected, it was so not what it turned out to be. What tha actual fuck?
I haven't seen a movie that surprised me as much as this one did in a long time and while both Felix and Lisa thought that that fact wasn't a good thing, I sort of liked it. It was weird, it was extreme and so gross at times that you didn't know what to do with yourself. I myself got the urge to joke some scenes away just because I thought they were so disturbing. And well.. I'm left amazed.
When you look at this film you expect something like Kickass, a bit of odd comedy.. but no.. This film was depressing, and brutal, and socially horrifying. For me, these were good things. Although I can understand why a lot of people would have problems with this film.
The poster says amusing, but I think it's far more than that. 8/10

I dreamt something again, geez
But this dream wasn't bad, it was rather nice. But so much different shit happened.
At one point it was me and two others, and we were out taking a swim and managed to find a secret cave in a mountain that one of us got pretty obsessed over as I remember. I also remember that we weren't to tell anyone about it.
At another moment Jack Frost was the main character, and he had recently become what he was and was coming to terms with it. North and Bunny was there too I remember. And Jack wasn't invisible because at one point they were visiting this old village and he talked to someone he used to know about what had happened to him, that person just so happened to be Gaius (yeah, it was a fandom crash right there). Gauis kept asking things about his condition and I remember that at one part he asked him if he couldn't feel cold and Jack answered. "It's weird, because I can feel, but I can't feel cold". Then at another moment there was another person with them that I don't remember who it was but they got to run and they liked it x) Yeah.. idk.. it was sweet in my dream..
Then at another place in my dream, my friend Rebecca and some dude was there. We were driving somewhere and while the other dude got out of the car to do something, some police cars showed up. Some police officers went out to talk to the dude and two others got into out car. Rebecca was at the wheel and they told us to drive home. So Rebecca did, and during the way one of the police officers commented that she could tell that Rebecca was left-handed because she could see better in the rear-view mirror in some turns or something like that. When we got home to Rebecca we dropped her off and I got to drive, from the backseat..
Rebecca doesn't drive, and she's not a lefty.. so I don't know what that dream was about.

The end of the world
Geez, I just keep dreaming these odd dreams o.x..
This time, it was basically the end of the world, well kind of. I wish that I had repeated the dream in my head when I woke up so that I remembered more of it because now I only remember some of it but it's the basics.
So, it started with that I was on a boat with two other friends, and I remember that they were people I don't hang out much with, possibly Jenny (an old classmate) and Mini (who I met through the internet) and we were chasing someone, or something. At least I remember that we were trying to be sneaky, and that was either because we were after someone or because we weren't allowed to do what we were doing.
Anyways, suddenly this meteor thing comes right through the sky and we shut up, but it doesn't exactly crash anywhere. We just see it disappear behind some houses and then never sees an explosion. But we get scared and goes home to find out what the hell happened. On our way home, more stuff starts falling and this time there are explosions as well, just not on ground but in the air. I remember telling myself and the others to just think of it as fireworks, so that it wouldn't seem so horrible. I thought that it was the end of the world myself.
When we get home everyone from the village was gather outside and looking up. Some kind of smoke starts forming over us and covering basically the entire planet (at least were there were people). This guy in the group were in suddenly start to walk towards it, everyone freaks out, but he says that it's fine. Then he reaches up, touches the smoke and gets absorbed into it. It looks like he's turned to smoke himself but we still see him. We see him inside the smoke and he looks fine, despite looking like a spirit rather than an actual human. But he's there, alright and he starts to beckon people in. And they start to follow him one by one, even my parents and they try to explain to me that it's for the best so eventually, I join them.
We don't really die when this happens, that's what I thought at first. No, we end up somewhere else. It kind of looks like the same place, nothing is particulary supernatural or alienlike, but it's still different. It's the kind of place were everyone walks around thinking that everything is fine and living without any doubts and being totally oblivious. Which obviously bothered me. I didn't like it, and I missed my own world.
So I start to think of a way to get back, because I was certain that the planet hadn't been destroyed, I just thought that we've been moved, for whatever reason. I remember that I did eventually find a way back, through the same smoke, and my friends followed. But the planet was more of less deserted. And that's when I woke up.
While it was a very unpleasant dream, it was still pretty cool now when you've woken up. It's a kind of cool idé for a sci-fi story, don't you think?

Another rather scary dream of mine
This is the second time I've dreamt that I was wanted and that someone wanted me dead.
This time it was a famous murderer who had a history with our family, although I'm not sure how. It felt like he had killed somone from our family before and it felt like it could've been my dad because he wasn't in the dream. (or an older brother because there was a group of older boys in the dream who wasn't all that pleased with me)
No the family in this dream was my mum (who was my IRL mum), my stephdad (also IRL), an older sister (who switched between being my stephsister and someone else) and me who was a 14 year old boy with glasses apparently.
Anyways, the dream played out of us being rather scared of this man and we knew that he was out there. There was a festival in the town we lived in (we lived by the sea) so there was a lot going on. Me and my sister had gone out at one point and we were walking on a stone bridge and the murderer appeared in front of us. He was treathening us both with a knife and out of panic, I took the knife from him and stabbed him. He fell over the edge and into the water and I was terrified over the fact that I might just have killed someone, although neither of us thought he was dead. My sister got mad at me for doing what I did I remember but we ran for it and got home.
At home I remember that we were both terrified of basically anything and my mum and stephdad didn't care. They were going out so they were being like horny teenagers to each other. Anyways, I remember telling my mum about what happened and I remember handing her a plastic bag with papers and stuff in it to her that I apparently got from the murderer. Apparently they contained evidence towards my mum's ex-husband and a way to sue him, so my mum originally got mad.
The dream ended that my sister had gone up on the table and started screaming. When we got to her there was blood running down her legs and my mum kept asking her where she was bleading from. That's where I woke up.