A dream but quite a lovely one in a way
I just dreamt that Jack Frost punched the shit out of Hans from Frozen for killing Merida while his head was sticking up from the ceiling window in a small car and it was glorious.
It was quite an odd setting, steampunky in a way although not entirely but the technology was and they had cars although they were all dressed like they were when they had those fancy dresses with the little umbrellas and hats? Jack and Merida was on some sort of journey I think they were crimesolvers in a way and there was a third party with them all the time but i changed. When they met Hans they were with a woman, Jack was skeptical of bringing him along but since both Merida and third party seemed to trust him, or trust that they'd be able to handle it if he turned on them, he lets it go. Eventually though, he tries to screw them over and take their car by the use of some sort of spray that would both hurt like hell and knock you out for a minute or two. Luckily he only manages to ge Merida so Jack and the third party stops him and distracts him enough to take the spray and when Merida comes she takes the keys from him and that's when he stabbed her enough to kill her.
Jack of course gets furious enough that he first sprays the shit out of him then they lock him in the car until he wakes up and when he does he tries to excuse all of his actions and begging them to get him out and that's when Jack opens the window in the ceiling of the car enough for him to look out and punches the shit out of him. It was quite nice.
Oh another thing. Jack and Merida were kind of superstitious that believed in a second world after death and since they had a dangerous job they used to tell each other that they would give the other a hint before they moved on when they died. Like a little nudge to know that they were there.
So naturally I think that Merida would stick around and Jack would be the only one that could still hear her talk so he keeps on with his buissness and everyone think he works alone when actually Merida is there with him and talking to him all the time. So sometimes he talks to himself out loud but people have learned to take it as part of his charm. Idk, I quite liked this little universe, I might have to use it sometime.