Challenge for my readers! Brought to you by Tumblr!

Tomska's "Meanwhile"

Meringues and Lost Psychedelic Albums

So, We're celebrating my brother's second birthday tomorrow (today, it's past midnight) and instead of buying, we made our own meringues. Those in the picture are completely made by mum's substence and my skilled hand ;) Also, Gotta say that they are delicious!



Cuddly Cat!

I'm just casually sitting here, minding my own business and Ms. Claws of needles jumps up in my lap. She's also feeling very cuddly, forcing me to lay a pillow to cover my thighs so she won't torture them.


Thenewno2 - Another John Doe

I Monster - The Blue Wrath

I Monster - Daydream In Blue

Music thingy for boring days!

Ph: The lovely I Monster, Picture from Google obviously!
1. I Monster
2. The Beatles
3. Thenewno2
4. Muse
5. The Rolling Stones
6. Queens of the stone age
7. Arctic Monkeys
8. Elbow
9. AC/DC
10. The Beach Boys
What was the first song that you heard by 6?
Go with the flow, actually. But the first one I noticed by them was No one knows.
What is your favorite song by 8?
The Bones of you, atm, but it changes all the time.
What impact has 1 left on your life?
Well, they got me into that kind of music. Like the more mixed up and mysterious kind. I love their music so much! And "The Blue Wrath" is in one of my favourite movies "Shaun of the dead"
What are your favorite lyrics by 4?
"Don't waste your time or time will waste you" and "How can we win when fools can be kings" from the same song Knights of cydonia
How many times have you seen 5 live?
None, but they still tour don't they?
Favorite song by 7?
Hmmm.... Pretty Visitors atm, I think.
Song by 3 that makes you sad?
No one actually, they don't seem like a sad band, just a bit mysterious and spaced out.
Favorite song by 9?
I feel safe in New York-city.
When did you first get into 2?
After I re-watched Yellow Submarine by the beginning of this year. It was a childhood favourite of mine, but I didn't know how much I actually liked their music!
Favorite song by 4?
Wow, that's hard, I like all of their songs! But I think I've counted "Recess" as my favourite for quite some time now.
How many times have you seen 10 live?
None, but it'd be fun to see them xD Do they still tour? I think Songkick said they do.
What is a good memory involving 6?
Being on Imvu and having their song Never say Never on a playlist. Hearing everyone go "Noo not bieber!" when it came on. They were all pleasently surprised to know that it had nothing to do with Bieber x)
Song by 2 that makes you sad?
I don't really know, I never have that reaction toward songs. But they do have some sad songs though. But Idk, all the sad songs that I like just makes me happy because they're so good!
Favorite song by 1?
Daydream in blue and Who is she?

For anyone interested, here's a story I've written in school! x)
I've always had this feeling. This feeling that there's someone, somewhere with a register over everything I do. Someone who can read every thought I have, watch every move I make and listen to every word I say. A complete view over my personal life.
I don't believe in god. No, I don't think it's him (or her). I'm not a superstitious person, I don't believe that there's a higher supernatural power who created something as complicated as this world with just a snap of his fingers, or however their evolution story goes.
No, I think the society is to blame. I have gotten this feeling that somewhere in this world there's a headquarter, specified in people's business. They analyze people's moves, what they watch, how they walk and talk, what they eat, what kind of people they meet..
I heard about the situation in the united states, where they can choose to intercept a call between two people if they suspect one of them to be a terrorist or worse. I'm almost certain that there's people with this power who abuse it for their own entertainment. And I refuse to believe that intercepting a call is the only thing they can do.
As I turn on the stove, listening to the humming noise of the old gas cartridges slowly putting themselves to work, I turn my gaze to the ceiling and i let my eyes seek after anything suspicious. A discoloured dot in the ceiling could easily be a hidden camera sending footage to the headquarters. I couldn't find any suspicious dots, only cracks and trails of water damage spreading all the way down to the floor. The cracks were new and unless they broke into my flat whenever I was asleep or away, there couldn't be any cameras there. Although, there's always a possibility for everything.
"I know you're watching me!" I shouted, my gaze almost drilling a hole into the ceiling. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing. And it's sick! Sick, I tell you!"
The stabbing smell of gas reached up to my nostrills causing me to lose track on my thoughts. I realized that the stove must've been leaking for a while because it didn't take long for me to feel the dizziness filling my head. The next moment, I was laying down on the floor. On the side with my gaze on the stove as it got more and more blurry. Damn, I should've gotten it fixed ages ago.
It was completely black.. I could hear worried voices filling the space around me, but I couldn't make out any words. I could feel movement telling me that they were taking me somewhere. I could feel soft cotton covers covering my body and I could smell the scent of new washed cloths. The smell almost stung in my nose. I haven't smelled or felt anything like this in years and it was almost overwhelming feeling it all at once. I wanted to touch it. I wanted to feel how soft it actually was. But when I tried to reach out, something stopped me. I couldn't move.
I tried to open my eyes, to look around, to get a view of what's going on, but they wouldn't open.
They've got me, I thought. They knew I was onto them so they poisoned me and took me away. Took me here. And now they must get rid the witness.
They stopped, I was where they wanted me. People started moving faster around me, covering me with pumps and masks. What were they planning to do to me? Kill me slowly? Gas me to death?
One of the voices started talking and the movement around me stopped. The soft cover was lifted and replaced with cold and stiff plastic. The cold air hit me, making me realize that I was naked. And in the next moment, I could feel ice cold steel being placed right underneath the end of my exposed ribcage. I didn't have time to panic before the horrible pain spread through me and filled my entire body. The steel was drawn over my stomach, leaving a fresh open wound behind. I wanted to scream! I wanted to tell them to stop! Yell at them that killing me wasn't going to help!
A warm red liquid traced down the outline of my ribs and I started to feel dizzy again.
I have to get out of here, i thought. I just have to get up and I can get out of here before they cut me up completely. Right after I finished that thought, I felt it. Another cut, deeper down than before. Inside of me. Another shot of pain filled me up. Once again the dizziness and darkness rushed over me as the last drop of blood ran out of the open cut in my aorta and my heart stopped beating.

Back in black
I've spent a lot of time on the swedish blog lately, and totally neglected this one. I'm so sorry, I do miss using this one I do! It's much more fun writing in english, everything sounds so sappy in swedish. I'll try to be more active here, I will. Cus I do really enjoy it on here!
A place that I never neglect though is tumblr, so if you wanna follow all of my fangirling glory go here: