The master of Timing

So yea.. today while I was happily playing Flogging Molly-What's left on the flag on the guitar a screaming pain shot through my left hand and I had to stop playing. Later on I went to the school nurse, seemed my hand was stale. I now have to let it rest for a while and eat Ipren apparently. If it were any other time I wouldn't mind so much about not being able to use my left hand seeing that I'm righthanded. But I have a music test tomorrow where I have to show of my skills on the guitar, so yes I am slighty bothered about how I'm about to pull that off.
So my tip to you folks, if you are to bust your wrist/hand, don't do it at a time when you know you need it. Alright? Cheers!

Hey! I'm not all about The Beatles
And to prove this, I just have to put up a rather new song by Arctic Monkeys that I've grown to adore!

Art & The Beatles

Ph: Boxart by Maria Bajt
Actually had a rather good day today. Ate at subway with my dear mate Rebecca, sang Mozart Requiem, went to an artshow and bough two Beatles-books. Memories of John Lennon and a sketchbok with cover of Help! on the cover (Heh it's a cover on the cover).
The picture above is a boxart made by one of the artists at the artshow, Maria Bajt. This one in particular caught my interest the most. It actually put a big smile on my face when I saw it! And since we've gotten the opportunity to work with boxart in my artclass, this definately gave me some insperation!
On my way home I got to talk to my artteacher a little more. I'm usually rather quiet in class since I'm the only one from my school.
He seemed surprised over the fact that I enjoy The Beatles and 50's rock music when I'm at the same time so interested in the grotesque and dark artform. I explained to him exactly why I personally thought that The Beatles fit well into that category aswell. In the end he agreed. I also declared my love for Klaus Voorman's art.
While I was waiting for my bus in town I took the opportunity to check out a new bookstore (who has taken the place after the best musicstore we had, unfortunately). And I thought I'd try to look for some beatles-biographies or, if I got lucky, maybe find John Lennon: In his own write. I didn't find either, though I did find a book about Lennon published by Yoko Ono. It contained a collection of various people's memories of him and I figured it could be a good read. Though I'm not too keen about the fact that it's translated to swedish. Because I lose the ability to read the book in an english accent. Which equals less fun reading it.
I also found a sketchbok that I've seen before in another bookstore in town, though it was much cheaper here so I decided to get it while I could. As I said before, It got the cover of the album Help! on the front, and it looks neat! I'm currently filling the first white page with sketches. but I actually plan on working a little more on these drawing than I've done before, and actually fill up the entire page.

Good Ole' Swedish Comedy
Well, I don't even know who's reading these stuff, but for some reason I decided that this blog should be written in english. So if there are any readers that happen to be foreigners I am terribly sorry to say that you won't be able to understand this video that I'm about to upload. Considering it's in swedish.
This guy though, or rather this video, is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Which is why I'm uploading it. Maybe you'll all get a sense about my type of humour xD Don't be too alarmed, though. I promise you I'm not crazy or insane. I just like it raw :)

Problem solving
So what do you do when your pen stops working in the middle of the class and you need those damn notes? Also considering you didn't bring another pen Cus you thought one was enough...

Poor finger
I've hurt my finger.
It feels like there's something floating around inside poking me whenever I so much as lay a gentle touch on it..
Sort of like a splinter, but there's nothing there.
I wonder if I'll be able to play tomorrow, we will see...

Rebecca refuses to follow my blog, even though she's the reason I got one again... Shame on her.

Spent the yesterday with a dear mate of mine, pizza and a walk around half my hometown! I felt dead and exhausted in the end.
A day well spent, I say. :)

Favourite Beatles-Film
(And By Beatles-film I mean about the beatles, not by the beatles)

Why this is my favourite?
Well first of all it's very funny.
It shows some of the stories told by the beatles themselves
like for example making a bet with Rory and the Hurricanes about who could break the stage,
and dressing up for a number (They did this in Backbeat aswell, although it was just Lennon wearing a skirt).
One they did not show though, but rather made their own version of (They lit the place they stayed in on fire instead), was Paul McCartney and Pete Best lighting a condom on fire and then ending up spending a few days in german jail until getting deported.
Although I guess I can't be too dissapointed about that since none of the beatles movies I've seen has shown that story.
Another thing I liked was Rob Culbertson, who plays Paul McCartney. Why? Because he was the first Paul I've ever thought was fit to play Paul. In most beatles films I've kind of liked the guy who played Lennon (Except in John Lennon: In his life. But that movie just sucked all over) but I've never liked the guy who played McCartney. In this movie though, I did! And as a bonus, I liked the rest of the cast aswell (Even though the guy who played John looked a little too old)! I think the cast did a great job of acting like the real deal, in movements and personality. And the cover band who did the songs for the movie was great aswell! Rain I think their name is. ¨
There was also many more moments including Paul and John and their friendship in this movie, in comparison to other beatles movies where paul has been more of a side character. Though Nowhere Boy probably has the most moving McLennon moment, this had some great ones aswell!
All together, The Birth of the Beatles is one of those films I just find cosy to watch and that I wouldn't mind watching over and over again (Something I already have). Funny fact too: The Original Beatles apparently didn't want this film to be released at all, shame I think, and I'm glad they did it anyways!

My Frustration
Even though I do not care much about Glee anymore,

it still bugs me whenever the livestream stops working
in the middle (or in this case the beginning) of the episode
and then never works again.
So not only am I angry at Demi for almost running my idol over,
but now I also have to piss about the fact that I only got a sneakpeak
of todays episode of Glee. And adding to that, I can't figure out how to
add the Bloglovin gadget to my blog, simply because my design is special..

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

DL does a "Hit and run"... almost.
So, Demi Lovato wrote on twitter yesteday that she almost
ran over Sir Paul McCartney when she was parking her car.
Way to go Demi!...

Just so all of you have something to do while I piss about all the things I can't yet do with the new design. Here's a video of a good bugger.
