Hard music quiz
- 1: A song you like with a color in the title
Old brown shoes - The Beatles.
- 2: A song you like with a number in the title
40' - Franz Ferdinand
- 3: A song that reminds you of summertime
In the summertime - Mungo Jerry
- 4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
I don't think I have a song like that (I've never rather forget someone).. but we have someone I've been trying to break things up with and then it'd probably have to be... Tommy-Gun - Royal Republic
- 5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
That's practically all songs... but ehm... Unsustainable - Muse
- 6: A song that makes you want to dance
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
- 7: A song to drive to
Any song... xD
- 8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Milk and Alcohol - Dr. Feelgood
- 9: A song that makes you happy
These are so hard.. because all songs that I like makes me happy...
- 10: A song that makes you sad
Nearly no one... but let's go with the soundtrack to Black Beauty
- 11: A song that you never get tired of
Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles
- 12: A song from your preteen years
Don't wanna let you go - Five
- 13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Gosh.. eh... Say say say - Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson? That's from the 80s right?
- 14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Ehm... Mr. Lonely - Bobby Vinton because of the Irony? Idk xD
- 15: A song that is a cover by another artist
Feeling Good - Muse
- 16: One of your favorite classical songs
Domine Jesu - Mozart's Requiem
- 17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
I'm realizing now that I don't listen to a lot of duets... the only ones I can think of are from musicals.. so.. I suppose Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge
- 18: A song from the year that you were born
I'd do anything for love - Meatloaf (That's fun!)
Also.. Can you feel the love tonight - Elton John but I personally don't like that song xD
- 19: A song that makes you think about life
I.. don't know... A little piece of heaven - Avenged Sevenfold?
- 20: A song that has many meanings to you
Songs... don't have many meanings to me..
- 21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Valleri - The Monkees (Yeah.. that's right... some of you thought I would take a Beatles song, didn't you?? <.<...)
- 22: A song that moves you forward
Any song that I like.. so ... Survival - Muse ?
- 23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
I want you (She's so heavy) - The Beatles
- 24: A song by a band you wish were still together
I Me Mine - The Beatles
- 25: A song by an artist no longer living
How do you sleep - John Lennon (Surprisingly a good song even if it has kind of a mean meaning)
- 26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Eh... Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney (Idk.... xD)
- 27: A song that breaks your heart
A day in the life - The Beatles oooooorr..... Here Today - Paul McCartney
- 28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Soaked - Muse
- 29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Oh they're so many... The Ballad of Chasey Lain - Bloodhound Gang
- 30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Eh... I'm only sleeping - The Beatles.. xD

Weird sexual nightmare
Okay, it's 4 am so I'm gonna go back to sleep but I just gotta tell you about this very odd and sexual nightmare I just had.
It's about me, I meet a guy somewhere but I'm not sure where and I get his number, I know exactly who he is, some sort of celebrity but I don't recall who at the moment. And he has a friend a very nice girl with a kind of hippie/cool girl attitude and very sexual woman. Then another guy who's very nice as well and then another dude who was also famous but didn't seem to like me.
Anyways, I'm at their place, I'm drinking and starting to trust this guy that I'm with. i like him a lot and while it was neither of our ideas I decided to lose my virginity to him because why not. (I wasn't drunk). The whole scene was very detailed in my dream, by the way. (though still not a wet dream) Most things was. Anyway, the next day I'm talking to the girl a bit, she figured out that I had sex with him and she's very excited about it. Then I talk to that nice guy friend and he has the same attitude. I remember mentioning to the guy, when talking about why I decided to lose it to a guy I barely know, that "I had been a virgin for a long time and that I was very horny as a kid so, fuck it. "
Anyways, later on I get home, I keep the whole "losing my virginity" as a secret to my family. The only one who even knows about the guy and how I met him is Lii, my older sister and she's kind of teasing me for it. She doesn't know I "gave in" or whatever though. My dad, however, didn't know anything about it but his attitude throughout the dream is very "your first time should be with someone you know and like" so automatically I feel bad and I'm very nervous throughout the dream.
The guy keeps texting me and stuff and at one point he gets busted with wanting to sleep with me partly to get some media of their back, how that worked, I don't know. I don't feel fully betrayed though (only a bit, but mostly I just want to trust him) but I'm nervous that my dad with see it that way and Lii does, I think. Anyways, after this my sister finds out and she helps me trying to keep it from my dad, at least for a while because later she totally sells me out by connecting his and mine phone so that all the texts I get, he also gets. (I don't know how that worked, although I know that my sister only sold me out because she knew I needed dads help).
