Mark David Chapman
Their motivation for denying his release went like this:
"The panel notes your prison record of good conduct, program achievements, educational accomplishments, positive presentation remorse, risk and needs assessment, letters of support, significant opposition to your release and all other statutory factors were considered.”
“However, parole shall not be granted for good conduct and program completions alone. Therefore, despite your positive efforts while incarcerated, your release at this time would greatly undermine respect for the law and tend to trivialize the tragic loss of life which you caused as a result of this heinous, unprovoked, violent, cold and calculated crime.”
It's like they're saying "You've improved greatly, done a lot right since the last time - but fuck you, you killed John Lennon!"
However, Iike people before me have said, it's probably for his benefit that he gets to stay in prison. I'll imagine it to be a whole lot of people who want him dead if they release him!
Swedish Blog
Well I've gotten a swedish blog!
Why? Idk I just felt like it, and you can earn some money from it aswell and that seems like a nice thing!
You can find it here:
Alice fucking Cooper
I totally forgot to mention, that I saw Alice Cooper live the other day! How could I forget to put this fact up on here? I put it up on Tumblr and on Facebook but totally neglected my own blog. I'm sorry.
Anyways, of course it was awesome, I mean, who are kidding? It's Alice fucking Cooper, He's a rock legend! It's obvious it's going to be great! And it was!
He put on a real show! He had a frankenstein on stage, his snake around his neck, big balloons flying out over the audience and he even cut his own head off! It was great, just great..
Me and my mate Felix actually had a pretty damn good view too, cus we were superclose! Not directly in front of the stage, but pretty damn close nontheless! And at the end of School's out, he even threw in a couple of lines from Pink Floyd's famous song Another brick in the wall that we got to sing a long to.
It was splendid, marvelous, epic, just fucking fantastic!
So here are some photos! Cheers!
PICTURE SPAM! Whether you like it or not...
Here you go. A Shitload of photographs taken by me, of Pia's horses. If I remember correctly (which I'm not sure I do) the brown one is Vippan (can't remember her full name, but Vippan is her nickname) and the other one is Tor. Eh.. possibly, I think she had one called Tor, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the little one (who's currently not at home because he's gotten his balls cut off and needs to recover).
You know what? I'm not ashamed to say that I still do enjoy hanging out on a horse-community called (the english version is called, in which, however, I have an account aswell!).
It's gives me a reason to use my camera, work with graphics and I happen to like horses, a lot actually.
I grew up with the interest, and they're beautiful creatures, why the hell shouldn't I like them?
And horseback riding is the only sport I really enjoy and actually quite miss. It's fun as fuck, so why the hell not!
When I went to a riding school I was in a group with only adults and even though it didn't bother me, I wasn't well pleased with that. Now, looking back on it, I would so much rather be in a group with just adults than in a group with teenage girls.
Stablegirls are quite gossipy, and not always that nice. At least not those I've met throughout my stable days. Apparently not the ones my mum met either, throughout hers..
Oh well.. as a tribute to the fact that I've started to use again, I will put up some pictures I've taken recently of Pia's horses.
At The Cinema: Batman: The Dark Knight Rises
Ph: Once again, this is obviously nothing I've done. It's from the oh so helpful Google
The day is thursday, thorsday (or torsdag in swedish), and me and my mates Felix and Lisa are going to the cinema. To watch what? You ask. Batman, ofc. Lisa has been generous for buying the tickets for us, and we've loaded up with sweets and beverage for the show.
Quite honestly, I didn't have any expectations for this movie. I am originally not a Batman fan, and I think it was a good thing that I'm not. It made the experience of watching The Dark Knight Rises so much more awesome.
Because that's what it was. It was an awesome movie! I might even call it epic! And, in my opinion, it was soo much better than the previous movie (even though the joker was still splendid). I was afraid of it being a bit slow, like a thought the previous one was, but it wasn't at all. It was even a bit sad!
I really loved this movie, though I might not rewatch it in a long time, however it was awesome, it was also very long.
And I keep experience stuff that's never happened to me before. This time, it was the fact that the power went off in the middle of the movie, leaving us in the dark for a while. Most people started taking out their phones to play with and one guy even brought up the suggestion of playing cards. When they got the movie running again we gave them some applause!
And what do you know, when we leave the cinema, it's thundering outside.. Tha fuck?