Stuff that happened to me in 2014
I saw another blog who did a list on stuff that happened the year 2014. It's sort of a new years kind of post but that was only 17 days ago so I think it's fine if I do it now.
- I spent New Years with someone else other than my family for the first time.
- Went to Norway to go skiing (still not for me)
- I went to Malmö (Sweden's third biggest city) for the first time.
- I fell in love, with someone who turned out to be just the right amount of weird to really make everything inside me let go of a happy sigh. It's my first real and serious relationship.
- This also meant that I got a whole group of new friends.
- I went to two Sci-fi conventions
- My step sister had a baby, which means I got to be a step aunt
- Went to Geek Pride dressed as Dean Winchester
- Then I also went to Pride in Gothenburg and walked in a hugeass parade.
- I spent midsummer (swedish holliday) away from my family for the first time. And swam in a house-pool for the first time
- I started
taking my drivers license
- I survived the hottest summer I've ever experienced, and actually felt comfortable walking around in shorts.
- I drank beer in a park for no other reason than just hanging out with a few friends. (also something I've never done before)
- I went out with my sister, also for the first time.
- I danced at a nightclub that time, also for the first time.
- I saw Kansas live.
- I went to Hjulafton with my mum, which we haven't done in a long time but used to do when I was a kid.
- I sculpted something out of clay.
- I applied to a university in Skövde but got waitlisted.
- I voted for the first time.
- And got Xbox Live for the first time
- I turned 20 and bought alcohol from a store for the first time.
- I went to Västerås and stayed at a hotel
with my boyfriend and his friends.. and danced at a nightclub for the second time.
- Willys opened up right next to my house
- Me and my mum set the record for biggest amount of home-made christmas candy.
- I worked for the first time. As a nightlife photographer, taking pictures of drunk people.
- It snowed on Christmas Eve, and I tried to drink the most disgusting beer I've ever tasted. It tasted like burnt bread.
- I got too drunk for my own good on New Years, but thankfully.. I had people who could take me home safetly.
Media Highlights of the year aka. stuff that came out or that I just started watching now and really loved
- Kansas
- Supernatural
- Attack on Titan
- How to train your dragon 2
- Interstellar
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Orange is the new Black
- Gravity
- Halo 4 and 2
- Burnout Paradise
- GTA 5
- and some other stuff...
Onwards to 2015