Anyways it ends with a scene where I'm at the comp and my dad is sitting near me, I'm trying to find something online, I get a text message that I know I thought was a rather nice one but dad thought that "no, you can't trust this guy" and then I start shaking like crazy. I thought that it was something I took or did bur I went to my father and hugged him and when I tell him what's going on he tells me to take a painkiller and it'll pass. I say that I don't dare to and that I want to go to a hospital and he answers that they're only gonna give you a painkiller anyways and that's when I woke up.
I've mentioned to a friend att one point that I have a lot of sexdreams but that none of them are wet ones. Here's an example of that. This one actually really felt like a nightmare but a very odd one..
I think the nightmare part comes with the fact that it felt extremely real. Like I could feel anything and was experiencing it all.
So, in conclusion. I might still be a virgin but now I bloody know what it feels like and no one can tell me otherwise!
(Oh! I just remembered who the celebrity was that I slept with! Robert Pattison! xDD)
Some say that dreams give us secret messages and some say that a dream is like a summary of things we've gone through throughout the day or week or whatever.
Either way, I really can't figure out what kind of message this is supposed to give me or when the hell I talked, read or thought or anything about any of this in the past couple of days.. D:

Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action

I don't understand how I could miss that one of my favourite bands had a new album. But I was casually listening to spotify one day and then all of the sudden a commercial came on playing a song I've never heard but I recognized the singer and the style so much and I got so surprised that I rushed to their site to listen to the entire album.
The album I'm speaking of is of course Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action by Franz Ferdinand. I fell in love with the album at the first song and loved it all the way through. The only song I didn't particulary love but thought was ok was Bullet but the rest of the songs were golden! Two favourites being Evil Eye and Goodbye Lovers and Friends and I have them on repeat as much as possible! x)
I love it when you know that you can trust a band to make music you like.. even if they change their style a little like Muse did with The 2nd Law, I still know that I will love it, and I did!

Because these are fun!
- Favorites:
- 1. Favorite Band:
The Beatles and Muse - 2. Favorite Song: Eh...Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles
- 3. Favorite Album: Any Muse album or... Rubber Soul by the Beatles.. xD I can't possibly decide! D:
- 4. Favorite Era: Over all or in a specific band? Because over all... probably the 60s.. because of the psychedelia and all that... within The Beatles it's the Sgt. Pepper/Magical Mystery Tour era x) Because of their style and the music they made.
- 5. Favorite Guitarist: Matthew Bellamy
- 6. Favorite Bassist: Paul McCartney
- 7. Favorite Singer: Matthew Bellamy xD But I love John Lennon too.
- 8. Favorite Drummer: The Rev probably, but I do like to watch Ringo play, he has a kind of special way of doing it.
- 9. Favorite Genre: Hmm.. Psychedelic Rock probably.. but then again not.. I don't really know.. it's so spread out for me D:
- 10. Favorite Member: Of?..Well.. Muse: Matthew Bellamy.. The Beatles: John Lennon
- Would You Rather:
- 11. Would you rather write poetry with Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison? Bob Dylan
- 12. Would you rather write a song with Pete Townshend or Jack White? Pete Townshend
- 13. Would you rather jam out with Keith Richards or Joan Jett? Keith Richards
- 14. Would you rather party with Janis Joplin or Keith Moon? Janis Joplin
- 15. Would you rather marry Alex Turner or Ezra Koenig? Alex Turner
- 16. Would you rather date Debbie Harry or St. Vincent? St. Vincent, I barely know these two though xD Had to google them.
- 17. Would you rather die with Kurt Cobain or John Lennon? John Lennon, though I'd rather stay alive with him xD
- 18. Would you rather dress like David Bowie or Syd Barrett? David Bowie
- 19. Would you rather dance with Ian Curtis or Mick Jagger? Mick Jagger xD
- 20. Would you rather protest with Joan Baez or Roger Waters? Roger Waters
- Opinions:
- 21. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? The Beatles, obviously ;)
- 22. Is music "good" nowadays? Some music are, popular music aren't..there's lot of the same thing
- 23. Should bands break up over band members deaths? No.. I don't think they have to.. I mean a lot of bands has managed good with a new member. But if it was someone like The Beatles I don't think it would work.
