A new dream
I should start a dream archive.. and so I have.
Anyways.. This time it jumped a lot.. at one time Me and Rebecca was at this huge festival-type-thingie with huge arenas and stuff all around the place. There were only teens or young adults there and I don't know what the event was at all. Anyways, we were looking around for my boyfriend Marcus because... of something. And Rebecca kept pointing out guys that weren't him and saying "oh there he is" and then we got closer and noticed that nope.. that wasn't him.
When we do finally find him he says he has to show us a video that he's in, made by him and some of his friends because "he totally kicked the shit out of a guy in it". This is odd, because it's completely out of character for how Marcus actually is in real life xDD It was really weird to see..
Another part of the dream was that I had been walking in the woods and when I finally get out I find myself in a town that I don't recognize. A guy in a truck pulls up next to me (I'm angry and stubborn and really bitchy for some reason) and he tells me that I've ended up in Gothenburg, which is far as hell away from me if you're going to walk there... And offers to take me home the next day. I'm struggling because I find him creepy and don't really want his help but realize that I can't come home on my own.
The day I spent there was me, rebelling againt him by hanging around at an outdoor party with strangers and flirting up a girl to have sex with me on the top of a car. She hadn't done it with a girl before but apparently I had so I had to lead her through it.
I also got a tattoo from the guy that was going to help me and then it turns out that he's actually an old schoolmate of mine named Sam.. he was disguised..
Yep.. that was my dream..

Possibly new favourite film: How to train your dragon 2

You know, I was kind of nervous when I went to see Httyd2, because I had been looking forward to it ever since the news about them making it came out. And the more I saw of it, all the trailers and what not, the more excited I got because it looked amazing.
And I wasn't dissapointed! The movie was everything I'd hoped for and more! I sat through it with awe written all over my face and I had to remind myself not to let my jaw drop so that I wouldn't sit there looking like an idiot.
The story was amazing, the pace was brilliant because it felt longer than it actually was, the visuals freaking stunning! I haven't been this impressed by a animated movie since I first watched Rise of the Guardians. And guess what, I think this one surpassed it. I will still defend Rotg with my life because I thought it was amazing, but I have to admit that the sequel to the impressive film about a boy and his dragon was better.
I've always been impressed by animation and I've always loved watching animated movies, but I've also been disappointed that animation studios didn't do more with it. That they seem to be stuck in the "animation is for kids"-mindset. Save for Tim Burton and Laika of course.. But Httyd2 WENT THERE.. They dared take animation to the next level and they dared use the darker themes again and for that I was so glad! There were parts in this film that I was scared for my life because of how they used the visuals, and the music to tell a story and that's something I don't often see and it amazes me every time.
Speaking of music.. HOLY CRAP THE SOUNDTRACK! You could tell that something incredible was going to happen only by listening to the music itself. If I would've listened to the soundtrack before watching the movie I would be so excited for it. But watching it together with the scenes.. Jesus! Major Kudos to John Powell! I absolutely loved the fact that they mashed the original soundtrack into the new ones was amazing and he did an incredible work with it. I also loved the use of choirs!
Sure, it had it's cliché moments, and it kept referencing to the first movie and that got a little annoying to me. One time, sure that would've been fun, but it just kept on doing it and I could've been without that. But the amazingness of the rest of it was enough for me to ignore that part!
Overall, I can't wait to see it again! 10/10