- 24. George Harrison or Eric Clapton? George Harrison, I don't really like Eric Clapton xD
- 25. Thoughts on Feminism in rock? I.. don't know? xD
- 26. is school as bad as Roger Waters makes it out to be or is it as necessary as Paul Mccartney says it is? Somewhere in between xD I think it's necessary but I think that the school system is doing it wrong.. we lose a lot of creativity and such while going in school and that's never good but it's also necessary to know how to read and write, for example.
- 27. Thoughts on Yoko Ono? She's alright.. I like some of her art and I like some of her opinions.. but I can understand why the people in the band thought she was annoying xD I don't think she broke them up though.. I think they were already bound to break up.
- 28. Do you believe there should be an age limit to bands? No, why should there be?
- 29. Is musical fanaticism simply a fad for teenagers? No?
- 30. Best modern band: Muse
- Have You Ever:
- 31. Have you ever cried over a band? No.. but I've cried watching a documentary of John Lennon's death xD
- 32. Have you ever screamed over a band? I've screamed at a concert
- 33. Have you ever kissed a poster of CD? CD, yes x)
- 34. Have you ever spent too much time fantasizing over a band (or being in a band)? No, not too much, never too much
- 35. Have you ever bought overpriced merchandise? I'm actually kind of cheap xDD I think the most expensive Merchandise I've bought was a handmade replica of Paul's Bass for 300kr. (around 30Euro)
- 36. Have you ever tried dressing like a band member? Somewhat, for school.
- 37. Have you ever legitimately fallen in love with a band member? Yes x) And a dead one at that.
- 38. Have you ever considered becoming a groupie? Never :o I only dream about getting to know band members xD
- 39. Have you ever met a band member? No, unfortunately D: Unless you count those I know who are in a band xD
- 40. Have you ever annoyed anyone over your music obsessiveness? The thing is.. that I don't talk much about it unless I know that the person I talk to is interested in listening. So.. I don't think so.
- Would You Ever:
- 41. Would you ever follow a band? On a tour, yes
- 42. Would you ever become a Groupie? No, don't think so.
- 43. Would you ever drop acid with Syd Barrett (and risk schizophrenia)? No I would never take drugs
- 44. Would you ever smoke a joint with Bob Dylan? No
- 45. Would you ever marry Mick Jagger (he's slept with 4,000+ women and I don't think he'll stop for a marriage)? Nah, I have no feelings for Mick Jagger xD
- 46. Would you ever crowd surf (to get closer to the band in a violent crowd)? Haha, Idk.. it seems like fun.. but.. don't think I trust other people that much :o
- 47. Would you ever time travel (with risk of getting lost in space) to meet your favorite band? Hmm...I don't know...I would love to time travel to meet a band but not if it's risky.
- 48. Would you ever strive to become a rockstar? Musician, yeah maybe.
- 49. Would you ever break up with Alex Turner? I don't think he's my type so yeah? xD
- 50. Would you ever collaborate with One Direction (for a mountain of money)? No, I wouldn't.. I don't think they have anything to give me.
- Who's Cuter:
- 51. Paul McCartney or Keith Moon? Paul McCartney
- 52. John Lennon or George Harrison? John Lennon
- 53. Alex Turner or Joshua Hayward? Alex Turner
- 54. Grace Slick or Joan Baez? Grace Slick
- 55. St. Vincent or Debbie Harry? St. Vincent
- 56. Kurt Cobain or Dave Grohl? Dave Grohl
- 57. Damon Albarn or Liam Gallagher? Liam Gallagher
- 58. Courtney Love or Madonna? Madonna
- 59. Jimmy Page or Robert Plant? Jimmy Page
- 60. David Bowie or Keith Richards? David Bowie
- Who's Better:
- 61. Lennon/McCartney or Jagger/Richards? Lennon/McCartney all the way!
- 62. Keith Moon or John Bonham? John Bonham
- 63. Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton? Jimi Hendrix
- 64. Donovan or Bob Dylan? I personally love Donovan..though I suppose Bob Dylan is better... but I'm gonna go with Donovan anyways.
- 65. Debbie Harry or Madonna? I haven't heard Debbie Harry.. so Madonna
- 66. Michael Jackson or Queen? Queen..
- 67. Hole or Nirvana? Never heard Hole so Nirvana
- 68. The Horrors or Arctic Monkeys? Arctic Monkeys
- 69. Buddy Holly or Chuck Berry? Chuck Berry
- 70. The Ramones or Sex Pistols? The Ramones.. I think.. xD I think they're quite equal but I think I like The Ramones a bit more.